Notions of Interpreting Interpreting

simultaneous interpreting. While the simultaneous interpreter is working in a soundproof booth, the whispered interpreter is “sitting behind a participant at a meeting and simultaneously interpreting … only for that person” Nolan, 2005: 4. d Sight Translation According to Gile in Schäffner, 2004: 11, in this mode, the ST is written and the TT is spoken. The interpreter reads the written text first and then translates it into spoken text. In addition, according to Pöchhacker 2004: 19, this mode is a variant of „simultaneous interpreting’ and if it is immediately practiced in real time it should be called „sight interpreting’. 2 Types of Interpreting in Terms of „Setting’ According to the setting, interpreting can be classified into six types as follows. a Community Interpreting According to Wadensjö in Baker and Saldanha, 2009: 43, community interpreting usually takes place in the public service environment, such as “police department, immigration departments, social welfare centres, medical and mental health offices, schools and similar institutions, ” in which the interpreter acts as the facilitator between officials and lay people. b Conference Interpreting According to Gile in Schäffner, 2004: 11, the work environment of this form is “mostly at meetings organised by international organisations, by large industrial corporations, by government bodies at a high level and for radio and television.” It is mostly conducted in formal situations and it is considered to be the most prestigious form of interpreting. Therefore, the interpreter is demanded to have a high-quality performance in using both consecutive interpreting CI and simultaneous interpreting SI al-Zahran, 2007: 19. c Court Interpreting According to Gile in Schäffner, 2004: 11, the work environment of court interpreting is “essentially at court proceedings.” However, it is not always used in courtrooms, but it can also be used in “law offices or enforcement agencies, prisons, police departments, barrister s’ chambers or any other agencies to do with the judiciary ” Mikkelson 2000: 1; Gamal 2001: 53; al-Zahran, 2007: 19. d Escort Interpreting According to Mikkelson cited by al-Zahran, 2007: 20, escort interpreting is usually occurring “during on-site visits made by official figures, business executives, investors, etc. ” and the interpreter may deal with either formal or informal situations. “CI is mostly used in this type of interpreting and is usually limited to several sentences at one time ” Gonzalez et al. 1991: 28; al-Zahran, 2007: 20. e Media Interpreting According to Pöchhacker, 2004: 15, media interpreting refers to interpreting used in various broadcasts including television and radio and it is also called „broadcast interpreting’ and „television interpreting’. It demands the interpreter to have a good performance during the interpreting activity since it would be listened and watched by various audience. In addition, the interpreter should interpret quickly to save time and to keep the audience ’s attentions.