Additions Subtractions Techniques of Adjustment

in the target language. In the source language, English, a child for example twelve years old is not required to use any proper name for addressing another older child for example fourteen years old. In other hand, the use such proper name, „kak’, is obligatory in the target language. Since the function of the addition „kak’ in the TE is not as an additional meaning, the interpreting is considered accurate. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 50, the assessment score for this category, accurate, is 3 three. 2 Less Accurate Secondly, the translation or interpreting is considered less accurate if most of the content of the message in the source language is accurately conveyed to the target language but there are some meaning distortions, meaning additions, or meaning omissions Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 50. For example, the expression “I want to read the book you are reading now” is interpreted as “Aku mau membaca buku itu”, the back translation is “I want to read that book”. In this example, although the main message in the source expression SE is accurately transferred into the target expression TE, the adjective clause “that you are reading now” in the source expression SE is deleted in the target expression TE. Consequently, the content of message in the source expression SE is not completely transferred to the target expression TE and the interpreting is considered less accurate. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 50, the assessment score for this category, less accurate, is 2 two. 3 Inaccurate Lastly, translation or interpreting is categorized as inaccurate if the content of the message in the source language is inaccurately conveyed to the target language or is deleted Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono, 2012: 50. For example, the expression “I cannot meet your father” is interpreted as “Aku tidak mau menemui ayahmu ”, the back translation is “I don’t want to meet your father”. In this example, the negative modal verb “cannot” in the source expression SE is changed by the negative verb “tidak mau” “don’t want” in the target expression TE. Consequently, both source expression SE and target expression TE have different purposes in which the SE shows that the speaker has a problem or another activity that makes himher cannot meet, whereas the TE shows that the speaker intentionally rejects to meet. In this example, the interpreting is considered inaccurate. Furthermore, according to Nababan, Nuraeni, and Sumardiono 2012: 50, the assessment score for this category, inaccurate, is 1 one.

b. Expression Acceptability

In terms of expression acceptability, translation or interpreting is categorized into three categories: acceptable, less acceptable, and unacceptable. 1 Acceptable Firstly, translation or interpreting can be considered acceptable if the translation or interpreting sounds natural; the technical terms used by the translator or interpreter sound familiar to the readers or listeners; the phrase, clause, or sentence used by the translator or interpreter is in accordance with the