Translation and Interpreting Quality Assessment

what she has spoken, segment by segment, into Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, this interpreting activity in this seminar is classified as short consecutive interpreting.

a. The Speaker

The name of the speaker in this seminar is Barbara O’Neil, a qualified naturopath and nutritionist. She is the health director of the Misty Mountain Health Retreat, located in the Macleay Valley west of Kempsey. She is also an international speaker on natural self-healing.

b. The Interpreter

The name of the interpreter in this seminar is Dr. Reuben Supit, the CEOPresident at Bandar Lampung Adventist Hospital. He also has many skills and expertise in many fields such as wellness, healing, humanitarian assistance, capacity building, etc.

7. Related Studies

There are some other studies which are related to this research. Firstly, Isdiati Agustriani in 2011 wrote a thesis entitled A Translation Analysis of Exclamatory Sentences Based on the Techniques of Adjustment in the Novel of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows into Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian. The objectives of her research are: 1 to illustrate the adjustment techniques used by the translator to translate the exclamatory sentences in Harry Potter and the Death Hollows into Bahasa Indonesia; 2 to illustrate the purposes of using such techniques; and 3 to illustrate the effects of such techniques to the degree of accuracy and acceptability. Her research can be related to this current research in terms of analyzing the techniques of adjustment and their effects to the degree of accuracy and acceptability in translating English text into Bahasa Indonesia. However, this current research differs from her research in terms of the data sources, the research focus, and the translation types. The data sources of this current research are from Barbara O’Neills seminar topic entitled Rewiring the Brain which plays role as the source text and its Bahasa Indonesia Interpreting which plays role as the target text, while data sources of her research are from the Novel of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows as the source text and Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian as the target text. Then, the unit analysis in this current research involves all the sentences or bellows representing the adjustment techniques, whi le her research’s analysis focuses on the exclamatory sentences. Moreover, this current research analyzes interpreting, while her research analyzes written translation. Another related study is from Dyah Ayu Nila Khrisna who in 2008 wrote a master thesis entitled Kajian Penerjemahan Lisan Konsekutif dalam Kebaktian Kebangunan Roahani Bertajuk “Miracle Crusade - This Is Your Day”. The objectives of her research are: 1 to illustrate the process of interpreting in the Christian lecture entitled Miracle Crusade - This Is Your Day; 2 to describe the factors of the interpreting successfulness and unsuccessfulness in that lecture; 3 to show the translation strategies used by the interpreter; and 4 to explain the effects of such factors in the interpreting. Her research can be related to this current research in terms of applying written translation theories for analyzing interpreting. The theories include: translation techniques, translation accuracy and acceptability. Besides, both her research and this current research analyze the same interpreting type which is called „short consecutive interpreting’. However, her research analyzes various techniques proposed by various experts, while this current research only analyzes the techniques of adjustment proposed by Eugene Nida 1964: 226-238.

B. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this research is as follows.

1. Translation Definition

The translation definition used in this research is from Brislin 1976: 1 who defines translation as: the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language source to another target, whether the languages are in written or oral form; whether the languages have established orthographies or do not have such standardization; or whether one or both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the deaf. Here, it can be understood that what the translator or interpreter transfer are not mere words, phrases, or clauses, but also include thoughts and ideas of the writer or speaker. From this definition, it can also be said that translation covers not only written translation or translating, but also oral translation or interpreting and sign-language interpreting.

2. Translation Classification

The translation classification used in this research is from Gottlieb 2005: 3 who classifies translation into several types based on two main aspects. Firstly, based on semiotic identity or non-identity, translation is classified into: