Terms of Intimacy Types of Address Terms in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk and Their Translation in The Dancer

intimacy, there are also 7 data found that belong to occupational terms. From those 7 data, the translator translates occupational terms into occupational terms, titles, and pronouns. However, there are some terms that are omitted by the translator in the target language, called unrealized. Below are the examples with detail explanations SE: Maaf, Sersan, aku tak bisa menerangkannya sekarang. TE : I’m sorry, Sergeant, I can’t explain it right now. Datum 069OT-OTBOR4 The expression above presents a part of the dialogue between Rasus and Sersan Slamet at dusk in the middle of the forest. Rasus hated the health official because he thought that the health official had taken his mother from him. Then Rasus tried to revenge the health official by firing a stone that he imagined as the health official. Sersan is a soldier of middle rank. According to Oxford Dictionary, it is a rank of non-commissioned officer in the army or air force, above corporal and below staff sergeant. Sersan is categorized as occupational terms since the person that is addressed by the addresser has a job as a sersan sergeant. The word is used by Rasus to address Sersan Slamet. SE: Benar, Kep. TE: Yes, sir. Datum 151OT-TGEN3 The datum above is taken from the dialogue between Rasus and Kapten Mortir. It took place at commanders office in Eling-Eling. The dialogue happened because Rasus wanted to meet Srintil that was arrested in the prison in Eling-Eling. The word Kep is from Kapten. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, kapten is a rank of officer in the army below major and above lieutenant. It is categorized as occupational terms. It is used by Rasus to address Kapten Mortir that works as the commander in the prison in Eling-Eling. Meanwhile, the translator translates the word Kep into sir. Sir is categorized as titles since it is used as a formal and polite way of speaking to an older man that shows respect to the interlocutor. SE: Kopral tinggal di sini dan kuserahi tanggung jawab. TE: Youll stay here. Datum 068OT-PGEN3 The expression above is taken from the dialogue between Sersan Slamet and Kopral Pujo in one morning, in the headquarters. That day, food and other essentials had not yet arrived and the supplies were running short. Sersan Slamet decided to hunt in the forest for wild boar or deer with some men to accompany him. Based on the example above, the word Kopral is categorized as occupational terms since the interlocutor works as a kopral. Kopral is a rank of non-commissioned officer in the army, above lance corporal or private first class and below sergeant. In the target language, the translator translates it into you. The word you belongs to personal pronoun of the singular form in English.