Titles Terms of Intimacy

TL : Dont you understand we worked so hard to get Sulam drunk? The word aku refers to an informal form of the first person and refers to one person, while the word we refers to a formal or a familiar form of the first person pronoun that shows more than one person. It can be seen that the term that is translated into we is different pronoun. 2 No meaning occurs when one or some words are omitted so that the target language loses the information content of the source language. SL : Kalau benar tuturmu, Kang, kita akan tetap betah tinggal di pedukuhan ini. TL : If what you say is true, we’ll be able to enjoy living in this little hamlet again.

5. Synopsis of Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk

Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk is a trilogy of Ahmad Tohari ’s novel which is published first in 1982. The novel is the unity of trilogy Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Lintang Kemukus Dinihari, and Jentera Bianglala. It has been printed for twelve times in Bahasa Indonesia and has been translated into several languages such as English, Japanese, German, and Dutch. More than 50 people use this novel for their mini thesis and thesis. This novel is also adapted into a movie entitled Sang Penari in 2011. Moreover, the film then got ten nominations at Indonesian Film Festival 2011 and four Piala Citra. The story sets in the mid 1960s in a village named Dukuh Paruk. Srintil was an eleven years old girl that grew up in Dukuh Paruk with Mr. Sakarya and Mrs. Sakarya, her grandparents. Her parents were died when she was two years old. One day, Mr. Sakarya saw Srintil dancing and he was convinced that she was possessed by the ronggeng spirit. From that moment, Srintil was crowned as a new ronggeng, replaced the last ronggeng that was dead twelve years earlier. She underwent some steps to be a real ronggeng. People at Dukuh Paruk were really excited with the new ronggeng. Srintil, day by day, became famous and loved by people because of her beauty. Without realizing, Srintil really loved Rasus, a boy who also came from Dukuh Paruk. However, there was a great disaster in Dukuh Paruk. Srintil was arrested for two years. Unfortunately, the bigger disaster came to Srintil that made her insane.

6. Related Studies

Two earlier researches are used as references in carrying out this research. The first research was conducted by Heri Eka Yulyanal in 2008 entitled A Translation Analysis of Address Terms of Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Perburuan Realized into Willem Samuel’s The Fugitive. It focuses on three types of address terms. They are pronouns, kinships and titles. The researcher finds three translation techniques that are equalization, substitution and deletion. He also finds that address terms in the source text are mostly realized into the target text in non-equivalent meaning. This shows that the realization of address terms is also non-equivalent to