Omission Strategies Employed in Translating the Address Terms in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk

h. Generalization

Generalization is a strategy of replacing a word in the source language by a more general or more neutral word in the target language. There are 29 data which are considered using generalization strategy. Below are the examples. SE: Kalian, orang Dukuh Paruk. TE: You, people. Datum 020T-TGEN3 The datum above presents a part of the dialogue between Santayib and Paruk Villagers around noon at Santayibs house. There was a problem in which many people were dying because of tempeh bongkrek that were sold by Santayib and his wife. People came to Santayib’s house to ask for his responsibility in handling the problem. Based on the expression above, it is categorized as generalization strategy. The phrase orang Dukuh Paruk refers to people who stayed and lived in Paruk Village. Meanwhile, the word people refers to persons in general. It does not show the identity and the origin of the interlocutor. The translator translates it from the specific term into the general term. SE: Kalian harus mengiringi tarianku. TE: But you have to make the music to accompany me. Datum 009P-PGEN3 The datum above is taken from the dialogue between Srintil, Rasus, Warta, and Darsun. It happened on the stony ground beneath the jackfruit tree when the sunshine grew hazy in the western sky. Rasus, Warta, and Darsun were asked to make the music when Srintil was dancing as a ronggeng. The example above employs generalization strategy since the word kalian refers to more than two person. In this context, Srintil addresses kalian which refers to Rasus, Warta, and Darsun. Meanwhile, in the target language the translator translates it into you. The word you belongs to second personal pronoun of both singular and plural form. It has meaning kamu in singular form and kalian in plural form.

i. Literal Translation

Literal translation is a strategy that occurs when a word or a phrase in the source language is translated directly into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate target language. There are 31 data considered as literal translation strategy. Below are the examples with explanation. SE: Di mana kau dapat menemukan air? TE: Where are you going to get water? Datum 002P-PLIT4 The expression above presents a part of the dialogue between Darsun and Warta on the outskirts of the village one afternoon. Darsun, Warta, and Rasus were