Occupational Terms Types of Address Terms in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk and Their Translation in The Dancer

The datum above is categorized as adaptation strategy because the translator replaces the message in the source language with the same situation in the target language by using the closest expression. The word nyai refers to respectful term of address to an older woman. It is used by Javanese. Meanwhile, a word lady refers to a polite or old fashioned way of referring to or talking to a woman. SE: Aku mau pulang, Nyai TE : I’m going home, madam. Datum 082T-TADP3 The datum above is taken from the dialogue between Marsusi and Nyai Kartareja at Kartarejas house in the evening. Marsusi felt angry because Srintil had not come yet to Kartareja’s house. He was impatiently waiting for Srintil. So he decided to go home. The expression above belongs to adaptation strategy. The word Nyai is used by Marsusi to address Nyai Kartareja. The word Nyai is included to a respectful term of address to an older woman used by Javanese. Meanwhile, the word madam refers to a formal and polite way of speaking to a woman. In this case, the translator replaces the message in the source language into different situation in which it is still equivalent in the target language. The word madam in the target language is close enough to replace the word Nyai in the source language.

b. Borrowing

Borrowing is a strategy that occurs when a word is straightly taken from the source language by the translator without translating it. There are 19 data considered borrowing strategy. There are two types of borrowing in the data. They are pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. Below are the examples and the explanations. SE: Bukankah begitu, Warta? Darsun? TE : Don’t you think, Warta? Darsun? Datum 006PN-PNBOR4 The datum above is taken from the dialogue between Rasus, Warta, and Darsun. It took place on the stony ground beneath the jackfruit tree, when the sunshine grew hazy in the western sky. They were with Srintil. Rasus gave compliment to Srintil because Srintil was wearing the crown of leaves that Rasus made. Based on the datum above, the translator uses borrowing strategy in translating the address terms in the novel. It is due to a name of a person that is Warta in the target language, is taken straightly from the source language. It means that the translator keeps the word Warta in the source language into the target language. It is categorized as pure borrowing since there is no change of any kind in the target language. SE: Aduh, Kopral. TE: Corporal. Datum 070OT-OTBOR4 The datum above is taken from the dialogue between Rasus and Kopral Pujo in the corner of the rice field that connected Paruk with the outside world. They were assigned to watch Paruk. Paruk could be the target of robbery since there was gold in Srintil’s house. The datum above presents borrowing strategy. In this case, it belongs to naturalized borrowing. The word Kopral in the source language is taken directly in the target language. However, the word has some change in the spelling and phonetic adaptation. So that it becomes Corporal.

c. Calque

Calque is a strategy that can be described as a literal translation either lexical or structural of a foreign word or phrase. In this research, there is only one datum that is categorized using calque strategy. The following explanation is the example. SE: Kalian, orang-orang pasar, jangan iri hati. TE: You market people, dont be jealous. Datum 064T-TCAL4 The expression above presents a part of the dialogue between Srintil and people in Dawuan Market. Srintil met Rasus in Dawuan Market since he worked there. Rasus talked to Srintil about the night that they had done before bukak klambu contest. However, Srintil felt uncomfortable if people heard that so that she asked Rasus to go to the little foodstail to talk everything. As seen in the expression above, it belongs to calque strategy since the phrase market people preserves the syntactic structure in the target language. In the source language, orang-orang refers to header of the phrase while pasar refers to modifier of the phrase. Meanwhile, in the target language people which means orang-orang is used as header of the phrase and market is used as modifier. The syntactic structure of a phrase in Bahasa Indonesia is presented in the form of header+modifier, so that this strategy introduces the fixed phrase in the target language. Consequently, the phrase market people is translated into orang-orang pasar.

d. Compensation

Compensation is a strategy of introducing a source language element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the target language because it cannot be reflected in the same place as in the source language. There are 9 data found using compensation strategy. The following explanations are the examples. SE: Oh, Nenek pikun. TE: Oh, you’ve forgotten Datum 074KT-PCOM3 The datum above presents the dialogue between Srintil and Rasus’ grandma. It took place at grandmas bed. Srintil who slept a night at Rasus’ house was looking