Calque Strategies Employed in Translating the Address Terms in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk

SE: Di mana dia, Mak? TE: Where is she? Datum 128KT--OMI1 The expression above is taken from the dialogue between Waras and Nyai Sentika, his mother. It happened in the kitchen when the rays of the sun began to brush over the hills and sweep the morning mist away. Waras looked for Srintil when Srintil still slept. Based on the example above, the translator employs omission strategy in translating the source language into the target language. It is used by Waras to address his mother, Nyai Sentika. The word Mak in the source language, which means mother, is not realized in the target language. It is because the translator omits Mak in the target language.

f. Description

Description is a strategy in which a word is replaced by a description of its form or function without maintaining the original term. There is only one datum that employs description strategy. Below is the example. SE: Mau makan, Jenganten? TE: Would you like something to eat, young lady? Datum 084T-TDES3 The example above presents a part of the dialogue between Srintil and the Shopkeeper in Dawuan Market. She ran away from Nyai Kartareja. Srintil entered the small foodstail. They sat there with a bad condition. By the translator, description strategy is employed in translating the expression above. The word Jenganten is used to refer to a daughter of an upper class person in Javanese. However, in the novel Srintil was not described as a daughter of an upper class person, but she was a ronggeng that had higher social status than other persons. It is a title used by people who have lower social status to address a young girl. Meanwhile, in the target language the translator translates Jenganten into young lady which refers to Jenganten.

g. Amplification

Amplification is a strategy of introducing details that are not mentioned or expressed in the source language. It can be identified by giving more information, translator’s note, or explicative paraphrasing. There are 10 data categorized employing amplification strategy in translating address terms from Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk into The Dancer. The following explanations are the examples. SE: Kalian datang membawa persoalan ke rumah ini. TE: You two have brought a problem to this house. Datum 050P-PAMP4