No Meaning Strategies Employed in Translating the Address Terms in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk

+ and no meaning. Out of 203 data, the translation of address terms in The Dancer is mostly partly equivalent with 84 data 41.38. It is because the address terms are translated into more general terms which make the information in the source language is not fully presented in the target language. The lowest number of frequency is different meaning with 15 data 7.39. It can be seen that transferring messages of address terms in different point of view results the same ideas but in different meaning.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion of the research, the suggestions are given to some parties. They are explained as follows.

1. To the Students of Translation Studies

Students of Translation Studies may commonly find several translation strategies that are proposed by some experts. However, not all of those translation strategies cover the data findings in translating address terms. Therefore, it is suggested to the students of Translation Field to know and employ the translation strategies as the reference to study since there are 15 strategies that are enough to cover the data findings.

2. To Translators

Translating address terms is not an easy job since it deals with the culture of the source language. It is suggested to the translators that in translating address terms, they have to know and understand about address terms whether in the source language or in the target language. They have to choose the appropriate , - terms in order to avoid ambiguity. Moreover, too many omitting the terms in the target language can make different sense for the readers. It is better not to omit the terms so that the culture of the source language can be delivered into a good translation.

3. To Other Researchers

There are many published novels that can be analyzed, especially in term of address term, both from Bahasa Indonesia into English and from English into Bahasa Indonesia. It is suggested to other researchers who are interested in conducting similar research to use other theories of translation strategy and degree of meaning equivalence so that it could be compared to this research. However, this research has a weakness. Besides analyzing the types of address terms and the translation strategies, it only focuses on the degree of meaning equivalence. For this reason, they are also suggested to analyze the translation quality from other aspects such as clarity and accuracy of the translation product. . REFERENCES

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