PENGISIAN ULANG GAS KEBUTUHAN RUMAH TANGGA DAN PENJUALAN DISTRIBUSI PRODUK PERALATAN DAPUR Integrity, to ensure we deliver our promise 2. Independent, to ensure unbiased treatment

2015 Annual Report PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk COMPANY PROFILE Layanan pengisian ulang gas rumah tangga serta penjualan dan distribusi produk peralatan dapur dilakukan oleh PT. Blue Gas Indonesia BGI, yang merupakan anak perusahaan Perseroan. BGI berdiri pada tahun 1990 dan pada mulanya adalah sebuah perusahaan PMA dalam bentuk joint venture antara ADG France dan PT. Tigaraksa Holding. Pada tahun 2000 kepemilikan saham ADG France di BGI, yang merupakan pemilik 55 saham di BGI, diakuisisi oleh Perseroan dan kemudian BGI berubah bentuk menjadi perusahaan PMDN. Pada saat ini kepemilikan saham Perseroan di BGI sudah mencapai 75. Pengisian ulang gas rumah tangga dilakukan melalui reilling center yang berlokasi di Jakarta dan Gresik. Tabung gas isi ulang ini bisa diperoleh para konsumen pelanggan melalui agen- agen penjualan atau para distributor setempat yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di pulau Jawa. Pada awalnya, produk peralatan dapur yang dijual dan didistribusikan oleh BGI hanyalah kompor gas dengan merk ”Kompre” dan ”Korina” yang dijual secara paket berikut tabung gas yang telah diisi. BGI kemudian mengembangkan produk peralatan dapur bertenaga listrik dengan menggunakan merk ”Vienta”, a.l.: smart cooker, blender, juicer, pressure cooker, double pan dan food processor. Produk terbaru yang dikembangkan oleh Unit Usaha BGI adalah water-heater gas. Penjualan dan distribusi produk-produk ini dilakukan melalui sistem direct selling. The gas reilling services for household and sales distribution of kitchen appliances are carried out by PT. Blue Gas Indonesia BGI, the subsidiary of The Company. PT. Blue Gas Indonesia was established in 1990 as a PMA Joint Venture company between ADG France and PT. Tigaraksa Holding. In the year 2000 the entire shares of ADG France or 55 of the total shares issued by BGI was acquired by The Company, which then transform BGI to become a PMDN company. At this moment the shares ownership of The Company in BGI has already increased up to 75. Gas reilling service for household is handled through 2 reilling centers located in Jakarta and Gresik. The gas reilled cylinders can be obtained by end-users through many selling agents or local distributors widespread in several big cities of Java Island. At the beginning, the kitchen appliances products sold and distributed by BGI are only “Kompre” and “Korina” brand of gas stoves which are sold in one package with gas reilled cylinder. BGI then developed newly owned brand “Vienta” for many other electric kitchen appliances products, i.e.: smart cooker, blender, juicer, pressure cooker pan and food processor. The latest product developed by BGI is gas water-heater. The products are sold and distributed through a direct selling system.


GAS REFILLING SERVICE FOR HOUSEHOLDS AND SALES DISTRIBUTION OF KITCHEN APPLIANCE PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2015 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Layanan produksi dan pengemasan susu bubuk dilakukan oleh Unit Usaha Manufacturing Services MS. Unit Usaha ini mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 2006 dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas produksi yang dimiliki Perseroan di Sleman - Yogyakarta. Fasilitas produksi unit usaha ini sudah menggunakan mesin-mesin dan peralatan laboratorium modern yang memenuhi syarat Good Manufacturing Practice GMP dan telah mendapatkan sertiikat ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 22000, CPPOB serta sertiikat halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia MUI. Pada saat ini kapasitas produksi yang tersedia adalah 11.000 ton per tahun. Konsumen dari Unit Usaha MS adalah para prinsipal pemegang merk produk yang mempercayakan pengolahan produknya di pabrik milik Perseroan. Daftar prinsipal dan merek produk yang diproduksi Unit Usaha MS dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini: The production packing service of powdered milk is carried out by Manufacturing Services Business Unit MS. MS was established in 2006 by utilizing the production facility built and owned by The Company located in Sleman - Jogjakarta. The production facility is equipped with modern machineries and laboratory qualiied for Good Manufacturing Practice GMP, and also has already obtained certiicates of ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 22000, CPPOB, and Halal certiicates from Indonesian Council of Ulemas MUI. At this moment, the available production capacity is 11,000 ton per year. Customers of the MS Business Unit are the principals, the brand owner of the products, who trusts the manufacturing of their products at the factory. List of principals and products manufactured by MS Business Unit are as stated in the below table:


PACKING OF POWDERED MILK PRINSIPAL PRINCIPAL PRODUK PRODUCTS PT. Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika Lactamil PT. Fonterra Brand Indonesia Anlene, Anmum, Bonetto PT. Soho Industri Pharmasi Susu Curcuma Plus, Dianeral PT. Djembatan Dua Produgen, Chocomax 2015 Annual Report PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk COMPANY PROFILE 2015 Annual Report PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk COMPANY PROFILE PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2015 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN DIRECTOR Eddy Sutisna DIRECTOR Adhi B. Supit DIRECTOR Budy Purnawanto Dwisesanti S Wibowo HEAD OF BP 1 - PRINCIPAL RETENTION HEAD OF BP 2 - SERVING OUTLET SH Tresno Lianto HEAD OF BP 2 - SERVING OUTLET COMBINED Djoni B. Widjanarko HEAD OF BP 4 - END USER SATISFACTION M. Budi Susila HEAD OF BP 3 - SERVICE LEVEL David Chandra Heri Gunawan HEAD OF SP 2 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Leo Budiman HEAD OF SP 3 - INFORMATION SYSTEM Rini Nur Aini HEAD OF SP 1 – HR MANAGEMENT Benny A. Wijaya BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Catur Margono BUILDING GENERAL AFFAIR Niken H.C LEGAL CORP. AFFAIRS Darmadi HEAD OF MANUFACTURING SERVICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR Lianne Widjaja Syahrizal Sabir HEAD OF SP 5 - FINANCE Kusno Suhayat HEAD OF SP 4 - ACCOUNTING Umi Marzukoh HEAD OF EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS Nelly HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2015 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Struktur Organisasi Organizational Structure 2015 Annual Report PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk COMPANY PROFILE VISI VISION CORE COMPETENCIES CORE COMPETENCIES “To Succeed And Excel as a Market-Driven Sales Distribution Organization” To Succeed artinya Perseroan harus bisa mencapai target pertumbuhan dan target inansial yang telah ditetapkan agar kelangsungan hidup sustainability perusahaan dapat terjamin secara jangka panjang. To Excel terkait dengan proses yang dilakukan untuk bisa Succeed; semua proses, proses bisnis maupun proses penunjang, harus dieksekusi dengan prima sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan, dan harus dengan cara yang benar sesuai sistem prosedur yang berlaku. Proses kerja excellent dicirikan dengan rendahnya tingkat penyimpangan dan kegagalan, sehingga output yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi bahkan melebihi harapan semua konsumen dari setiap proses. Market-driven atau orientasi kepada pasar merupakan suatu keharusan di dalam lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif. Perseroan harus benar-benar memahami ekspektasi pelanggan dan perkembangan pasar di tiap bidang bisnis yang dijalaninya. Sebagai perusahaan berskala nasional, Perseroan harus mampu memahami ekspektasi pelanggan dan perkembangan pasar di tiap-tiap segmen dan area yang dirambah: “think nationally, act locally”.


Kemampuan untuk mengenal customer dan kebutuhannya serta berkomitmen untuk menghasilkan produk dan pelayanan yang berkualitas guna memenuhi kebutuhan customer. Ini berlaku baik untuk customer internal maupun eksternal.


Kemampuan untuk membangun kredibiltas diri melalui penumbuhan empati, kesediaan untuk memberi dan menerima umpan balik, keterbukaan dalam berkomunikasi serta membina hubungan baik dengan orang lain. “To Succeed And Excel as a Market-Driven Sales Distribution Organization” To Succeed means The Company must achieve its determined targets, the growth targets as well as the inancial targets, in order to ensure the sustainability of the business in a long term. To Excel relates to the execution of processes in order to Succeed; all processes, business processes as well as supporting processes, must be excellently executed in accordance with the standard set, and must also be executed in a right manner in accordance with the prevailing system procedure. The excellent process is marked with low rate of deviation and poor quality, so that the output of the process meets or even exceeds expectation of customers in every process. Market-driven is a must for company in a highly competitive business environment. The Company must really comprehend its customers expectation and rapid development of the market in every business it is engaged. Because of its nationwide coverage, The Company must understand customers’ expectation and market updates in each segment and in every area within the coverage: “think nationally, act locally”.


Competencies in knowing the customer and their needs, and committing to deliver quality products and services in fulilling the customer needs. This applies to internal as well as external customers.


Competencies in building self-credibility through: growing empathy, willingness to give feedbacks, open communication, and also developing connection with others. Pondasi Organisasi Foundation of Organization PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2015 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN NILAI ORGANISASI ORGANIZATION VALUES Berdasarkan hasil riset yang dilakukan oleh sebuah konsultan internasional di tahun 2009 berhasil digali 3 tiga nilai yang dimiliki oleh Perseroan, yaitu:

1. Integrity, to ensure we deliver our promise 2. Independent, to ensure unbiased treatment

3. Innovation, to ensure we always stay current and