organization fit Laporan Tahunan 2015 Pelindo IV

Analisa Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion Analysis PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Persero Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 32 ƒ Penyusunan dan revisi Peraturan Direksi dalam tahap persetujuan Direksi; ƒ Penerapan aplikasi SIMPERS berbasis web telah dilakukan dan terintegrasi dengan Kantor Pusat secara online. b. Peningkatan Kualitas Penerapan GCG ƒ Pemantauan dan assessment GCG telah dilaksanakan; ƒ Penyusunan Pedoman Whistleblowing System dan Board Manual. c. Pembinaan Anak Perusahaan ƒ Monitoring investasi telah dilakukan setiap triwulan; ƒ Penyusunan tata kelola anak perusahaan dalam tahap penyempurnaan dan selanjutnya akan dilakukan revisi Anggaran Dasar anak perusahaan. d. Audit Internal dan Eksternal serta Konsultansi Manajemen telah dilaksanakan, berupa: ƒ Pelaksanaan Audit Manajemen Berbasis Risiko Risk-based Audit; ƒ Review pelaksanaan pengendalian internal; ƒ Koordinasi dan kerjasama dengan Lembaga Pengawas Eksternal; ƒ Pemantauan Tindak Lanjut Temuan dan pelaksanaan Konsultansi Internal.

4. Leadership and human resource development

a. Peningkatan Kinerja dan Kesejahteraan Pegawai ƒ Review dan pemantauan KPI berbasis KPKU dan Penilaian Kinerja Bulanan; ƒ Peningkatan kesejahteraan pegawai melalui penerbitan PD 06 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemberian Tunjangan, PD 07 Tahun 2014 tentang Mobilitas dan Transportasi, dan PD 25 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemberian Biaya Representasi bagi General Manager; ƒ Penyesuaian Imbal Jasa Kerja tmt 1 Januari 2014. b. Pelaksanaan Diklat dan Studi Banding ƒ Managerial; ƒ Fungsional; ƒ Sertiikasi, profesi, dan peningkatan ijazah; ƒ Benchmarking ke pelabuhan nasional dan internasional. c. Penerapan Performance Management System dan Talent Management d. Assessment dan Mapping Kompetensi SDM serta Blue Print Perencanaan Karir ƒ preparation and revision of the Regulations were in the stage of approval by the Board of Directors; ƒ implementation of web-based applications siMpeRs has been conducted and integrated with the Central Ofice online. b. improvement of the Quality of gCg implementation ƒ gCg monitoring and assessment has been implemented; ƒ preparation of Whistleblowing system guidelines and Board Manual. c. Development of subsidiary ƒ investment monitoring has been performed on a quarterly basis; ƒ preparation of subsidiaries governance was in the stage of completion and subsequently Articles of Association of the subsidiary will be revised d. internal and external Audit as well as Management Consultancy has been implemented, such as: ƒ Risk-based Management Audit ƒ Review of the implementation of internal control; ƒ Coordination and cooperation with the external supervisory Authority; ƒ Monitoring of further indings examination and the implementation of internal Consulting 4. leadership and Human Resource Development a. improvement of performance and employee Welfare ƒ Review and monitoring of Kpi based on KpKu and Monthly performance Assessment; ƒ improving the welfare of employees through the issuance of pD 06, 2014 on the granting of Allowances, pD 07, 2014 on Mobility and transport, and pD 25, 2014 on the Representing Fee for general Manager; ƒ Adjustment of Work services payment starting on 1 january 2014. b. traning and Comparative study ƒ Managerial; ƒ Functional; ƒ Certiication, profession, and diplomadegree extension; ƒ Benchmarking to the national and international ports. c. Application of performance Management system and talent Management d. human Resources Competency Assessment and Mapping as well as Career planning Blue print Referensi Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. X.K.6 Bapepam-LK no. X.K.6 Cross Reference PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Persero Laporan Tahunan 2015 Annual Report 33 e. Rekrutmen Pegawai f. Partisipasi dalam Kebijakan Promosi Perusahaan Award, Pameran, dsb.

5. asset optimalization and development

a. Melakukan rekondisi fasilitas dan peralatan pelabuhan serta pengembangan fasilitas pada terminal baru; b. Meningkatkan utilitas fasilitas dan peralatan pelabuhan pada seluruh cabang; c. Optimalisasi penggunaan asset Perseroan oleh Pihak Ketiga telah dilakukan relokasi alat bongkar muat antara lain 2 unit RTG, I unit Head Truck, I unit Chassis, I unit Toploader dari Cabang Bitung ke Terminal Petikemas Bitung tmt 1 Agustus 2014; d. Pembuatan desain dermagatrestle dan fasilitas lainnya dengan sumber dana APBN untuk pelabuhan-pelabuhan di PT Pelindo IV, dalam tahap pengusulan dan desain ke Kementerian Perhubungan; e. Percepatan penyelesaian perkara litigasi dan non litigasi perkara aktif yang telah ditangani oleh Kuasa Hukum Perseroan sampai dengan tahun 2015 adalah 13 perkara litigasi dan 8 perkara non litigasi.

6. business and Logistic development

a. Melakukan kemitraan sinergis dalam rangka pengembangan jaringan pelayanan pada pelabuhan utama, masih dalam proses pendekatan dengan pihak KUPP dan pengguna jasa setempat pada pelabuhan Nabire dan telah dikerjasamakan di pelabuhan umum lainnya, seperti Pelabuhan Tanjung Batu; b. Melakukan penetrasi dan pengembangan pasar petikemas dan special cargo curah cair dan curah kering, telah diusulkan pelimpahan kewenangan penyelenggaraan pemanduan di perairan wajib pandu Lubuk Tutung Sengatta, berdasarkan surat Direktur Utama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV Persero kepada Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan No. 14 KB.0011DUT-2014 tanggal 17 September 2014; c. Mengembangkan produkjasa baru logistic support, ICD, Property di Pelabuhan Bitung IHP telah diselesaikan dengan hasil kajian Konsultan PT Matra Perdana Satria, pengembangan pelabuhan Manado MMB dalam kajian e. employee Recruitment f. participation in Corporate promotion policy Award, exhibition, etc. 5. Assets Optimalization and Development a. Reconditioning facilities and port equipment as well as the development of facilities in the new terminal; b. improving utility facilities and port equipment in all branches c. Optimizing the use of assets of the Company by a third party; the relocation of loading and unloading equipment has been executed, such as 2 Rtg units, 1 head truck unit, 1 Chassis unit, 1 toploader unit from Bitung Branch to Bitung Container terminal starting on 1 August 2014 d. Creating piertrestle design and other facilities to the ports of pt pelindo iV by state budget as the funds source; it is still in the stage of proposal and designing to the Ministry of transportation; e. Accelerating the settlement of litigation and non- litigation cases that have been handled by the active Legal Counsel of the Company; by 2015, there have been 13 cases of litigation and 8 non- litigation cases. 6. Business and logistic Development a. performing synergistic partnerships in order to develop service network in major ports; approaching Kupp and local user in nabire port is still in the process; other cooperations have been executed in other public ports as well, such as the port of tanjung Batu; b. penetration and market development of containers and special cargo liquid bulk and dry bulk, delegation of authority pilotage in mandatory pilotage zone in Lubuk tutung sengatta, based on the letter of the Director of pt pelabuhan indonesia iV persero to the Director general of sea transportation, Ministry of transportation no. 14KB.0011Dut-2014 dated 17 september 2014; c. Development of new product service logistic support, iCD, property at port of Bitung ihp has been completed with the results of the study by Consulting Firm pt Matra prime satria; Development of Manado port is still on study;