RESEARCH METHOD RESULT The analgesic effect of in20Eur20J20 Pain.pdf .

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MUBIN KARANGGENENG LAMONGAN Heny Ekawati Stikes Muhammadiyah Lamongan Email: ABSTRACT Perineal wound is a wound caused of the birth canal laceration well as in episotomy or not, at the time of birth the fetus. One of the way for fast perineal wound healing is gived common snakehead. The aim study for knowing the effect of giving Common Snakehead Channa Striata On Perineal Wound Healing In Postpartum Mother. The design of the study uses Quasy Experimental. The population is all of postpartum mother in BPM Ny. Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb in February to April 2014. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling. Sample are taken by 30 respondents to include inclusion criteria. The research data is taken using observation sheets and SOP. Processing data using editing, coding, and tabulating, and then analyzed using the mann whitney test with a significance level α = 0,05. The result showes almost entirely or 80 perineal wound healing fast category experienced of postpartum mother is given common snake head Channa Striata . While, almost entirely or 86.7 perineal wound healing slow category experienced of postpartum mother not given common snakehead Channa Striata. The results of statistical tests obtained results are the effect of giving common snakehead Channa Striata on wound healing of the perineal with a value of Z = - 3598 and with a significance level of 0.000 p 0.05. The conclusion, giving common snakehead can used as alternative for perineal wound healing. Key word : postpartum mother, wound perineal, given common snakehead INTRODUCTION Childbirth is the process of spending the products of conception that can live in the uterus through the vagina from the outside world Wiknjosastro, 2005. Childbirth is a normal process that occurs at the expense of the fetus at term gestation 37-42 weeks, was born spontaneously with the presentation in the back of the head that lasted 18 hours, with no complications for both the mother and the indications such as 1 a large baby, 2 abnormal head position, 3 Birth buttocks, 4 extraction forceps are difficult, 5 shoulder dystocia Saifuddin, 2008. Meanwhile, according to Varney 2007, perineal laceration can be classified as follows: 1 the degree: laceration involving the vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette and perineal skin. 2 Second degree: laceration that resulted in the vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette, perineal skin and muscles of the perineal. 3 fetus. Prawirohardjo, 2002. However Degree three: Lacerations involving the perineal laceration occurred in nearly all first births and not infrequently also in the next delivery. Perineal wound is a wound in the perineal because of the birth canal laceration well as episiotomy and delivery of a fetus Wiknjosastro, 2005. The cause of perineal injuries can be caused by two factors: 1 Maternal factors: maternal factors such as 1 parturition precipitatus are not controlled and are not helped, 2 The patient is not able to stop pushing, 3 parturition hastily resolved to urge Excessive fundus, 4 edema and fragility of the perineal. 2 Indication of the fetus: fetal 476 vaginal mucosa, posterior fourchette, perineal skin, perineal muscles and the external anal sphincter. 4 Degrees Four: Lacerations involving the vaginal mucosa, fourchetter posterior perineal skin, perineal muscles, external anal sphincter, rectum and anterior wall. In the wound healing process in addition to new mothers require proper wound care, also require nutrition mainly albumin and protein. When albumin and protein requirement is rarely met in the wound healing process of the tissue cells of the body will be hampered in building and replacing the cells in the wound tissue perineal wound healing process lasts so long. In Indonesia ancestral herb for healing after childbirth is still widely used, even by modern society in this way has not been widely used. For example, perineal sutures for wound healing, traditional societies use common snakehead to be consumed daily in order to accelerate the process of wound healing of the perineal. However, meeting the needs of albumin and protein by using a fish cork has not been widely used, but according to the study conducted by prof. Dr.. Ir. Eddy Suprayitno MS, fish cork containing albumin is high enough so that it can accelerate wound healing of the perineal and the rapid wound healing can prevent the occurrence of infections Kordi, 2010. In the community itself is still a lot of mothers who experience postpartum perineal wound healing delays, where the 7th day after the wound is still there crusta, no adhesions at the turn of the bandage, no scarring, no signs of infection, inflammation and granulation are still not visible, the former wound is not good Pusdiknakes, 2003. Based on data from the World Health Organization WHO in 2009 there were 2.7 million cases of rupture of the perineal at birth mother. This figure is estimated to reach 6.3 million by 2050, along with the high midwife midwifery care that do not know well. In the 26 million Americans who experience maternal perineal rupture, 40 had rupture of the perineal because of the negligence of the midwife. In Asia rupture of the perineal is also a considerable problem in the community, 50 of the incidence of rupture of the perineal in the world occur in Asia. The prevalence of maternal experiencing perineal rupture in Indonesia in the age group 25-30 years is 24 while at the maternal age of 32 -39 years by 62. The results of the initial survey conducted by researchers for one week in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd.Keb.Lamongan Karanggeneng there were 10 mothers who experience postpartum perineal wound. Of the 10 mothers there are 7 people or 70 of new mothers experience a delay in wound healing of the perineal and 3 people or 30 of puerperal women have experienced in the wound healing process. Based on the data in the above description, that the majority of new mothers experience a delay in wound healing of the perineal. 477 Physiologically perineal wound will begin to improve within 6-7 days postpartum. As for some of the factors that affect wound healing of the perineal are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors that affect the healing of the perineal include: 1 Nutrition. Nutritional factors, especially protein will greatly affect the wound healing process perinium because the network is in desperate need of protein turnover. Protein requirements will be needed in the process of wound healing lacerations of the birth canal, because this protein serves as a building block cells that have been damaged. When this protein needs are lacking in wound healing process the tissue cells of the body will be hampered in building change cells and tissue in the birth canal laceration wound healing process lasts so long Kartika, 2008. 2 Personal hygiene or vulva hygiene. If personal hygiene maintained in less postpartum mothers will lead to an infection Moya, 2003. Personal hygiene or lack of personal hygiene can also slow healing, it may cause foreign objects such as dust and germs Smeltzer, 2002, 3 maternal condition. If the condition of a healthy mother, then the mother can take care of themselves well. 4 Descendants, 5 age, 6 hemorrhage, 7 hypovolemic, 8 local edema factor, 9 nutritional deficit, 10 oxygen deficit, and 11 over the activity. While external factors affecting the perineal wound healing include: 1 Environment. Support from family, where the mother will always feel the protection and support and advice, especially parents in caring for hygiene after childbirth. 2 Tradition. sutures for wound healing after surgery, using a traditional community fish or fish cork curse to be consumed daily in order to accelerate the process of wound healing stitches. 3 Knowledge. If the mothers lack of knowledge thereof problems of food consumed wound healing will take a long time 4 Socio-economic, 5 Handling officer, 6 Network Management, 7 Drugs Smeltzer, 2002. Impact of delay in the first perineal wound healing is infection, which affected locheaperineal conditions and moisture will greatly support the proliferation of bacteria which can cause infection in the perineal. The second occurrence of complications, the emergence of infection in the perineal can propagate in the gallbladder or in the birth canal that can result in the emergence of