Suggestion Based on the above conclusions, there

No Education Juml ah Prosent ase

1. 2.

3. 4. PrimarySchool Junior High School High School College 4 4 17 5 13.3 13.3 56.7 16.7 Jumlah 30 100 No Age Jumlah Responden Prosentase 1. 2. 3. 20 thn 20 – 30 thn 30 thn 5 15 10 16.7 50 33.3 Total 30 100 infectious complications and bladder infections in the birth canal. And the third is S. Mubin, Amd. Sumberwudi 2014. Keb Village the occurrence of postpartum maternal death, treatment of complications that can lead to a slow death in women post partum physical condition is still weak postpartum mothers Ambarwati, 2008. To accelerate wound healing of the perineal there are many ways, such as through improved nutrition by eating foods high in calories and high in protein. Common sources of protein are meat, milk, bread, cereal, eggs, fish, nuts, and seeds Boyle, 2008. According Kordi 2010, catfish Channastriata is one kind of fish that contain albumin and protein are high enough. Protein and albumun very function as a builder substance cells that have been damaged, so that wound healing will take place faster. With a high content of protein and albumin, common snakehead could potentially be used by the public for the wound healing process, especially postoperative wounds, burns and after childbirth. For the role of nurses is expected to help provide counseling to new mothers on how to optimize the perineal wound healing by encouraging the fish to consume common snakehead. Because many factors affect the perineal wound healing researchers interested in conducting research on nutrition, which is intended to improve nutrition by researchers is Giving Nutrition Improvement With Common Snakehead Channastriata. Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mothers perineal wound most or 50 aged 20-30 years and a fraction or 16.7 were aged 20 years 2 Characteristics of respondents by level of education Table 2.Distribution of Respondents by Education Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Village Sumberwudi 2014. Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April METHODS 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced postpartum This study uses Quasy-Exsperimental. In this study population was 300 respondents and the sample in this study consisted of 30 respondents 15 respondents control group and the treatment group of 15 respondents. The sampling method used in this study is Consecutive sampling. RESULTS 1. The General Data 1 Characteristics of respondents by age Table 1. Distribution of Respondents by Age Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin 478 maternal perineal wound over part or education high school and 56.7 or 13.3 fraction education elementary and junior high school 3 Characteristics of respondents by Jobs No Jobs Jumlah Persentase

1. 2.

3. 4. Farmer Employee Merchant Don‟t work 3 9 8 10 10 30 26.7 33.3 Jumlah 30 100 No Parity Jumlah Persentase

1. 2.

3. Primipara Multipara Grandemultip ara 14 11 5 46.7 36.7 16.7 Jumlah 30 100 F re k u en si F re k u en si 14 Table 3. Distribution of Respondents by 1 The Perineal Wound Healing Mother Employment Ruling scarred perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Village Sumberwudi 2014. Process of Control Group Diagram 1. The perineal wound Healing process of control group in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Desa Sumberwudi Tahun 2014 86.7 12 10 8 Cepat 6 4 2 13.3 Lambat Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April perineum Wound Healing Process 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mothers perineal wound almost half or 33.3 do not work and a small portion or 10 are farmers. 4 Characteristics of respondents based on parity Table 4.Distribution of Respondents by Parity Mothers Experiencing Postpartum The perineal wound in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Based on the above data shows that respondents that new mothers in the control group was 86.7 or almost entirely wound healing process is slow and categories perineal fraction or 13.3 wound healing process perineal fast category. 2 The Perineal Wound Healing Process of Intervention Group Diagram 2. the perineum wound healing process of intervention group n BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Desa Sumberwudi Tahun 2014 Village Sumberwudi 2014. 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 80 20 Cepat Lambat Sources Primary Data: Study Pebruari-April 2014 Based on the above data shows that of the respondents who experienced a postpartum mothers perineal wound partially or almost 46.7 had 1 child primiparous and a small portion or 16.7 had 2 children grandemultipara.

2. Data Special

479 Properineum Woun Healing Process Based on the above data indicate that respondents puerperal women in the treatment group or 80 almost entirely wound healing process faster and categories perineal fraction or 20 of the wound healing process is slow perineal category. 3 Effect of Commond snake head Channa striata The Perineal p ro se s P e n y e m b u h a n L u ka 25 20 Wound Healing In BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. Diagram 3 Effect of Common Snakehead Channa Striata the Perineum wound healing in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb Tahun 2014 turnover Boyle, 2008. 2 Personal hygiene or vulva hygiene affect wound healing of the perineal, if personal hygiene maintained in less postpartum mothers will lead to an infection Moya, 2003. 3 The condition of the mother. Maternal health condition both physically and mentally, can lead to long recovery. If the condition of a healthy mother, then the mother can take care of themselves well. 4 Age: Age is closely related to wound healing, because 15 10 5 Perlakuan Kontrol the older person will decrease the speed of wound healing. Faster wound healing occurs at a younger age than in older people. People who are already advanced in years can not tolerate stress such as tissue trauma or infection Smeltzer, 2002. The result showed that the cause of the 20 jumlah responden Z = -3.598 dan  = 0.000 40 slowdown in the perineal wound healing than the control group because it was not given fish cork, they also undertake to abstain from foods that lack nutritional needs are met, lack of attention to personal hygine so easy to breed bacteria and cause infection, and lack of Based on the above data shows that in the control group perineal wound healing process is slow category, where the wound healed after day 7. Whereas in the treatment group respondents puerperal women perineal wound healing process including fast category, where the wound is healed before day 7. Based on the results of statistical tests using the Mann Whitney in SPSS version 16 with the results obtained Z = -3598 and where Ho is rejected, which means there is the effect of common snakehead Channa striata on wound healing of the perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. Granting common snakehead Channa striata can accelerate wound healing of the perineal in postpartum mothers. DISCUSSION In the control group was given fish without cork 13 respondents indicated category perineal slow wound healing wound healing perineal 7 days, the average wound healed at day 14-21. There are several factors that can affect the perineal wound healing include: 1 Nutrition. Nutritional factors and nutrients, especially protein will greatly affect the wound healing process in the perineal because the network is in desperate need of protein 480 activity. These factors led to the possibility that the perineal wound healing process in the control group lasted longer. In the treatment group were given fish cork 12 respondents showed rapid wound healing perineal categories namely wound healing perineal7 days, the average wound healed on days 5-7. Nutrition is one of the key wound healing. Puerperal women are encouraged to eat with a balanced diet, enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals Suherni, 2009. One source of protein that can be obtained from fish cork that can aid in wound healing, it is because the catfish can increase endurance. Common snakehead meat contains high protein and albumin. In addition, common snakehead meat also contains a complete amino acid, as well as micronutrients zinc, selenium, and iron. Other content in fish flesh is alisin cork, allyl sulfide, and furostanol glycosides that can help repair damaged tissue in the wound, so that wound healing can take place more quickly Suprayitno. E, 2003. Above theory in accordance with the results of research in Ny BPM. Titin S. Mubin Amd. Keb sumberwudi Karanggeneng Lamongan village where the results of statistical tests indicate that there is the effect of common snakehead Channa striata on wound healing of the perineal. Providing methods to improve nutrition in the form of a fish cork in hopes of repairing damaged tissue in the wound, so that wound healing can take place more quickly. DayaIkanGabus .Edisi 1. Yogyakarta: ANDI Moya J, Morison. 2003. Manajemen Luka . Jakarta: EGC CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS AND Prawirohardjo, Sarwono. 2002. PelayananKesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal . CetakanKelima. EdisiKetiga. Jakarta: BinaPustaka 1. Conclusions There is the effect of common snakehead Channa striata on wound healing of the perineal in BPM Ny.Titin S. Mubin, Amd. Keb 2014. 2. Recommendation Giving common snakehead can be used as an alternative to accelerate wound healing of the perineal in postpartum mothers. REFERENCES Pusdiknakes. 2003. Asuhan Kebidanan Post Partum . Jakarta: Pusdiknakes Saifuddin, Abdul Bari. 2008. Buku Acuan Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal Dan Neonatal . Jakarta: YBPSP Smeltzer, Suzanne C, dkk. 2002. Keperawatan Medikal Bedah , Edisi 8 Vol 1, Jakarta: EGC Suherni. 2009. Perawatan Masa Nifas . Yogyakarta: Fitramaya Varney, Helen. 2007. Buku Ajar Asuhan Kebidanan Edisi 4 . Jakarta: EGC Wiknjosastro, Hanifa. 2005. Ilmu Ambarwati. 2008. Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas . Yogyakarta: Mitra Cendekia. Boyle, Mauren. 2008. Pemulihan Luka: Kandungan . Jakarta: YBPSP Seri Praktik Kebidanan . Jakarta: EGC. Kordi, M. Ghufran H. 2010. PanduanLengkapBisnisdan Budi 481 THE INFLUENCE OF PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION TO DECREASE PAIN FOR PATIENTS OF SECTIO CAESAREA SURGERY IN THE FIRST AND SECOND DAY Aris Dwi Cahyono, Wida Wicaksana Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang Abstract After the effect of Sectio Caesarea anesthesia has finished, they will feel pain on body organ where surgery is done. There are two methods to decrease pain of Sectio Caesarean surgery by using medicines and using progressive relaxation technique. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of progressive relaxation to decrease pain for patients of Sectio Caesarea surgery in Maternal Room General Hospital of Kediri Regency in 2014. Research design was Pre-Post Test Experiment. The populations 38 patients of post section caesarean surgery in the first and second day. Sample used purposive sampling and consisted of 9 respondents. Data analysis was implemented by comparing pain scale pre and post intervention and being analyzed as descriptive. Research result showed that pre-intervention, value of mean was 5,66 with standard deviation 1, and post-intervention, value of mean was 4,66 with standard deviation 1,5. Analysis result showed a decrease of mean value 1 and standard deviation 0,54. There was influence of progressive relaxation to decrease pain for patients of Sectio Caesarea surgery. It is hoped for medical staffs to use progressive relaxation technique as one of chosen therapies to decrease pain scale beside of medicines. Key words : Progressive Relaxation, Pain, Post Sectio Caesarean Surgery. Background Sectio Caesarea is an act of delivery of a fetus that has been able to live together with the placenta and membranes are transabdominal through the uterine incision. In the operation process used anesthetic so that the patient does not feel pain during surgery. But after the operation is completed and the patient began to realize and react to the anesthesia wears off, the patient will feel pain in the body that had surgery. Many women complain of pain in stitches, this complaint is actually technique is to focus on a muscle activity in a sustainable manner by identifying the tense muscles then lowers the tension by doing relaxation techniques to get a feeling of relaxation Murphy, 1996. In Indonesia, the percentage of Caesarea Sectio big enough. In government hospitals in the year 2008 the average labor with Sectio Caesarea by 11, while at the Private Hospital could be more than 30. And recorded from 17 665 birth rate there is 35.7 - 55.3 of mothers giving birth to the reasonable because the body is process of sectio caesarea. In East Java, experiencing injuries and healing can not be perfect, especially if the wound is relatively long and deep. However, there are two methods to reduce pain in a natural scale postoperative Sectio Caesarea mother is in Pharmacological and non-pharmacological drug use one of them with progressive relaxation techniques. Progressive relaxation 511 Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo as the largest referral hospital in East Java was found that the incidence of labor with Sectio Caesarea in 2008 was 1478 cases 23.3 of the total 6335 deliveries Yudhoyono, 2008. Meanwhile, according to a preliminary study conducted at the maternity ward Kediri District Hospital on 19 November 2013 was recorded incidence Sectio Caesarea deliveries on average each month in 38 patients. This increase is allegedly due to improved techniques and facilities, the operation lasted more aseptic, anesthetic techniques improved, comfort pasectio caesarea higher operating, and the length of the short growing and can choose the date of birth as you wish Roeshadi, 2006. Nevertheless Caesarea operation pharmacological nursing activities that can assist in the relief of pain. One of them is progressive relaxation, non- pharmacological methods of pain relief that has a very low risk. Although such action is not a substitute for drugs, such action is necessary to shorten episodes of pain that lasts only a few seconds or minutes. Based on the above description researchers interested in conducting does not mean free of risks or problems. research on “The Influence Of Research by Hillan about pain post Sectio known that on days 1-2 clients still experiencing pain in the wound, and even almost half of women lasts until they return home, and even about 32 of patients who performed the cesarean is still experiencing pain in injuries, and often pain in the wound after returning gain weight thus requiring analgesics. Steer, 2004 stated that relaxation is a method of transfer of non- pharmacological pain that is often used in the UK. Steer in the study reported that as many as 34 women using relaxation, by induction of relaxation for 15 minutes can significantly reduce the sensory component of pain. Pillips added that the emotional component of pain is also reduced so that the effect of exacerbating anxiety was also reduced due to the impact of the relaxation Mander, 2004. Relaxation can be used in episodes of acute and chronic pain to reduce pain. Usually it takes 5-10 training sessions before a client can effectively minimize pain. Patients who already know about the relaxation techniques may just need to be reminded to use such techniques to reduce or prevent the pain. The basic aim of relaxation is to help people to relax, and thus improve the various aspects of physical health. Besides, there are also some other benefits, which lead to inner peace, reduced anxiety, lower heart rate, reduce blood pressure, a greater resistance to disease, mental health getting better and better memory. Many patients and health teams tend to view drugs as the only method to relieve pain, but many non- 512 Progressive Relaxation To Decrease Pain For Patients Of Sectio Caesarea Surgery In The First And Second Day” in the Maternity Room of the District General Hospital Kediri. Formulation of the Problem Based on the description of the background of the problem, it can be formulated research problem, namely “Is there a The Influence Of Progressive Relaxation To Decrease Pain For Patients Of Sectio Caesarea Surgery In The First And Second Day in the Maternity Room of the District General Hospital Kediri?” Purpose 1. General Purpose To determine differences in the level of pain in patients with postoperative Sectio Caesarea before and after being given the progressive relaxation technique in Maternity Room General Hospital of Kediri. 2. Special Purpose a. Identify the level of pain before the progressive relaxation in patients with postoperative sectio caesarea in the first and second day. b. Identify the level of pain after doing the progressive relaxation in patients with postoperative sectio caesarea in the first and second day. c. Analyzing the influence of progressive relaxation to decrease postoperative pain in patients