Effectiveness Against Levels of Measurement Results Samples with AAS

No. characteristics respondents Amount 1. Gender a. Man b. Female 27 33 45 55 2. Age a. 16 years b. 17 years c. 18 years 4 31 25 25 52 42 3. Ever get information about adolescent reproductive health: a. Yes b. No 57 3 95 5 4. If so, the information can adolescent reproductive health at first from : a. Health workers b. Magazine c. Electronic media d. Friends 28 9 20 47 15 33 5. Haved date : a. Yes b. No 52 8 87 13 Variable Preete st Posttes t ∑ ∑ The experimental group a. Doesn‟t support b. Support 3 8 2 2 6 3 3 7 2 7 3 3 4 5 5 5 group pretest, the attitude of the The control group respondents who have an attitude in favor of just 44.8, after getting counseling be 53.40. For more seen in the table below : a. Doesn‟t support b. Support 3 9 2 1 6 5 3 5 3 9 2 1 6 5 3 5 Table 1. Results of numerical characteristics of the respondents in PGRI High school Talun Blitar It is known from the above table that the experimental group after being supportive counseling for sexual behavior by 33 respondents , whereas there was no change it in the comparison group. Analyzed data were using Mann- Whitney Test showed that adolescent reproductive health counseling effect on adolescent sexual attitudes with p-value 0.0005. Counseling with face to face activities, conducted intentionally , involves two parties , namely are conselor and counselees. Counselors are those who help and those who assisted counselee is aimed at enlightening the counselee to better understand himself he himself, knowing the situation, look at the various alternatives to solve the problem and decide his choice Akhmadi, 2013. Therefore, counseling on reproductive health carried out can shape the attitudes of the students. The focus of counseling is to help an individual or group of individuals to achieve goals intrapersonal and interpersonal, overcome personal shortcomings and difficulties of development, making decisions and planning for change and development, and improve physical and Table 2. Numerical results pretest - posttest sexual behavior of adolescent who get counseling and get counseling adolescent reproductive health PGRI High School Talun Blitar mental health and happiness achieve collective happiness. Attitude is a feeling of support or partiality positive or less support or impartiality negative on a specific object. An attitude of readiness to react to an object in a certain way, it can be said that readiness is a potential tendency to react or act only when individuals are exposed to a stimulus that calls for a response. From the research it is evident that most of the students are already getting information about reproductive health from health officials, the 804 electronic media and friends before being given counseling. Thus, therapy can be solidified counseling a person to be supportive attitude some positive things in sex and drugs. CONCLUSION The formation of new behavior began in the cognitive domain, where the subject knew beforehand the stimulus in the form of material giving rise to new knowledge on the subject and subsequently cause a response in the form of inner attitude and pose a further response in the form of action related to a particular object. ACKNOWLEGEMENT Research on the effect of Implikasinya terhadap Kebijakan dan Layanan Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi. Jurnal Makara, Kesehatan, Vol.10, No. 1: pp 29- 40. UNFPA. 2009. Adolescent Sexual and Reproduktive Health Toolkit For Humanitarian Settings: A Companion to The Interagency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Setting. UNHCR, UNFPA. 2012. Women‟s Refugee Commission, Save the Children: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs in Humanitarian Settings. counseling on adolescent sexual attitudes, there are some drawbacks which time only one month of research, counseling therapy is given only once face to face, this is because when the students constrained midterms. It is hoped further research may provide therapeutic counseling face-to-face at least 5 times so that the attitude of teenagers obtained can be maximized REFFERENCES Ahmad Mubiar. 2013. Dinamika Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja: Tinjauan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan. Bandung: Refika aditama. BKKBN. 2005. Remaja dan Kesehatan Reproduksi. Jakarta : BKKBN. BPS, BKKBN, Kemenkes. 2013. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia 2012 Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja . Jakarta. Suryoputro, A., Ford, J. Nicholas., Shaluhiyah. 2006. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku seksual Remaja di Jawa Tengah: 805 803 THE CORRELATION OF EMOTIONAL INTELEGENCY WITH THE MOTIVATION OF CLINICAL PRACTICE RESULT IN STIKES PATRIA HUSADA BLITAR MARIA ULFA Program Studi D3 Kebidanan STIKes PATRIA HUSADA BLITAR email: ulfamaria2048yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT The result of clinical practice is the scoring of any medical action which is done by the student during the clinical practice session. Midwivery academy is academy which used 40 theoritical and 60 practice in the lesson. Factors determine the result of the study is affected by intrinsic and extrinsic factor; emotional quotient and motivation.The objective of was this study is to investigate correlation of Emotional Quotient and Motivation with the Student Result of Clinical Practice in Asuhan Kebidanan III STIKes Patria Husada Blitar. This study was observational analitic using cross-sectional approach. The sampel was 36 3rd grade students in D III midwivery on STIKes Patria Husada Blitar, using exhaustive sampling. The dependent variable was the students result of clinical practice in asuhan kebidanan III, while the independent variables was emotional quotient and motivation. The data was collected using two closed questionnaires which has been pretested for validity and reliability. The total item correlations were 0,20 and Cronbach Alpha 0,60. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression model. This study showed that there was a positive relation between the Student Result of Clinical Practice in Asuhan Kebidanan III and Emotional Quotient b = 0,27; p = 0,010, and motivation b = 0,69; p = 0,001. Emotional Quotient and motivation variables was able to explained 88,7 of the variation in Student Result of Clinical Practice in Asuhan Kebidanan III R 2 = 0, 887; p 0,001. The conclusion of the research showed that there was a relation between emotional quotient and motivation with the student result of clinical practice in asuhan kebidanan III. Emotional quotient and motivation can increase student result of clinical practice in asuhan kebidanan III Keywords: Emotional Quotient, motivation, Student Result INTRODUCTION An academy of midwifery education institutions that use the learning method with 40 theory and 60 practice , so as to determine the success of the learning process is not only of value theory but also visits of skill or clinical practice midwifery care givenDepkes RI, 2006. Once the student has passed the learning in the classroom , the student is ready to be deployed on land practices for implementing clinical 816 practice . Clinical practice is a form of real experience for students to learn how to interact with clients . Because clients come from a variety of ethnic, religious and social status , it requires attention and sooth ourselves . Learning outcomes are the results that have been obtained by students from the experiences and practices are followed during learning in the form of cognitive , affective , and psychomotorDimyati, 2006. From the acquisition of learning outcomes in clinical practice STIKes Husada Patria Blitar last 2 years has decreased Acquisition value III clinical as the person who membelajarkan students , should be concerned with the problem of this motivation . Teachers must be willing and able to motivate students who are low learning practice of midwifery care in D III motivation , and increase the Midwifery courses begin the academic year 20072008 to 20092010 academic year , which demonstrated the value tends to decrease. Some efforts have been made by the institutions in an effort to improve learning outcomes from the implementation of the lab skills on each - each Prasat obstetrics , test each Prasat any rate increases , debriefing before the students went to the practice field , the results are still not changed. motivation of students who already have motivation Friedman, 2004 :


The dividing line between emotion and motivation is very thin . For example, fear fear is emotion , but also a motive driving behavior. Because when people are afraid that people will be encouraged to behave towards a specific goal goal -directed . We are goal -directed behavior is colored by emotion . Tomkins argued In midwifery education , that the emotions it raises the energy emotional intelligence needed to prepare midwifery students in the world of work in which a midwife should have the ability to motivate and empathy toward others because of the midwifery profession is closely in contact with the public, especially women. Given the emotional intelligence , there is the ability to motivate , midwifery education in itself , serves as the driving motivation of the achievement of a student achievement obstetrics. Motivation can determine whether or not the goals that the greater the motivation will be even greater learning success . Someone who is a big motivation will be enterprising , persistent seem unwilling to give up , keen to read books to improve his performance to solve the problem . Instead they yamg motivation is weak , seemed indifferent , easily discouraged , his attention is not focused on the lesson , like disturbing the class , often leaving lessons will decline as a result of student achievement . If this is not observed , not helped , the student will fail in learning . Therefore, the teacher 817 for motivation . Further stated that the motive or impulse drive only provide information about temporary needs . For example impulse tells us that food was needed , as well as water and so on Walgito, 2004 : 55. Through a preliminary study conducted, the results of interviews on some privately practicing midwives who had been a mentor practice student midwifery STIKes Patria Husada Blitar obtained information that some students praktikan less able to provide health counseling persuasive to patients and have less desire to skillfully perform the target - target of their competence, other than that they are also less sensitive to the feelings of patients and they are less able to socialize with people around practice. From this information, it can be concluded that the majority of midwifery student lacks the ability to motivate, empathy and the ability to build social relationships well. Whereas those three things are the most important thing that must be owned by a student midwife midwifery as a candidate, because they will be the health care community, especially and Cronbach alpha 0.60 ie 0.94 as women. Ability to motivate, to many as 24 items . The items - items empathize and build social relationships with both form part of emotional intelligence in addition to the ability to recognize and control emotions. While the scope of the lecture itself, much needed motivation to learn that can be caused by emotional intelligence of each - each student. As expressed by Walgito 2004: 55, that the emotions it creates energy for motivation. And are associated with impulse drive is emotion, which creates energy for the boost, so that the motivational power. In regard to the importance of emotional intelligence and motivation to learn in order to improve the learning outcomes of clinical practice and have never done the research on pragram studies D III Midwifery STIKes Patria Husada Blitar , the authors interested in studying The relationship of emotional intelligence and motivation with the learning outcomes of clinical practice midwifery care III students D III STIKes Husada Patria Blitar . METHODS This study is observational analytic that drop is number 2. The trial for the 20 items of the questionnaire motivation , otherwise qualified reliability which the total item correlation 0.20 and Cronbach alpha 0.60 ie 0.93 as many as 19 items . The items - items that drop is number 9. Table 4.1 Reliability Test Results B. Description of Research Subjects Table 1 Distribution Frequency characteristics of the respondents Characteristics of the sample data cross sectional cross - sectional . on Penalitian relationship of This research carried out in d III Midwifery Program STIKes Husada Patria Blitar in February 2012. The sample consisted of 36 students of level III D III Midwifery Studies emotional intelligence and motivation to learn the results of midwifery care III clinical practice midwifery students STIKes Husada Patria Blitar in table 2 below : Program STIKes Husada Patria Blitar Table 2 Table sample using exhaustive sampling . The characteristics continuous data instrument used was a questionnaire RESULT AND ANALYSIS A. Reliability Test Results Based on trial results for the 25 items of the questionnaire of emotional intelligence , otherwise qualified reliability where correlations 0.20 818 Based on research data in Table 4.3 shows that the average emotional intelligence , motivation and learning outcomes respectively 85.75 , 74.34 , 78.14 . C. Hypothesis Testing 1. Frequency Distribution From Table 3 showed that emotional intelligence has a significant correlation with learning outcomes . It also occurred in the motivation that has signifika correlation with learning outcomes . Figure 4 presents a scatter diagram and the regression line on the relationship of emotional intelligence Figure 1 shows that of the 36 subjects , the average value mean 85.75. Figure 4 shows there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and learning results of Figure 2 shows that of the 36 subjects , the average value mean 74.39 . clinical practice . Students of high emotional intelligence tend to get better learning results . Figure 3 shows that of the 36 subjects , the average value mean 78.14 . Figure 5 shows there is a positive 1. Analysis Bivariat Table 3 Correlation emotional intelligence and motivation with learning outcomes 819 correlation between motivation and learning outcomes of clinical practice . Students who have high motivation tend to get better learning results . 2. Analysis Multivariat Results of the study the relationship model is statistically significant p of emotional intelligence and 0.001. motivation to learn the results of midwifery care III clinical practice


midwifery students STIKes Patria 1. Emotional intelligence with Blitar Husada described in Table 4. Table 4 Results of multiple linear learning outcomes clinical practice midwifery regression analysis on emotional The results are consistent with intelligence and motivation with research Goleman 2009, that learning outcomes emotional intelligence influence on student success in learning. According to Table 4.5, each 1 point increase emotional intelligence scores 0.27 points scores will improve learning outcomes. In other words every increase of 10 points score of Table 4 shows the results of multiple linear regression analysis linking the value of the learning outcomes of emotional intelligence will improve learning outcomes 2.7 points on a scale of 100. This shows that there is a clinical practice with emotional positive relationship and statistically intelligence and motivation. The significant on emotional intelligence analysis showed every 1 point increase emotional intelligence scores 0.27 by learning outcomes b = 0.27; p = 0.010. points scores will improve learning Learning outcomes will be outcomes. In other words every obtained not only pay attention to increase of 10 points score of intellectual intelligence of students, but emotional intelligence will improve also their emotional intelligence. learning outcomes 2.7 points on a scale of 100. This shows that there is a positive relationship and statistically Intellectual intelligence alone does not give the preparation the students to face the turbulence, opportunities or significant on emotional intelligence difficulties - difficulties in by learning outcomes b = 0.27; p = 0.010. The analysis showed every 1 point increase motivation score will improve learning outcomes scores 0.69 points. implementing clinical practice. With emotional intelligence, the individual is able to know and respond to their own feeling well and able to read, the face of feelings - feelings of others In other words every increase of 10 effectively. Students with well- points score of motivation will developed emotional intelligence, can improve learning outcomes 6.9 points on a scale of 100. It shows there is a effectively appreciate the value of the object - faced through the expression positive relationship and statistically of feelings and can express it significant motivation to learning appropriately. Students will also be outcomes b = 0.69; p = 0.001. Variable emotional intelligence and able to solve the problem - the problem that occurred in the area of clinical motivation to learn is able to explain practice. For example, a student the variations in learning outcomes of 88.7 percent R2 = 0, 887. The overall suffered severe anger or depression will still be able to get up and feel happy, if it has the form of the current 820 compensation - when happy Goleman, 2009. their surroundings. In reaching a feat, in students one of which is also Emotional intelligence and are affected by emotional disorders. able to recognize themselves and Feelings of anxiety, anger, or academic social environment will depression have difficulty learning, affect the learning outcomes to be obtained. This is consistent with a report from the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs 1992 stated that success in school is not predicted by a collection of facts a student or her ability to read, but by the size - the size people - people who are stuck in a state - this state also encountered difficulties with information efficiently absorb or mitigate them properly. In this sense of emotional intelligence is the primary skill, ability which deeply affects all other abilities, either facilitate or of the emotional and social themselves have an interest, know the behavior inhibit the ability Goleman, 2009. - the ability which is expected of others and how to control impulses to do bad, is able to

2. Learning Motivation And

wait, follow the instructions and referring to the teacher for help and Learning Outcomes Of Practice Midwifery Clinical expressing needs - needs while Motivation can essentially help hanging out with friends Goleman, 2009. in understanding and explaining the behavior of individuals, including the Research that is consistent about behavior of individuals who are the relationship between emotional intelligence with the results of this study has been carried out by Amalia SW 2004, entitled Relationship between Emotional Intelligence with Achievement at a second grade student learning Uno, 2011. The statement was supported by the results of this study. According to Table 4.5 each increase of 1 point score of motivation will improve learning outcomes scores 0.69 points. In other words every SMU lab school in East Jakarta found increase of 10 points score of no relationship low between emotional motivation will improve learning intelligence and achievement the study r = 0.25. Based on the results of research conducted by Qurniyawati 2009 entitled Emotional Intelligence Relationship with Student Learning outcomes 6.9 points on a scale of 100. It shows there is a relationship posirif and statistically significant motivation to learning outcomes b = 0.69; p = 0.001. Achievement in Program D IV From the results above, it can be Midwifery Strip FK UNS Regular School Year 20082009, there is a explained the relationship between motivation to learn the results of significant relationship with the clinical practice because motivation is positive direction between emotional intelligence and learning achievement p 0.05. Results - the results showed that children - children who are trained in the early childhood emotions - a child will be able to develop the ability of social kertampilan future, these skills can help them in their interaction with 821 a powerful incentive for individuals or students conducting clinical practice. The urge to learn, then the potential will obtain better results Sardiman, 2007. A person who entered the field of health education when coupled with high motivation will display high spirit and always prioritize its activities to kepetingan learn so as to obtain optimal results or achievements. This outcomes of midwifery clinical practice is in line with what was said Sardiman Emotional intelligence and 2007 that students with a strong motivation will have more energy for learning activities. Otherwise lack motivation or low then there is no or motivation to learn simultaneously positively and significantly related to the learning outcomes of clinical practice midwifery care. Together - the less zeal in learning activities so that same emotional intelligence and the results obtained are less than the maximum. Lack of motivation can be grown in various ways such as giving replay, adding value and giving feedback motivation to learn is able to explain the variations in learning outcomes of clinical practice midwifery. Based on the multiple linear regression statistical calculation results feedback, created competition, of the variables emotional intelligence reward reward or punishment and motivation are able to explain punishment. Line research on the relationship between motivation and outcome of this study has been conducted by Dedi variations in learning achievement of 88.7 R2 = 0, 887; p 0.001. From the results it can be said that there are emotional intelligence and I 2006, entitled Relationship motivation to learn to relate to the Motivation and Achievement in competence of clinical practice Madrasah Aliyah Sukarame midwifery care. Thus the simultaneous Tasikmalaya relationship was found r = 0.50. Based on the results of research conducted Nabhani 2007, entitled Relationship Between Interest variables emotional intelligence and motivation to learn can explain the learning outcomes of clinical practice midwifery care. and Motivation to Learning Results of this study supported Achievement in Students of Nursing previous research conducted by the Academy PKU Muhammadiyah research of Saifuddin Z 2010 with the Surakarta Year 2007, also stated there was a significant relationship with the positive direction between motivation and academic achievement r = 0.56. title The relationship between interest, motivation and emotional intelligence with learning achievement in Student Prodi D III Physiotherapy Polytechnic The role of positive motivation-a Surakarta mentioned that the collection of enthusiasm, passion and relationship between the interest, confidence in achieving the feat. Motivation is the impulse contained within him and comes from outside motivation and emotional intelligence with student achievement, then the interest, motivation and emotional themselves, and urge the cause, intelligence highly supportive learning directing, and organizing behavior to do a job. People - people who are used to motivate themselves tend to be more achievement. It can be concluded that there is a weak correlation between interest and learning achievement r = productive and effective every 0:17, ρ = 0.184. moderate correlation mngerjakan any Goleman, 2009. between motivation and learning achievement r = 0:34, ρ = 0.008. 3. Emotional intelligence and There is a moderate correlation learning motivation and learning 822 between emotional intelligence and learning achievement r = 0491, ρ = 0.000. In international research Arockiam L and Selvaraj C. 2011 A Study on the relationship between emotional quotient and Recollection and retention in e-learning provides the results of emotion and motivation is the most significant driving force behind the maximum results for students to move in a certain direction. Students who do not have the motivation to learn and the level of the relatively immature emotional intelligence might be inclined to see the results of clinical practice is negative, due to the success in this environment requires a greater degree of self-discipline, independent 1. There is a positive relationship and a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence and learning results of clinical practice midwifery b = 0.27; p = 0.010 2. There is a positive relationship and statistically significant between motivation and learning outcomes of clinical practice midwifery b = 0.69; p = 0.001 3. Variable emotional intelligence and motivation are able to explain variations in learning achievement of 88.7 R2 = 0, 887; p 0.001. SUGGESTION business, maturity, time management 1. For Education skills, and a positive attitude , Given To manage emotional the research linking emotional intelligence and motivation in clinical practice with intrinsic personal characteristics such as self-discipline, self-direction, and maturity, as well as intelligence in order to improve the motivation of learners, to carry out tests of emotional intelligence and motivation to determine the extent of readiness of students in extrinsic motivator, it becomes more conducting clinical practice important to change the power of thought which demands extra midwifery care. The existence of a minimum cognitive, emotional, and physical value as a condition for resources. Skills in this practice requires a strong sense, self-awareness and personal understanding. It also requires good problem solving, skills and confidence firm to conduct a follow up to the task. A study of the concept of emotional intelligence implementing clinical practice at the practice field. With emotional intelligence and motivation to learn are both expected outcomes of clinical practice students are also increasingly baim as the results in this study. showed that characteristics such as 2. for Students self-perception, maturity, and self- To develop emotional actualization will motivate the forces that led to the students involved and academic success and get the intelligence and motivation as well as play an active role in achieving the learning outcomes of students appropriate assessment. clinical practice and develop strategies to clinical practice CONCLUSION midwifery care.For Further Based on the analysis and Research. discussion that has been stated in the previous chapter, it can be concluded as follows: 3. For Further Research Expected to conduct further research on the factors influencing 823 the emotional intelligence and . 2006. Kurikulum pendidikan motivation to learn because of the results of this study indicate. diploma Jakarta: III kebidanan . Departemen Kesehatan Sardiman. 2007. Interaksi dan motivasi REFFERENCES Arikunto S. 2002. Prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Dimyati dan Mudjiono. 2006. Belajar dan pembelajaran . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta belajar mengajar . Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Perkasa Slameto. 2003. Belajar dan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi . Jakarta: Pt Rineka Cipta Uno H. 2011. Teori motivasi dan pengukuran . Jakarta: Bumi Goleman D. 2009. Emotional Aksara intelligence . Jakarta: Winardi J. 2001. Motivasi Gramedia Pustaka Utama Hamalik O. 2011. Proses belajar mengajar. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara Mubayidh M. 2006. Kecerdasan dan pemotivasian dalam manajemen . Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada Arockiam L and Selvaraj C. 2011. A Study on relationship between kesehatan emosional anak . emotional quotient and Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar Mudjiman H. 2006. Belajar mandiri self – motivation learning Cetakan I. Surakarta: LPP UNS dan UNS Press Murti B. 2010. Desain dan ukuran sampel untuk penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif di bidang kesehatan Cetakan II. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press recollection and retention in e-learning . http:www.enggjournals.com ijcsedocIJCSE11-03-12- 077.pdf. 27 desember 2011 Dobbins T. 2011. The relationship between emotional intelligence and attitudes toward computer -based instruction of postsecondary hospitality students . Purwanto N. 2007. Psikologi http:scholar.lib.vt.eduejourn pendidikan . Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya DepKes. 2005. Standar pembelajaran praktik kebidanan. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan 824 als JCTEv26n1behnke.html . 28 desember 2011 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WARM COMPRESSES TO THE REDUCTION OF PRIMER MENSTRUAL PAIN DISMINOREA IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS Laily Prima Monica STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Email : laily_primayahoo.com Abstract Giving a warm compress both given during menstruation and menstrual pain experienced disminorea primer, helps to stretch the muscles of the uterus to contract when menstruation and blood flow. Pre - experimental research design. The population in this study was 234 girls boarding school in the village Maftahul Uluum Jatinom Kanigoro District of Blitar. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The research was Conducted on 30 July 2015 in the Maftahul Uluum Jatinom Kanigoro District of Blitar boarding school. The statistical test used Wilcoxon Sing Rank Test and was assisted using SPSS for windows. The result showed a decrease in the percentage of menstrual pain scale dysmenorrhoea primer before and after being given a warm compress that pain scale was from 60 to 20. Then, there was the increase in scale of menstrual pain dysmenorrhoea primer on mild pain scale that was from 33.3 to 66.7 and there was no pain on a scale from 0 to 13,3. Based on statistical test obtained Wlicoxon Signed Rank Test p value = 0.004, so the p value = 0,004 α = 0.05, meant that there were effect of a warm compress to decrease menstrual pain dysmenorrhoea primer in adolescent girls. Warm compresses is one method that can reduce the pain that occurs when disminorea in adolescent girls. Keyword : Warm compress, menstrual pain disminorea primer. Introduction Menstruation is the periodic bleeding of the uterus that begins about 14 days after ovulation. Mestruasi cycle is a complex sequence of events which affect each other belly down before and during menstruation and often nausea hence the term dysmenorrhoea is only used if the menstrual pain so painfull, forcing the patient to rest and leave, for a few hours or and occur endometrium, simultaneously in the to the hypothalamus, a few days Wiknjosastro, 2005. The use of warm compresses is a pituitary and ovary. Bobak. 2005. Menstruation can sometimes cause pathological risk when associated with impaired activities of daily living. At the time of menstruation, women sometimes feel pain, the nature and degree of pain varies. The condition is called dysmenorrhoea, namely the state of severe pain and can interfere with daily activities. Because this disorder is subjective, difficult to assess the weight or intensity. Although the frequency of dysmenorrhoea is quite high and the disease has long been known, until now this pathogenesis has not been solved satisfactorily. Hence almost all women experience discomfort in the 823 way to eliminate or decrease the pain that is in a non-pharmacological without side effects. Warm compresses can relieve ischemia by reducing uterine contractions and expedite blood vessels so that it can relieve pain by reducing tension, improve blood flow and reduce pelvic vasocon- gestion Bobak, 2005. In epidemiological studies in the adolescent population aged 12-17 years in Amerikaa union, klein and Litt disminorea reported a prevalence of 59.7 percent. And those who complain of pain, 12 percent severe, 37 percent moderate and 49 percent dull pain. The study also reported that disminorea causes 14 percent of young women are often absent from school. Conditions in Indonesia may be said 90 percent of METHOD women have experienced disminorea This research used a pre- Anugoro, ditto. 2011. The results of the initial survey conducted in Pondok Pesantren Putri Maftahul Uluum Ds. Jatinom district. Kanigoro Kab. Blitar based on the register for the last three months there were 8 students who break due to dysmenorrhea. The results of interviews of 10‟ boarding school students found that eight of the students experiencing abdominal pain each experimental approach with One-group pre-post test design. The population in this study was all young women who have experienced menstruation and experienced primary menstrual pain dysmenorrhoea in the village Uluum Maftahul Jatinom Kanigoro Blitar boarding school .The respondents were 15 young girls. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. In this study, the instrument period and two people sometimes used a check-list as SOP and observation experience it. When two people said that how to cope with taking pain medication, five people with rest, squat, and never use eucalyptus oil. Based on the results of these interviews, researchers interested in conducting research on the effectiveness of warm compress to decrease primer menstrual pain dysmenorrhoea. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of a warm compress to decrease menstrual pain dysmenorrhoea in adolescent girls in Pondok Pesantren Putri Maftahul Uluum sheets to determine the effect of the interventions. The data collection methods used observation. This study used a statistical test Wilcoxon signed rank test with SPSS. RESULT AND ANALYSIS A. GENERAL DATA