Personality Type Student SUGGESTIONS

factors that influence it. According to Ahmadi in Septiarini, 2011 factors that affect the process and the learning outcomes of students in school, can be broadly divided into two parts, namely internal factors factors physical health, physiological, intelligence, motivation, interests and personality and external factors family circumstances, teachers and teaching, teaching tools, social motivation, The results are consistent with the theory Ahmadi in Septiarini, 2011 which states that personality is one of the factors that influence learning achievement. Learning achievement with excellent category are mostly owned by students with personality types extrovert, according to personality traits ekstovert active, friendly, confident, happy to discuss and bold expression so as to encourage them to provide environment opportunities and achievement of optimal Sunaryo, curriculum. Researchers give opinion from the theory and the facts above, the learning achievement is not only influenced by Intelligence Questions course, there are many factors that affect the learning achievement one of which is the motivation and interest, with the motivation and strong interest then someone will be active in learning so that it will get the value learn a great achievement.

3. Relations with the Personality Type

of Student Learning Achievement Program S1 Nursing II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada The results in Table 3 obtained a student who has an introverted personality type with a very good 2004. Researchers agree with theory above as characteristic personality types ekstovert be one of the factors that can improve learning achievement because it has characteristics of social skills, express their opinions and provide counseling solutions to public health problems. It is also supported by a previous study conducted by Lusiana 2009 on the Relationship of Personality Types with Academic Achievement at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Riau Force 2006 , personality types studied are personality type A, type B personality, and personality type AB. With results of the research, there is a relationship between personality type achievement is as much as 7 with academic achievement in 12.96 and students who have personality types extrovert with a very good achievement is as much as 17 people 31.47, it can be concluded that nearly half of the respondents who have a very good learning achievement is the students of the Faculty of Medicine class of 2006 University of Riau. In common with this study is equally aims to determine the relationship of the type of personality and academic achievement. Differences of this study with previous studies is if the respondents who have extroverted previous study examined are personality types as much as 17 respondents 31.47. personality types A, B and AB, but this study examined are introverted Statistics Chi Square test and extroverted personality type. results in Table 4 was obtained p Based on this research and the value = 0.032, while α = 0.05 for p results of previous studies, the α then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. That is no relationship between researchers concluded there is a correlation between the type of personality type and Achievement of personality and academic Student Learning Nursing Program S1. 375 achievement, thus the personality type is affecting the students to get a good learning performance, therefore, the institution is expected to choose the method of learning that suits the type the personality of each c. For further Researcher Further research is needed to look for a more complete student in order to obtain optimal supporting data about performance. personality types and learning achievement, so as to develop CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions From the result of the research, it shows almost half of 54 further research better. BIBLIOGRAPHY in order to students have personality type extrovet with excellent very good learning Arifin, Z. 2009. Evaluasi Pembelajaran, Prinsip, Teknik, Prosedur. achievement 17 students Bandung: PT. Remaja 31,47 and value ρ = 0,032, so it can concluded there is relationship between personality type with learning Rosdakarya. Diknakes. 2014. Pedoman Kegiatan Akademik Program S-1 achievement of S1 Nursing Program Keperawatan. Tulungagung: Grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung.

B. Suggestions 1. For Development Program

a. S1 Nursing Program

With this research, educational institutions can be expected to develop a program to create a mood or learning support method according to personality type S1 Nursing Program students grade II STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung.

2. For Develompment Science a. For Educational Institution

For educational institutions can be expectated to provide more reference books about personality and academic avhievement.

b. For Development Nursing Science

STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada. Goleman, D. 2007. Emotional Intelligence Terjemahan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Grafindo Perkasa. Hidayat, A.A.A 2007. Metodologi Penelitian Keperawatan dan Teknik Analisa Data. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Lim, P.S. Melissa, N.A.L.Y. 2012. Big Five Personality Predictors Of Post-Secondary Academic Performance. Pertanika Journal Social Science Humanika, 4 , 973 - 988. Lusiana. 2009. Hubungan Tipe Kepribadian dengan Prestasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau Angkatan 2006, diunduh tanggal 25 Desember 2014 dari K articledownload672665.pdf. Naam, S. 2009. Hubungan Konsep Diri It‟s expected to further dengan Prestasi Akademik develop nursing science in the field of education, especially it can be the basic to determine the students education strategy which has introverted and extroverted personality, and further advance the science of nursing research in enhancing the value of learning achievement. 376 Mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Semester III Kelas Ekstensi PSIK FK USU medan. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Fakultas Kedokteran. Diunduh tanggal 23 November 2014, dari am 12345678914291109E00579