The Effect of Nursing Class, Indication,

p = 0.453. In the statistical analysis of treatment classes obtained p = 0.440, which means there is no class effect of treatment with wound healing time. While the analysis does indication caesarean sectio, obtained p = 0.280, which means there is no indication does influence between SC with wound healing time. Selection of a combination of antibiotics also The age factor does not significantly influence the mobilization time p = 0.507. Similarly, hemoglobin p = 0.453, grade of treatment p = 0.174, indicative caesarean sectio p = 1.000, antibiotics p = 0.440, and nutrition p = 0.468 did not affect the mobilization time. Wound care factors proven to affect the mobilization of maternal time post caesarea has no effect on wound healing time p = sectio in Pare hospitals p = 0.001. The 0.626. The wound care proven effect on wound healing time for patients in Pare hospitals post caesarea sectio p = 0.000. In accordance with the results of the mean LOS of 4.8 days, whereas in the fourth day of the new mother is given once a wound care, which subsequently allowed to go home and outpatient care enough if the observation is currently visible injuries wound care improves. The provision of care wound on the fourth day post caesarea sectio is to adjust the theory where sterile wound healing process that has entered the stage of epithelialization is around the third and fourth days. Therefore, the opening of the bandage before the third day is not allowed because it can disrupt the network epithelialization process Potter and Perry 2006. Results of statistical analysis on the nutritional value obtained p = 0.083, meaning there is no influence between nutrition diet with wound healing time. To further after analyzed by multiple logistic regression was obtained variables that significantly affect the wound healing time was wound care and nutrition. It also looks interaction between the wound care nutrition with P Value = 0,000. Thus the final model is the model with interaction. Of the three variables, the variables that most influence on wound healing is nutritional variables Exp B = indirect effect of the action is to help the patient wound healing process so that patients are motivated for immediate mobilization. Immediate mobilization gradually be very useful to assist wound healing irritation. Mobilization is useful for preventing thrombosis and embolism. Conversely if too early mobilization can influence wound healing Novita 2007. To further after analyzed by logistic regression, it turns out the variables that significantly affect only the mobilization of the wound care alone, with Exp B = 7.475. However found the interaction between patient wound with class of service in their influence on the mobilization p Value = 0.002. The results are consistent with the theory, where the frequency of hospitalization injuries most a little showing the wound well, considering the patient wound made to wait after three-four days post SC that adapts to the theory so as not to interfere with the process of epithelialization wounds as a sign of positive wound healing process and to further patients for outpatient treatment Perry and Potter, 2006. 6 The Influence factors that affect the occurrence of complications of Caesarean section Patients In Delivery Room Pare - Kediri Hospital. The age factor proved to be no 178.89. The results are consistent with the significant effect on the occurrence of theory, where the frequency of hospitalization injuries most a little showing the wound well, considering the patient wound made to wait after three-four days post c that adapts to the theory so as not to interfere with the process of epithelialization wounds as a caesarea with positive wound healing process and to further patients for outpatient treatment Perry and Potter, 2006. complications p = 0.061. Likewise, the Hb factor p = 0.453, grade of treatment p = 0.444, indication p = 0.162, medicine 0626, and nutrition p = 0.083. Only the factor hospitalization proven effect on the occurrence of complications in patients in hospitals Pare post caesarean sectio p = 0.000. To further after analyzed by logistic regression, it turns out the variables that 5} The Influencing Factors of Mobilization significantly affect the occurrence of Patient To Time Caesarea Sectio In complications is simply wound care alone, Delivery Room Pare -Kediri Hospital. 526 with Exp B = 161.98, and there were no interaction between age, wound care and nutrition in their influence on complications 0.094.

6. ImplicationsResearch

In this study, patients with complications of caesarean section wound healing time so that the average 9-12 days of hospitalization LOS for 9 days because obstetric doctors in Pare hospitals do not allow patients go home if the wound is still wet in case of complications in the postoperative wound , so that the wound care needs to be performed 2 times. This usually occurs in patients with an indication of entrance is indicative of a mother with diabetes mellitus, prolonged labor and with high blood pressure that affects the cost increase in caesarea section patients to Rp 4.43.000, -. The variable class of service as a source of financing in this study did not affect the outcome of patients sectio, so that in accordance with the Law on Consumer where there is no difference in terms of the provision of care services that lead to the healing process of patients in hospitals, except the room facilities were acquired, so the cost issued approximately Rp. 3.61.000, -. Based on these images we can conclude is advisable to use Path analysis for the perfection of research analysis. c. Collecting data in this study is only done in Pare Hospital so that these results can not be generalized.

8. Conclusion

Factors that proved influential on maternal LOS post caesarea sectio in hospitals Pare was wound care and nutrition, factors that proved to affect the cost of post caesarea sectio hospital in the mothers age, Hb, and medicine. While the wound care factors shown to affect the wound healing time. Wound care factors also proved to be an effect on the time of mobilization, in addition to wound care and nutritional factors are also shown to influence the occurrence of complications in patients with post caesarea sectio in Pare hospitals.

9. Suggestions

To determine the cost efficiency in the preparation of Clinical Pathway for caesarea sectio patients in Pare hospitals to consider is the age factor, Hb, class of service, indications, wound care, antibiotic use, nutrition and complications. Of the 7 seven factors are more influential to the cost is the preparation of Clinical Pathway ranging from nutrition, wound care, restrictions on caesarea sectio patients in terms of age at least patients aged 25-31 years, because it affects the patient LOS factors to be 4 days, while the diet given was High-calorie high-protein and the time required for wound healing is 7 days and 1 day mobilization. indications, and Hb, further factor of antibiotics used and age. References Baker, J. J. 1998. Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Managemet for Health Antibiotics are used can be used is a Care. Gaithersburg, Maryland, combination of amoxicillin and oral Aspen,inc. amoxicillin injection, wound care enough 1kali done after the patient is allowed to go home because the incision is dry no complications in the wound and outpatient treatment at the time determined by the treating physician. Indication of incoming patient is an indication that the baby does not affect the relative length of stay because usually the mother was discharged so that the total costs needed by patients is approximately 3610.000 rupiah.

7. Limitations Research

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