Strenght of tendon suture in Kessler Modification KM technique

4. The strength of tendon suture with technique of Kessler Modification

KM Strength of Samu Modification techniques mostly 1.1 Kgf, and includes in category of quite strong, because there are too many punctures suturing. greater that in the Kessler Modification technique. Suggestion For Institution Based on the research result, this study suggested The technique of Samu

5. Diameter of

Tendon Pre-Post Modification SM can be used as an technique of Samu Modification SM Difference in tendon diameter pre- post Samu Modification SM mostly of 0.2 cm, because too many punctures suturing.

6. Efektiveness of the suture technique of Samu Modifikasi SM

Technique of Samu Modification SM mostly include in category of quite active because change in diameter which is little bigger

7. Diameter OF Tendon Pre - Post technique of Kessler Modification

KM Difference in tendon diameter pre- post Kessler Modification KM mostly of 0.1 cm, because not too many punctures suturing.

8. Effectiveness of Kessler Modification KM suture technique

Kessler Modification Techniques KM mostly categorized as effective, because of the minimal changes in tendon diameter.

9. Comparison of Tendon Suture strength between Samu Modification

alternative to surgery, especially orthopedic surgery. For nursing profession Considering the results of research on the strength of suture technique Samu Modification SM, which includes in the category of strong and quite effective, it is recommended for nurses or other surgeons to use these techniques in surgery, especially orthopedic surgery.. For Researcher The researcher hope this research can be improved, such as the use of test animals, the structure of the tendon is more like a human, such as monkeys and so on. REFERENCES Agus. 2010. Macam – macam Ayam , m . Diakses tanggal 27 Oktober 2012 jam 12.30 WIB. Arikunto. 2006. ProsedurPenelitian Suatu technique SM and Kessler Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta: Modification technique KM The suture of Samu modification technique SM is stronger than the Kessler Modification technique KM, because in the technique of Kessler Modification KM there are a lot of punctures or suture so that it facilitate the occurence of re-rupture.

10. Comparison of Tendon Suture strength between Samu Modification

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