Effect of respondents attitude before and after administration of

with mental dissertation is mesinah are also active in the activities organized by the local government melalaui training centers along with village communities of coral Patihan to conduct skills training for local residents in making mats. The program is very helpful in increasing the creative power of the local community and increase revenue to increase household income. in addition, residents also involve people with mental retardation to participate actively participate in these activities, so it can be interpreted that the local people are very open to people with mental retardation. Various aspects of the functioning of independence that formed the beginning social values such as participation in various events are part of a sense of community in accepting the opening of residents with mental retardation. The support given as a form of legality as citizens in society. Conclusion and suggestion The advice given in this study include the provision of social support, especially in the form of material assistance should be adjusted to the needs and conditions of each persons with mental retardation, so that the development of self-reliance capability can be awakened every individual and the aid can be targeted to the needs of the community. Role of health workers of family support in providing teaching more optimal in improving the behaviors that will be taught are broken down into small parts in sequence and basic routine that can foster personal performance of providing health care. The quantity in human resources also need to be increased in a bid assistance responsibility to be given to the to people with mental retardation. provision of a learning activity in their daily lives. the role of interaction of social relations within the family such as communicating effectively with the immediate family and the community by following religious activities can be a filter in negative behavior Picture 1 : the activities of person with mental retardation Provision of optimal support through a person approach the center with assistance, both material and non- material as well as increased legal identity as a society through the application of the rules of religious and 1395 Pattern intensive assistance in changing peoples minds so that people receive medical care through the ministry of health centers. Extraordinary School SLB as an educational institution to monitor the condition of people with special needs such as persons with mental retardation. SLB role can reach out and provide character education in accordance with the level of mental retardation condition experienced by people with evaluations involving the participation of family members, especially the pattern of care provided by parents REFERENCEE Aryani, f. 2001. Hubungan antara penerimaan ibu dengan kemasakan sosial anaknya yang menyandang tunagrahita. Skripsi, fakultas psikologi ugm yogyakarta: tidak dipublikasikan. Bhudiman, melly.1981. Masalah dan pelayanan dini retardasi mental ditinjau dari kedokteran jiwa. Majalah psikiatri