Results Qualitative Test Method Flavonoids With Wilstatter

samples is shown with significance value of less than 0.05. Significance value obtained from the comparison of the average solubility of calcium each sample in Tukey HSD analysis is less than 0.05. it can be said that the average solubility of calcium in distilled water negative control, positive control Calcusol 1.2, and the pandan wangi leaves extracts from each of the different levels of meaning or difference is real or significant. It is marked on the Mean Difference column contained an asterisk . The amount of calcium dissolved in pandan wangi leaves extract and the percentage increase of the negative control and a positive control Calcusol distilled water of 1.2 can be seen in Table V. Comparison between the negative control and a positive control calcusol distilled water of 1.2 indicates that the ability to extract fragrant pandan leaves 2 , 5 calcium form soluble complexes with calcium so that an increasing number of flavonoids would increase the amount of dissolved calcium. Research pandan wangi leaves extract effect on the solubility of calcium kidney stones in vitro results that pandan wangi leaves extract content of 0.625 to 10 can dissolve calcium kidney stones. ability to dissolve calcium kidney stones caused by the flavonoids in pandan wangi leaves extract. This study is the first step to determine the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract kalsim in dissolving kidney stones. Further studies need to be performed in vivo to determine the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract in dissolving calcium kidney stones. CONCLUTION The experiment results shows that water kidney stones dissolve the lower extract of Pandanus amarylliflius 2.5909 and 84.3663. Aquadest comparison with the negative control and positive control Calcusol 1.2 indicated that the ability of pandan wangi leaves extract 0.625, 1.25, 5 and 10 are able to dissolve calcium kidney stones with each Roxb. ,. folium contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones REFERENCES 1. Anonim. 2008. Sediaan Galenik . Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI percentage increased, 282.6381 ± 2. Anonim. 1979. Vademekum 3.8265, ± 645.3675 102.2272, 672.1198 ± 109.4855, 287.4315 ± 1327.9916, Bahan Obat Alam . Jakarta: Depkes RI although a less capable but wandan 3. Anonim. 2008. Buku Pintar pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5 still has the potential to dissolve calcium kidney stones because Tukey HSD analysis results showed significant differences between calcium dissolved in a pandan wangi leaves extract 2.5. Histogram test solutions versus the average Ca dissolved by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, results immersion calcium kidney stones with the test solution for 5 hours. Histogram relationship between the test solution with the amount of dissolved calcium indicates that the higher the concentration of the extract, the amount of dissolved calcium also higher. Flavonoids contained in the extract to 585 Tanaman Obat . Jakarta: Agromedia, 16-17. 4. Cahyono. 2009. Bagaimana Cara Mencegah dan Mengatasi Batu Ginjal. yogyakarta 5. Dalimartha, Setiawan. 2000. Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia. Jilid I. Trubus Agriwidya. Jakarta. 103- 104 6. Gandasoebrata, R. 1968. Penuntun Laboratorium Klinik. Jilid I. Dian Rakyat. Jakarta. 186- 187 7. Gandjar, Ibnu, Gholib. 2007. Analisis Kimia Farmasi. Yogyakarta