Identification Massaging Effect of baby massage 7-12 Months Against Increased Appetite Identification Massaging

Rosalina, Ina. 2007. Fisiologi Pijat Bayi. Jakarta : Trikarsa Multi Media. Soetjiningsih.1995. Tumbuh Kembang Anak : Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. 362 THE EFFECT OF INTERLEUKIN- 1Β INDUCTION ON CHONDROCYTES Anis Murniati 1, Siti Zulaikah 2, Marufah 2, Rena Normasari 3, Sri Fauziyah 4, Ardani Galih Prakosa 5 1 Department of Nursing, STIKES Hutama Abdi Husada, Tulungagung, Indonesia 2 Department of analitical medicine, AKMAL, Malang, Indonesia 3 Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia 4 Department of Fisiology, Faculty of Medicine, UNISMA, Malang, Indonesia 5 Department of Fisiology, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia e-mail: Abstract IL-1 β is a glycoprotein molecule produced and secreted in an inactive form called pro-IL-1β. IL- 1β stimulates the synthesis and activity matrikmetalloproteinase MMPs, one of which is MMP- 13 and it also synthesis the other enzymes that cause cartilage degradation. IL- 1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-beta serves to stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cells contained in avascular tissue, synthesize all the elements contained in the cartilage matrix. The changes that occurred during the chondrocytes in vitro conditions also occur in the body of patients with osteoarthritis OA. This research is a true experimental by using post-test only control group design, The aim of this research is to know the changes of chondrocytes and secretion of MMP-13 after being given recombinant human IL- 1β. The result showed chondrocytes become hypertrophic, the cells swollen and the secretion of MMP-13 increased, the results are analized used un-paired t test obtained p = 0.000, there are differences in the secretion of MMP-13 between groups were given IL- 1β with a group were not given IL-1β. Chondrocytes induced IL-1β to produce MMP-13 and type X collagen which shows dedifferentiation toward hypertrophic phenotype. Stimulation of IL- 1β activates several MAPK kinase MAPKK will then phosphorylates and activates MAPK, p38, c-jun N-terminal kinase JNK and extracelullar signal-regulated kinase ERK which will translocate into the nucleus. Next, MAPK phosphorylates and activates several transcription factors ATF-2, c-jun, Elk-1 and Ets-1 that play a role in the transcription of MMP will further increase in the expression of Nuclear factor kappa B NFkB and activator protein 1 AP- 1 and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines occurs stimulation were able to induce chondrocytes to synthesize the MMPs and stimulates the normal chondrocytes becomes hypertrophic Keyword : IL- 1β induction,chondrocytes, hypertrophic, MMP -13 Introduction IL- 1β is one type of cytokine that plays an important role in the inflammatory response associated with the infections and diseases related to the immune system. IL- 1β ability to induce chondrocytes and synovial to synthesize MMPs, IL- 1β has the ability to suppress the synthesis of type 2 collagen, proteoglycans and inhibit TGF-beta which serves to stimulate the proliferation of is a glycoprotein molecule produced and chondrocytes Alejandro, secreted in an inactive form called pro-IL- 1β. IL-1β stimulates the synthesis and activity of matrikmetalloprotein and other 2011. Chondrocytes which were induced by IL- 1β produce proteins that are not found in cartilage that produce collagen type I and III. enzymes that cause cartilage degradation. IL- It also produces alkali phosfatase, 1β is a pro-inflammatory cytokine, has the 364 osteonectin, MMP-13 and type X collagen