Rupture of the perineum Multipara Maternal with Semi

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH COUNSELING THERAPHY TOWARDS SEXUAL ATTITUDES OF ADOLESCENT AT PGRI TALUN HIGHSCHOOL BLITAR Levi Tina Sari Program Studi D3 Kebidanan STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Abstract The nature of teenagers who always want to find out new things, especially about sex will lead to a negative attitude if not accompanied by a good knowledge and from the right source, maturity for adolescents is psycho social even more severe, if the attitude toward casual sex less it will open opportunities for premarital sex or sex also called free free sex, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases purpose of this study was to determine the influence of reproductive health counseling on adolescent sexual attitudes. The study design used was quasi experiment, the pretest and posttest design with non-equivalent group. The total sample of 58 respondents were given treatment KRR counseling. Univariate analysis with frequency distribution and bivariate to know the differences with the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that before treatment is given as much as 55.2 do not have an attitude of support, but after being given treatment proved that 53.4 had a supportive attitude. Mann-Whitney test result adolescent reproductive health counseling effect on the attitude of a teenager with a p-value of 0.0005. Adolescent reproductive health counseling influence the change in attitude conducive to not have sex outside of marriage. Therefore, it is expected that the school always gives guidance and counseling KRR routinely in high school. Keywords: reproductive health counseling, sexual attitudes, adolescent INTRODUCTION 2010, the number of Indonesian Reproductive health received special attention globally since he raised the issue at the International Conference on Population and Reproductive health received special attention globally since he raised the issue at the International teenagers aged 10-24 years about 67 million or 29 of the total population BPS, 2013. The number of teenagers that nearly a third of the population of Indonesia is capital to create the next generation of quality that is needed to Conference on Population and build a nation Development at Cairo UEA since 1994. Currently, reproductive health Indonesia agreed definition of remains a public health problem in reproductive health since 1996 which is a state of complete physical, mental and Indonesia is quite large scale. It can be seen from the data and facts on some social as a whole, not merely free of components of reproductive health, disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and processes BKKBN,2005. According to the World Health Organization WHO is a teenage male or female population aged 10-19 years BKKBN, 2005; UNHCR, 2012. The current composition of the juvenile population in the world reached around which is a matter of reproductive health in adolescents. Adolescent reproductive health problems in addition to the physical impact, can also affect the mental and emotional state of the economy and social welfare in the long term. The long-term impact not only affect the teens themselves, but also on families, communities and nations in the future. 1.3 billion UNFPA, 2009. Based on Adolecents, there are the results of the population census of accelerated adult positively and 802 negatively. Adolescents who among adolescents they are at risk for a experienced a accelerated maturation number of reproductive health and and mature in a positive way that is social issues, namely delinquency, adolescent who say young age but has a unemployment, premarital sexual pattern of thought and positively behavior, Napzah and HIV AIDS. behavior as adults. Whereas adolescents are experienced a accelerated maturation negatively that is adolescent who are still said to be a young age, but the mindset has been like an adult but has the mindset and negative behavior. This is followed by the media revolution is open to the diversity of lifestyles and career choices. These developments resulted in increased vulnerability of One method to influence the attitude of Adolescents reproductive health in order to achieve an optimal manner counseling. This method by directing counselees to understand and face the real life situations that can make a decision based on that understanding to the happiness of his life. The purpose and goal of counseling is to provide conditions that facilitate the change adolescents to various diseases, voluntarily. Therefore, the young people especially related to sexual and can have a good knowledge about HIV reproductive health, including the AIDS and can have a good attitude and growing threat of HIV AIDS due to positive behavior to avoid early sexual behavior. Suryoputro et al., 2006. Many teenagers consider fair sex behavior that appear vulgar and flare, this indicates that quite a lot of irregularities sexual behavior among adolescents Tauhid, 2005. marriage, drugs and HIV AIDS. METHODS The design used in this study is a quasi experiment with using pretest and posttest design with non-equivalent Psychosocial maturity for group. Counseling therapy conducted at adolescents is even more severe, if less knowledge of sex education will open up opportunities for premarital sex or sex is also called the free free sex, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases. PGRI High school Talun Blitar. Counseling performed a total of once only conducted for 12 days, every day counseling as much as 5 students student. Sampling technique in this Childrens knowledge about sex research used a totally sampling. education generally obtained from The collection of data using people who are older or from friends of the same age with dirty jokes, often resulting in incorrect assumptions or negative emotions Syamsu, 2002. Adolescent Reproductive questionary attitude where to see how much the attitude of the respondents in adolescent reproductive health. Overall research in the form of multiple choice questionnaires and questionnaires that Health Survey Indonesia SKKRI, are directly carried out by the 2007, stating adolescents aged 15-24 years of knowledge about reproductive health is still low, 21 of girls do not know at all the changes that occur in respondent. The data analysis research, to univariate uses a unique frequency distribution and bivariate know the boys during puberty. Adolescents difference between pre and post using knowledge of the fertile period is still relatively low. Only 29 of women and 32 of men gave the correct answer is that a woman has a great chance of Mann-Whitney. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The results obtained by becoming pregnant in the middle of the adolescent sexual attitudes in the menstrual period cycle. As a result of not obtaining reproductive health information from the right source can be bad. The problem that arising today 803 experimental group between pretest and posttest there was significant changes compared to the comparison group. From the results of the experimental No. characteristics respondents Amount 1. Gender a. Man b. Female 27 33 45 55 2. Age a. 16 years b. 17 years c. 18 years 4 31 25 25 52 42 3. Ever get information about adolescent reproductive health: a. Yes b. No 57 3 95 5 4. If so, the information can adolescent reproductive health at first from : a. Health workers b. Magazine c. Electronic media d. Friends 28 9 20 47 15 33 5. Haved date : a. Yes b. No 52 8 87 13 Variable Preete st Posttes t ∑ ∑ The experimental group a. Doesn‟t support b. Support 3 8 2 2 6 3 3 7 2 7 3 3 4 5 5 5 group pretest, the attitude of the The control group respondents who have an attitude in favor of just 44.8, after getting counseling be 53.40. For more seen in the table below : a. Doesn‟t support b. Support 3 9 2 1 6 5 3 5 3 9 2 1 6 5 3 5 Table 1. Results of numerical characteristics of the respondents in PGRI High school Talun Blitar It is known from the above table that the experimental group after being supportive counseling for sexual behavior by 33 respondents , whereas there was no change it in the comparison group. Analyzed data were using Mann- Whitney Test showed that adolescent reproductive health counseling effect on adolescent sexual attitudes with p-value 0.0005. Counseling with face to face activities, conducted intentionally , involves two parties , namely are conselor and counselees. Counselors are those who help and those who assisted counselee is aimed at enlightening the counselee to better understand himself he himself, knowing the situation, look at the various alternatives to solve the problem and decide his choice Akhmadi, 2013. Therefore, counseling on reproductive health carried out can shape the attitudes of the students. The focus of counseling is to help an individual or group of individuals to achieve goals intrapersonal and interpersonal, overcome personal shortcomings and difficulties of development, making decisions and planning for change and development, and improve physical and Table 2. Numerical results pretest - posttest sexual behavior of adolescent who get counseling and get counseling adolescent reproductive health PGRI High School Talun Blitar mental health and happiness achieve collective happiness. Attitude is a feeling of support or partiality positive or less support or impartiality negative on a specific object. An attitude of readiness to react to an object in a certain way, it can be said that readiness is a potential tendency to react or act only when individuals are exposed to a stimulus that calls for a response. From the research it is evident that most of the students are already getting information about reproductive health from health officials, the 804