The results of lower back pain before hip motion exercises stretching.

The Coreelation Between The Interest and Motivation of Becoming A Nurse And The Learning Achievement of The Student of Diploma III In Nursing Science at Hutama Abdi Husada Health Institute Of Tulungagung Sri Agustiana STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung Email : Abstract The objective of this research are to investigate : 1 the correlation between the interest and the learning achievement, 2 the correlation between the motivation and the learning achievement, 3 the simultaneous correlation between the interest, motivation and the learning achievement.The method for this research was an observational analytical with the correlation design. The research started from December 2009 up to Agust 2010. The population, were all student semester IV fourth with total 91 student and all student semester VI sixth with total 121 students. As well as independent variable in this research were interest and motivation of becoming a nurse. The data at the research were gathered by using quetionnaire and document analysis. The data were then analyzed by using the multiple correlation technique of analysis.According to the result from analysis data and discussion which done by using significant 1 shows : 1 there is signification correlation between the interest and the learning achievement as indicated by r count r table 0,764 0,159 with ρ = 0,000, 2 There is significant correlation between the motivation and the learning achievement as indicated by r count r table 0,632 0,159 with ρ = 0,000 ; 3 there is simultaneous correlation between the interest, motivation and the learning achievement as indicated by Fcount Ftable 103,58 4,74 The result can be conclude that the research place founded students which have high interest and motivation to become a nurse, the academic achievement also high, the students which have moderate interest and motivation to become a nurse, the academic achievement also moderate. For the students to become a nurse, the academic achievement is fairly. This is caused by, the support from parent is strong but interest and motivation not come from their self. For the academic institution, better increase the learning achievement for student by way at improve and increase the quality teaching process, fulfill tool and infrastructure, as well as adequate human resources. Keyword : Interest, Motivation, Learning achievement INTRODUCTION The right choice for high school graduates who are interested and motivated to get a job is to continue their education to higher education such as Diploma III. One lane professional education in the health sector is education of Nursing Diploma III program. In the late, interest of the students entering the Diploma Nursing education tends to decrease. It can be seen from the data STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung, the number of applicants in the year 20062007 as many as 152 people, as many as 139 people in 20072008, 20082009 115 people and as many as 111 people in 20092010. One contributing factor is the lack of interest and motivation of students. STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung D-III Study Program of Nursing is the formal educational institutions that educate students to become professional nurses. To determine the success STIKes Hutama Abdi Husada Tulungagung as a professional educational institution needs assessment of students ‟ academic achievement. Cumulative Performance Index IPK is a number that indicates the achievement of students from the 350