Effectiveness Out Patient Physical Exercise

Alcohol is also contains base. Besides, alcohol can time and disappear during ten days. also stimulate the secretion of gland so it increase the hyper uricemia in the blood. Alcohol also produce much hyper so make the special enzyme in the liver and break the protein and 3 Third phase chronic During this phase, the tofus crystal was formed. This happened because of disobey the condition. Usually it happened in 5- 6 times in a year. The produce much hyper pain will continue in uricemia. It is the same with chemical drugs medicine. They can recover the disease but also can be dangerous for vital organs in the body such as kidney and liver. Safitri, 2012. several joints, such as the edge of toe, the ankle, knee, elbow, and the wrist became swelling. 4 Fourth phase tofus chronic After ten years got this 3. Patofisiology The first attack usually in the edge of toe. It usually recover soon and the next attack will come several years later. In the free phase, there is no abnormal joints. That is why some people did not realize that they got this disease, the patient will get the swelling of hard crystal contain hyper uricemia. The form was needle form in several joints and auricles. The common joint which got the attack is the joint of toes, ankle, knee, elbow, disease. They think that they and fingers. Dewani, got infection or something else. The second and the third attack of hyper uricemia came in the interval of months. It called the re sick 2006. d. Sign and symptom It was serious pain, red, swollen, and feeling hot in several joints. It happened in phase. The re sick will the morning usually Dewani recover often if it was chronic. The patient will feel pain during all day. Dewani, 2006. The other theory stated the sign and symptom of hyper uricemia namely : 2006. There were four phases of hyper uricemia, namely: 1 First phase asimtomatik During this phase, the increase of hyper uricemia occurred without feeling pain and no crystal in bladder. t 1 2 3 Pain, ache, and uncomfortable surrounding the joints. The first attack is in the toes joint. Swollen joints and the skin was red purplish, erect, and cling, feeling warm, and so sick when it touch. The joint was sick in cold 2 Second phase acute weather. During this phase, the 4 Fever, chilling, and joint got a big pain and uncomfortable also the feeling hot. It was emergency attack at night, so, the patient will wake up from sleep. The attack will be serious in the short 1247 heart was beating faster. This sign will be more serious for them whose below 30 years old. 5 6 7 The first attack occurred in special time, usually at night and in the morning when wake up. The first attack was only for one joint and occur during several days. It can recover without the medicine. But in different case, the attack can also in sole, knee, elbow, and wrist. The sign will disappear the content of bay leaves namely: 1 Flavonoid to make the blood circulation run well and avoid the blood blockage, anti oxcidant and analgetic.Utami 2013. Flavonoid in bay leaves also avoid the hypertension, decrease the hyper uricemia , and decrease blood glucose Herliana, 2013 slowly, the joints can be 2 Tannin is the active functioned normaly, and no sign until the next attack. material for anti inflammation and anti microba Utami 2013. 8 The pain will appear again if the patient consume base 3 Atsiri oil for analgesic effect Utami 2013. high food 4 Alkaloids strong 9 If the pain will be massaged, it will make more serious. So, make it analgetic to reduce pain and anti inflammation Safitri 2012. sure if you got the pain in this area. Know surely, it is hyper uricemia or not. Getting the sure answer whether it is hyper uricemia or not, it was needed laboratories check up, radiological check up , and joints gland. Sutanto, 2013. d. Bay leaves can be a diuretic so it can decrease the hyper uricemia in the blood. Besides, it also can be the pain relief so it can be used as the medicine of high blood pressure, hyper uricemia, diabetes mellitus, gasitris, drunken of alcohol, diarrhea, and wound Dewani, 2006.

B. Bay Leaves Concept

a. Definition Bay leaves is a single leaves in oval shape, or tend to round shape. The length of the leaves is about 0.5-1 cm, the edge was sharp, and flat. The upper leaves is clear with old green colour, and the lower leaves is light green Utami, 2013. b. Habitat e. How to make the traditional herbal of bay leaves The way of making the bay leaves boiling water is the following Handayani, 2013: 1 Boiling 10 gram of bay leaves become one glass. 2 Drink it when still warm twice a day morning and evening in 250 ml during 14 days. f. the influenced of bay leaves to hyper uricemia in the body flavonoid and This plant can grow in the alkaloid to block enzim xanthin height of 200-400 mdpl. oksidase and the reaction of Actually it is wild plant, which can grow in the forest with the average height is 1000 mdpl. c. Content 1248 hyperoksida release the oxygen for some items so it can bloked the form of hyper uricemia in the body, one of them is bay leaves Dewani, 2006.