Characteristics of Respondents by

activities and get closer God ,Chages and Behavior an attitude positive and treatment are rutinely expected to Darwis, S. D. 2003. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta : EGC. increase Quality of life and status of DepKes, RI. 2005. Profil kesehatan people living with HIV AIDS. CONCLUTION AND REKOMENDATION Conclution 1. From the research for a while it can be concluded that the provision of cognitive support and ESQ treatment in patients with HIV AIDS Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya KDS Friendship Plus Kediri can be received well by respondenm, and respondents calls for this therapy regularly and continuously Indonesia 2005 . Dibuka pada website : http.www, id. Pada tanggal 6 januari 2008. DepKes, RI. 2010. Riset Kesehatan Dasar . Jakarta : Badan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2010. Djuanda, Adhi. 2011. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin . Jakarta : Balai Penerbit 2. This results of the identification FKUI. characteristics of respondents by sex 53 male, 33 self-employed by Ditjen PP PL Kementerian Kesehatan RI. occupation, by married status 73 did 2013. Laporan Perkembangan not not married, based on consumption of 53 routine ARV ARV consumption, based on examination of 57 Normal CD4 levels and based blood tests 3. Sexual behavior research before treatment to 80 commit sexual Situasi HIV AIDS Di Indonesia Triwulan 2 Tahun 2013 . Jakarta. DinKes Jawa Timur, 2013. Hawari, D. 2004. Al Qur‟an : Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa dan Kesehatan behaviors that lead to the spread of HIV Jiwa”. Edisi III Revisi. AIDS and after treatment 36 perform sexual behavior that causation to the Yogyakarta: PT. Dana Bhakti Prima Yasa. transmission of HIV AIDS. Herawani, 2012. Pendidikan Kesehatan

5.1 Recomendation

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Social Support, Coping, and Medication Adherence Among HIV-Positive Women with Depression Living in Rural Areas of the Southeastern United States . AIDS PATIENS CARE and STDs . 21 : 667 - 680. Rasmun, 2004. Stres, Koping dan Adaptasi . Sagung Seto. Jakarta : EGC. Sugiyono, 2011. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan RD Edisi Revisi . Bandung : CV. Alfabeta. Stuart Sunden, 2002. Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing sixth edition . St.Louis Missouri : West Line Industrial Drive. 264 RELATIONSHIP OF WOMEN’S SELF PERCEPTION ABOUT MENOPAUSE WITH SELF READINESS IN FACING MENOPAUSE IN SELOSARI KANDAT KEDIRI. Shinta Kristianti Prodi Kebidanan Kediri Poltekkes Malang Email: ABSTRACT Perception is interpretation process about something pass through seeing, hearing, and feeling sense. Menopause is the last of menstruation which is experienced by woman which still influenced by reproduction hormone, which will seem to uncomfortable thing in running life. It needs self readiness physically and psychologically in facing menopause. Purpose of this research was knowing the relation of self perception of 45 th -55 th years old woman about menopause with self readiness in facing menopause in Selosari Kandat Kediri. The research design was analytic survey with cross sectional time approach. The research was implemented in June 2014 with population 45 th -55 th years old woman in Selosari Kandat Kediri, sample was taken from population were 79 respondents. The instrument was questionnaire. The data analysis by Fisher Exact Statistic test. Women who had negative perception with ready category contains of 49 women 62,03 , women who had positive perception with readiless category contains of 0 women 0 . It was gotten from accumulation value of ρ account ρ table 0 0,05. This research will show that there was relation of self perception of 45 th -55 th years old woman about menopause with self readiness in facing menopause in Selosari Kandat Kediri. Health staff have to give counseling about menopause in local area. Keywords: Perception, Menopause, Readiness BACKGROUND Women have a complex body. They experience a life with a process of development of anatomical, physiological, and reproduction, beginning in childhood, then grew into adolescence and adulthood. At the same time, growing and developing organs as well as a perfect woman. The most typical and distinctive of the women is the reproductive system. This is due to all of the processes that formed the reproductive system since women still fetus to grow up. Perfection was marked by the beginning of menstruation and from that moment all the organ anatomy, physical, and reproductive work together to enhance the female reproductive function. The process continues until the expiration of productive women, when menstruation stops permanently Kasdu Dini, 2005. In general, people prefer to use the term menopause, although the term is not appropriate, because menopause is only a momentary occurrence, namely the last menstrual bleeding. The most appropriate use is climacteric, the period of transition from the 287 reproductive phase to the phase of aging caused by the declining function of the generative Baziad, 2003. Climacteric is a phase that women pass down the aging process and stop fertility. Menopause is a life after the last menstruation. Because it is the phase of life premenopausal women before menopause Benson, 2008. Menopause occurs at that age varied, occurring on average menopause age 45-50 years, at present there is a tendency, for the occurrence of menopause at an older age of menopause for example in 1915 is said to occur at the age of 44 years, while in 1950 the menopause occurs at age approaching 50 years. According Manuaba 1999 the average menopause occurs at age 45-50 years with a clinical picture of normal menstruation stops. Most women begin experiencing symptoms in their 40s and reached its peak at the age of 50 years. Most experienced symptoms for less than 5 years old and about 25 over 5 years Sibagariang, 2010. In the course of his life a woman who reaches the age of about 45 years,