Introduction SPECIFIC DATA Table 2 Distribution of the frequency of

in the elderly in Pamotan, Sambeng, Lamongan. Group activity therapy is a group of psychotherapy conducted by the patients to discuss between one to another led or directed by a therapist or mental health worker who have been trained Rehabilitation Manual of Mental Patient Mental Hospital in Indonesia in Joseph, 2007. Psychological group therapy is conducted in groups to provide stimulation for patients with impaired interpersonal Joseph, 2008. It deals with the general purpose of TAK that is to enhance communication and feedback. Getting socialized, improving session 1 to the patient has not been able to reduce depression. 2. The level of depression of elderly after giving perception stimulation TAK session 2 to the depressed patients are able to reduce the level of depression by means of Identification of positive things of themselves. 3. There is an effect of perception stimulation TAK session 1 identifying positive things of themselves to the level of depression of elderly in the Pamotan, Sambeng, Lamongan. It is supported by the data analysis using Mc Nemar test with significance level α of 0.05 and p = 0.000. The result shows that there is a relationship between giving perception awareness of relationship emotional stimulation group activity therapy reaction toward the action, and motivating for the advancement of the cognitive and affective functions. It is also in accordance with the specific purpose of TAK which is to enhance identity, channelize emotions constructively, and improve interpersonal relationship skills. TAK also has a rehabilitative function in which those who have been cured medically but need to be prepared in the ability to the function and social preparation in the community. toward the level of depression of elderly.

b. Suggestion

This study is expected to provide input for the nursing profession about the effect of group activity therapy TAK of perception stimulation toward the level of depression of elderly. Thus the Activity Group Therapy can

6. References

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5. Conclusions and Recommendations

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a. Conclusion

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This research method used observational of case control approach where the population and the sample were men and women who visited Health Centers in the region of Ponorogo Regency Health Office either outpatient or inpatient during the study period, adjusted to the criteria of the study. The results of the study showed that poor respondents had risk of lung tuberculosis infection were 2.2 times greater than non-poor respondents OR = 2.2; CI = 95 . Suggestions can be submitted are necessary effort and commitment of strong political support, by the support of broad public participation, including the private sector of the health in solving tuberculosis. Key words: Poverty, Lung Tuberculosis Introduction Tuberculosis is an infectious disease directly caused by the bacteria of WHO estimates that in 2011 there were 8.7 million new cases of tuberculosis 13 are co-infected of HIV and 1.4 the Mycobacterium group named million people died of tuberculosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Kemenkes RI, 2014, is that an acid- resistant aerobic bacillus transmitted through the air airborn Asih Effendy, 2004. Tuberculosis can affect all organs and all age groups. Nonetheless lung is the organ most frequently affected by Tuberculosis Kemenkes RI, 2012. Tuberculosis TB continues to be a health problem in the world, especially in developing countries. Although the anti-tuberculosis drugs OAT has been found and vaccination Bacillus Calmette Guerin BCG has been implemented, TB still not been eradicated all Depkes, 2012. In developing countries, the death of TB is 25 of all deaths, actually it is preventable. An estimated 95 of TB cases and 98 of TB deaths in the world occur in developing countries; with 75 of TB patients are productive age group 15-50 years. 851 WHO, 2012. In a WHO report in 2013 estimated that there are 8.6 million cases of TB in 2012 where 1.1 million people 13 of whom were TB patients of HIV-positive Kemenkes RI, 2014. In Indonesia lung TB disease is a major problem of public health. Based on economic calculations using the indicator of DALY Disability Adjusted Life Year introduced by the Word Bank, TB is 7.7 of the total disease burden in Indonesia, this figure is higher than in other Asian countries that only 4 . In 1995, the results of the Household Health Survey showed that tuberculosis is the third cause of death after cardiovascular diseases and respiratory infections in all age groups, and it is number one of the group of infectious diseases. In 1999, WHO estimated that each year 583,000 new cases of tuberculosis caused the deaths about 140,000. Roughly estimated per 100,000