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where α = 0.05. Then H0 is rejected, it means that there are differences in blood sugar levels among respondents who given watermelon rind extract and them who were not on the diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan.


The discussion of this study is in accordance with the purpose of the research, statistical result and the effect regularly consumed, at least, in seven days to obtain maximum results. 2. Blood sugar levels In the Control Group The results in table 4.6 shows that blood sugar levels in the control group who were not given watermelon rind extraxt is 14 people and all the respondents get decreasing on their blood sugar levels 100. Based on the results, it can be concluded that all patients who were not given of watermelon rind juice to decrease watermelon rind extract did not blood sugar levels on diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan in the year of 2015. They are as follows: experience changes in their blood sugar levels. It is because the control group was given no treatment. Based on the 1. Blood sugar levels In the observations, many respondents are less Treatment Group The results written in Table 4.5 shows that the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the treatment group given watermelon rind extract are 14 people, 10 patients got decreasing on their blood active in controlling their blood sugar levels, such as the lack of regular exercise, do not eat properly. There are several factors that can affect the success in controlling the levels of blood sugar, such as: diet, stress, family roles, sugar levels 71.4 and 4 patients medicine, environment, and sport stayed the same in their blood sugar levels 28.6. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the majority of patients after consuming watermelon rind juice got decreasing on their blood sugar levels. According Trufus, 2013 white Guyton, 2007. Thus, maintaining the body to stay healthy is very salient. Some of the ways to do that are by maintaining a proper diet, exercising regularly, and keeping the mind to avoid stress. watermelon rind extract contains 3. The differences between Blood citrulline producing nitric oxide; nitric oxide is capable of lowering blood glucose and triglycerides of diabetics. In addition, citrulline is useful to nitric sugar levels In Treatment Group and Control Group Table 4.7 shows the differences between blood sugar levels in the control group oxide system in human body and it is and the treatment group given very potential as an antioxidant and vasodilation. It dilates blood vessels to increase the blood flow in the body and distribute it to the tissues that need it. The levels of citrulline in watermelon rind reached 24.7 mg, more than the flesh that only 16.7 mg. Citrulline in watermelon red fleshy 7.4 mg is less than the citrulline of yellow-fleshed watermelon rind extracts. It shows that 10 diabetic patients get decreasing on their blood sugar levels 71.4 and 4 diabetic patients did not experience the same 28.6. Whereas in the control group, the diabetic patients who were not given watermelon rind juice, all of them did not get decresing on their blood sugar levels 100. watermelon 28.5 mg. Thus, Based on the data above, it can be watermelon rind juice has qualitative benefits as herb because it has been used as a medicine to lower blood sugar claimed that all participants, diabetic patients, who consumed watermelon rind juice got decreasing on their blood levels in diabetes mellitus‟ patients. sugar levels. According to Trufus Watermelon rind extract juice should be 473 2013, white watermelon rind extract contains citrulline-producing nitric medical personnel or medical team, but oxide. Nitric oxide is able to lower blood glucose and triglycerides of diabetes. Whereas in the control group, also the whole individual should take a part. To facilitate the information about the all the patients were not given effect of consuming watermelon rind watermelon rind juice and they did not get any level changes on their blood sugar levels. It is caused that the control group were not given the treatment. The factors that could affect the success in controlling the levels of blood sugar are diet, stress, family roles, medicine, extract on diabetic patients, it is needed to be held counseling to the patients and their family. 5.2.2 For Health Institutions By the development of the effect of watermelon rind juice to decrease blood environment, and sport Guyton, 2007. sugar levels in diabetes mellitus‟ By studying the theories and the results described above, watermelon rind extract can influence to the decreasing of blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus‟ patients in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. Thus Sari watermelon rind can be used as an alternative medicine for lowering blood sugar levels. 5. CLOSING 5.1 Conclusion After analysing the data and see the results of the analysis, the researchers can draw some conclusions as follows: 1 There is reduction on the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the group given watermelon rind extract in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. 2 There is no reduction on the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients in the group not given patients, this research is hoped to be able to support the research as additiona existing theories. 5.2.3 For Other Researcher To conduct further research, the other researcherscan use larger number of respondents with more accurate method. They are also able to study using other influences such as diet, reducing stress, medicines, comfortable environment, regular exercise, and role of family to motivate and supervise the diabetic patients in their diet to eat fruit and vegetables regularly with low sugar. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Andi, Dyah Pratiwi. 2007. Epidemologi dan Isu Mutakhirnya http wordpress.com20071210. Diakses: tanggal 10 Oktober watermelon rind extract in 2012. Weru, Paciran, Lamongan. 3 There are differences on the blood sugar levels between group given watermelon rind extract and the group not given the extract of watermelon rind in Weru, Paciran, Lamongan.

5.2 Suggestion Based on the above conclusions, there

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