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PSYCHOEDUCATIVE F AMILY THERAPY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN SIKAP KELUARGA TERHADAP PASIEN TB PARU Psychoeducational Family Therapy To Improve Family Attitudes Towards Pulmonary TB Patients Bisepta Prayogi STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Email: ABSTRACT TuberculosisTB remains a major global health problem. This leads to poor health among millions of people every year and is now ranked second leading cause of death from infectious disease world wide, after the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV. The objective of this study was to analyze the effectivenes of family therapy psycoeducative to to improve family attitudes of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This study used quasy experiment pre-post test control group design. Total sample was 32 respondents taken using purposive sampling, the sample divided into experiment and control group. The data were analyzed by Paired T Test, and Independent T Test, with significance value of 0.05. Paired T Test analysis showed that psychoeducative family therapy had effect on increasing family attitude of towards pulmonary TB patients p =0,000. Psychoeducative family therapy improved family attitudes. Keywords: psychoeducative family therapy, attitudes of family, Pulmonary TB Patients __________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis TB remains a global health problem. The most recent estimate that there are 8.6 million new TB cases in the world in 2012 and 1.3 million deaths from TB just under 1.0 million among HIV- negative people and 0.3 million deaths associated with HIV-TB. Most of these TB cases and deaths occur among men. In 2012, there were an estimated 2.9 million TB cases and 410,000 deaths among women, as well as prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia 730,000 cases or 297 cases per 100,000 population. According to WHO tendency of new cases of pulmonary TB in Indonesia increased that in 2000 there were 430,000 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and in 2012 there were 460,000 new cases WHO, 2013. TB eradication in Indonesia has been implemented since 1969 through the National Program Tuberculosis Eradication Program P2TB by the Ministry of Health, and since the estimated 530,000 cases of dan74.000 1995 further intensified by means of death in children. The actual number of TB treatment strategies using Directly Observed deaths could be reduced given that most Treatment Short course DOTS could be prevented if people can use health recommended by WHO. But in reality after services for diagnosis and appropriate running 9-10 years of DOTS, treatment treatment. The program of short-term success rate has yet to reach the target set by treatment of first-line drugs available and can cure about 90 of cases for decades WHO, 2013. Indonesia take on fourth place in the world for the number of TB cases after India, China, and South Africa. In 2012 there were 460,000 new cases of TB in Indonesia or 185 per 100,000 population. There are about 67,000 deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis or 27 people per 100,000 population. The 392 the Ministry of Health is able to cure 85 of TB patients with Acid Resistant Bacteria BTA + were treated. From global surveillance results have been reported TB germ resistance against Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs OAT in patients with TB for one type of OAT DR-TB Drug Resistant-TB by 12.6 and for more than 2 types of OAT MDR TB, Multi-Drug Resistant TB of 2.2 Depkes, 2002. At the national level, East Java is one contributor to the invention of the number of pulmonary tuberculosis patients under the research conducted by Sulistiowati 2012 that psycoeducative family therapy effective in enhancing the ability of families both second highest in West Java Province. In psychomotor and cognitive in treating 2012, the figure Case Detection Rate CDR of 63.03 with the number of new cases positive and negative as many as 41 472 people and as many as 25 618 new smear- positive cases. These conditions are still far from the target CDR stipulated that 70 east java public health office, 2013. Data in the East Java Public Health Office in 2012 showed the results of treatment of TB patients can be seen from the patients with pulmonary TB disease. Based on evidence based practice, psychoeducation is a therapy that is used to provide information to families to improve their skills in caring for their family members, it is expected that the family will have a positive coping to stress and load experienced Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2004. In the family psychoeducation there are 5 sessions: identification of problem, cohort of patients in 2011. The number is client care, stress management, load calculated by summing the new smear management family, community positive TB patients with the final results of empowerment. Thus, one alternative solution treatment to heal and complete treatment is to optimize the support is to use divided with smear-positive TB patients psychoeducative family therapy. treated in cohort same period and multiplied by 100. The results of treatment in East Java showed a pretty good number, because it has achieved treatment success rate of over 90. Only 9 nine districts cities that have not yet reached a success rate of 90. Target 2014, a treatment success rate of 90 can be achieved by 100 of districts cities East Java Public Health Office, 2013. In 2012 the number of new cases in Blitar is 180 cases per 100,000 population. The mortality rate of pulmonary TB in Blitar Psychoeducative family therapy with means to facilitate local social structures families, groups, and communities are likely defunct so as to re-provide effective support to the needy related stressful life experiences. MATERIALS AND METHODS The design of this study was Quasi Experiment with pre and post test control group design. The Population was pulmonary TB patients and families PMO in the city of is 17 people per 100,000 population. Of the Blitar. The sampling technique used 104 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treated, the number of people who recover is 80, meaning that the level of success in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in Blitar purposive sampling with a sample 16 respondents of treatment group and 16 respondents of control group. The independent variable was Psycho is 80, whereas the target is 90 success Educative Family Therapy, while the rate. Cure rate in Blitar reached 76.92 of dependent variable is the attitude of the target of 85. Data of patients drop out pulmonary TB patients family. Instruments as much as 5 patients 4.8. The figure is used: 1 The questionnaire to collect still within the target of 5 East Java Public Health Office, 2013. To improve discipline and prevent demographic data of respondents including sex, age, education, occupation, marital status, religion, income, relationship with the non-adherent patients in the treatment PMO patients, the number of families and program needs the support of the family. The support given to family members who suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis in the form of psychosocial support which could be a positive support to any activity undertaken. By providing information to families about the disease and advise on effective coping family-type, 2 questionnaire to measure the attitude of the family. The data collected then processed and analyzed using statistical test Paired t Test, and Independent t test with significance level p≤0,05. mechanisms, psychoeducation program reduces the tendency of clients to relapse and reduce the effects of this disease on other family Townsend, 2009 .Berdasarkan 393 RESULT This chapter describes the results of research, which includes : The attitude of the family treatment group on average have increased from the previous negative to positive. In the first session found a problem that most of the 1. The effectiveness of psycho educative patients family or the PMO did not want to family therapy to family attitudes Statistical test results in the group treated with Paired T Test p = 0.000, which showed no change attitudes before and after treatment, the control group Paired T Test results p = 0.333 showing no change in attitude. Statistical test results Independent T Test after intervention was obtained p = 0.000 in both groups showing that there is a significant influence on attitudes between the treatment group and the control group see help remind patients to take medication time. If the family does not help remind patients when to take medication, patients forget to take medication for a very large. This is then followed up, especially in the second session of therapy . In the second session is given psychoeducation about the attitude that should be done by the family PMO, and the roles of the family in the treatment program undertaken by the patient. Improved attitudes in the treatment group this may occur table 1. because of the continuous interaction between researchers and respondents during Table 1. The effect of psycho educative family therapy to family attitudes the study. Attitudes can be influenced by ones personal experience, the attitude is Treatment Control Difference ∆ formed when a personal experience involving Pre test Post Test Pre Test Post Test Treat ment Control emotional factors. The attitude of the family in the N SD Mean 16 4,195 28,44 16 2,872 34,38 16 3,074 21,13 16 3,146 21,19 16 3,492 5,94 16 0,25 0,06 control group there were 1 rise respondents and 15 respondents remain. Respondents who experienced an increase in the value of the Paired T Test p=0,000 Paired T Test p=0,333 Independent T Test p=0,000 attitude though not obtain the intervention can be caused, because the respondents still interact socially with others, such as health care workers, other family or those that are DISCUSSION considered important. 1. The effect of psycho educative family therapy to family attitudes. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Most respondents in the treatment group were 9 respondents 56.3 before being given psychoeducative family therapy have a negative attitude. Attitude is the response of someone who is still closed to a stimulus or object. Components of attitude consists of the trust confidence, the idea and the concept of an object, the emotional life or emotional evaluation of an object and a tendency to act. According to Wright Leahay 1994 trust is a sub category of assessment which is something underlying ideas, opinions and assumptions are owned by the family. Changes in the domain knowledge is an intermediary changes in attitudes and behavior. In the affective domain is facilitated family to share the experience of caring for a family member suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and provide family support. 394 Conclusions Psychoeducation can improve the attitude of the family PMO patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis in Blitar through the provision of psycho- education about the care of patients with pulmonary TB. Suggestions For nurses can be used as a study to consider the psychoeducational family therapy as an alternative solution in order to optimize treatment program at psien pulmonary tuberculosis. Provide activities that are psychologically based on the family of pulmonary tuberculosis in an effort to improve medication adherence. Family is expected to cooperate with the health care team in monitoring the development of the Tuberkulosis . condition of patients with pulmonary diakses pada tanggal 21 November tuberculosis, and provide optimal support to family members suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. 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The Effectiveness of 4s’s Techniques To Physiological And Crying Duration Of Newborn Erni Setiyorini Pediatric Nursing STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Blitar, Indonesia 085645646666 and Abstract For a hospital birth, there are numerouse routine procedures, such as injection, blood sampling procedures and many other which can administered. The procedures made newbon uncomfortable by pain then have impact to short and long term. Newborn express their pain in defferent ways. Previous study have shown that newborn who experience many painful procedures may show changes to their behaviour in later childhood. The p urpose of this study was determine the effect of 4s‟s techniques on physiological responses and duration of crying after venous blood sampling. We conducted a prospective, post test only control group design. Newborn consist of 46 samples, were divided int o 2 group, 23 samples control group with 1s‟s technique and 23 samples treatment group with 4s‟s technique. The data collected by accidental sampling at November 2014 by observation sheet. Data Analysis used T-Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Result showed that 4S‟S technique had effect on physiological responses on pain heart rate with p=0,004, respiratory rate with p=0,000, temperature with p=0,000 and on duration of crying with p=0,001.The 4s‟s technique decrease pain on newborn with physiological responses indicator and decrease length of crying. Keyword: The 4s‟s technique, physiological response, crying duration, newborn INTRODUCTION For a delivery in hospital, decades. Perception early to said that the newborn administered on various development of neuroanatomical and procedures resulted in pain, discomfort, or noxious stimulation. These include general procedural pain, such as blood sampling procedures, injection. Normal newborns experience painful procedures as a component of routine care. Haouari and Coworkers 1995 estimate that every newborn undergoes at least one heel stick or venipuncture. procedure and that over 1 in every 10 newborn neuroendocrine in pain response neonates less than complete, accompanied by fears of analgesia that can potentially damage the respiratory system Lippmann et al, 1976, Rackow et al, 1960. Anand and Craig suggested that reported neonatal pain behavior as nonverbal. Some neonatal pain assessment methods based on different combinations of indicators of have two or five injections or blood physiological, biochemical and taken for testing. Based on data obtained from Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, from January to September 2014 there were 1385 births and 942 term infants. behavioral pain Khurana, Hall and Anand, 2005. Newborns demonstrate autonomic visceral, motor and state behavior changes in relation to From these data a 100 gain venous venipuncture. Pain in infants will blood sampling procedures Data Register RS Ngudi Waluyo Blitar, 2014. Differences in pain management in neonates have evolved over three 399 respond by crying and moving the entire body. One of them through facial expressions, crying, movements arm, leg movements, breathing patterns, and stimulation status, so the assessment suggested the response in newborn using observations a sign of behavioral and physiological responses Wong et al, 2009. Some procedure of inventions that repeated pain early in life can interfere with the development of the central nervous system permanently Hatfield, Meyers and Messing, 2012. cause the death of brain cells. While, at birth, new babys brain develops 25 and growing very fast their first year Kartikawati, 2011. From interviews with nurses in Edelweiss, intervention was given after invasive procedure in newborn, there was no specific treatment. Generally soon after a blood drawn, then the baby Physiological studies indicate that the would be returned to its original experience of pain and stress very early to have immediate consequences in newborn. Assessment and treatment of pain is a complex subject and a challenge when the individual was still a baby. Reviews conducted by Page position, which is only swaddling 1S s and they were not considered when the baby stops crying, sometimes can be immediately stopped crying, sometimes prolonged duration of crying. Various methods are used to 2004 shows the long-term treat pain in newborn with physiological consequences of pain, including changes in the central nervous system and changes in responsibility of neuroendokrin and the immune system. Wati 2004 explains that the pain experienced by the baby raises three effects: the immediate, short term and long term. Soon experienced the effects of newborn is the emergence of a sense of fear, anxiety, sleep and wake disorders, decreased food consumption, pharmacological and non pharmacological. Preferably non pharmacological interventions on minor invasive procedures because the side effects are minimal American and Canadian Academy of Pediatrics, 2000. One non pharmacological methods that can be applied in dealing with infant pain is 4ss technique. The initial concept of physical intervention techniques adapted from 5ss composed increased production of stomach acid. of swaddling, side-stomach position, Short-term effects can cause shushing, swinging and sucking. Based immunological disorder the bodys defense, delayed healing, impaired formation of emotion, while the long- term effects on memory formation of pain, growth retardation, changes in response to pain. Pain management in neonates has not been a major concern for health workers; this is caused by the inability of the baby to convey pain, fear of on concept that newborn lost fourth trimester. They not yet ready living at wide world, they still missing lived on mother whomb. The swaddling almost similar with mother whomb, gaved warm temperature. Side-stomach position help their gastrointestinal and gaved support. Shushing like sound of mother artery near whomb and giving message that mother here, available for negative side effects used anlgesics, a newborn. Swinging when baby at mistake to interpret the expression of pain in newborn as an expression of fear, health workers concern for priority disease management Hockenberry Wilson, 2007. Darcia Narvaes a psychologist explains her opinion about continues crying on newborn. According her the methods of letting a baby cry is dangerous because it can caused brain mother whomb about 9 month, they living at amnion fluid and every movement giving sensation to baby, like shaking. Sucking giving comfort affect on newborn, like position at whomb they sucking their thumb. The research conducted by Dr. Harrington 2010 states that most babies who get physical intervention 5ss stop crying within 45 cell death of newborn. The mechanism seconds, while receiving a sugar is when the newborn is stressed, they release cortisol, a hormone that can 400 solution were still crying 2 minutes after vaccination invasive procedures Gupta, 2012.One of reason we did dot apply sucking paciffier in this research because of pacifier use may be associated with early breast weaning or may be a marker of breastfeeding difficulties; therefore, it should be avoided until breastfeeding is well established Sexton and Natale, 2009. The 4ss technique research I did before also showed that the 4ss technique influenced physiological pain responses dependent variables was physiological responses heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature and crying duration of newborn. Data analysis with T-Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. RESULT AND ANALYSIS RESULT General data Table 1 Characteristics of samples heart rate and oxygen saturation, while Characteristics 4s‟s technique C the respiration rate showed no difference in the control group and the treatment Type of birth F f group Setiyorini, 2015. Wintiyah Normal 7 30,4 7 2014 studied of applications of the 4ss technique for the crying duration of newborn showed that the 4s‟s technique influenced on duration of crying babies Cesarean Gender of newborn Male Female 16 8 15 69,6 34,8 65,2 16 10 9 with p value: 0,001. Based on background above, the researchers interested in conducting research on the effect of 4ss technique on physiological responses HR, RR, temperature and crying duration of Specific data Table 2 The effect of 4s‟s technique on physiological responses HR, RR, temperature post venous blood sampling procedures. newborn post venous blood sampling procedures. Gro up Min ima Me an Ma xim Stat isti METHODS The research design was quasy experiment with post test only of control group. The population of this research was newborn at Edelweis Room at Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital with venous blood sampling procedure. The data was collected on November 2014. The inclusion criteria were: newborn first day aged, weight ≥2500 gram, not in illness, apgar score of 7-10, not using infusion, first blood sampling procedure, newborn crying during and after blood sampling procedure. A samples of 46 newborn was taken by accidental sampling, which were divided into 23 newborn with treatment 4s‟s technique swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing, swinging and 23 newborn with 1s‟s technique swaddling as control group. Heart rate Respi ration rate Temp eratur e 4s‟s tech niqu e Con trol 4s‟s tech niqu e Con trol 4s‟s tech niqu e Con trol l 115 100 40 38 36, 6 36 12 3,8 2 13 4,8 6 42, 78 47 36, 99 36, 67 al 138 162 48 60 37,3 37 c test p=0 ,00 4 p=0 ,00 p=0 ,00 The independent variable of this study was the 4s‟s technique swaddling, side-stomach position, shushing, swinging. While the 401 Table 3 The effect of 4s‟s technique on crying duration newborn post venous procedures blood sampling According table 2, the results showed that the average heart rate on Grou p Min imal Me an Max imal Stat istic treatment group was lower than the control group, but heart rate in both test groups remained in the normal range. Cryi ng dura 4s‟s tech niqu 8 seco nd 20, 32 sec 40,5 6 seco The decrease in heart rate was one indicator that the intensity of pain experienced on newborn treatment tion e ond nd p=0 group has decreased compared to the Cont rol 13,1 2 30, 14 50,1 2 ,001 control group. Respiration rate showed that the seco nd sec ond treatment group was lower than the control group. This data also as the indicator of decreased pain on newborn. ANALYSIS Characteristics of newborn Based on Table 1, most types of Statistic test showed that the 4s‟s technique affected on newborn respiratory rate with p value=0,000. labor experienced by mothers of While the temperature of the newborn was cesar both the control and treatment groups most of newborn with treatment group had an average higher than the control group, but still on female gender. Biological factors in normal range temperature. After genetic variations causing different types of neurotransmitters and receptors in moderate pain. There were limited data that gender also influence the behavior of pain, the female gender had an increased expression of behavior in response to acute pain compared to male babies. Unknown gender differences associated with pain processes and expressions of pain Fuller, 2002; delivery, in addition to breathing and circulatory adaptation, the newborn must take control of body temperature. Getting too warm was as likely as getting too cold, so parents must continue to monitor, touch and feel their baby to ensure baby was not too hot or too cold, because both over chilling and overheating are SIDS risk factors and could impact the health and well being Guinsburg et al, 2000 on Rollman GB, of infants Williams, 1996. Abdel-Shaheed J, Gillespie JM, Jones KS, 2003. The effect of 4S’s technique on the physiological responses HR, RR, Temperature on newborn post venous blood sampling procedures. Venous blood sampling procedure is one of routin procedures has effect pain. Pain is stressor for newborn. During and soon after pain procedure infant responses by physiological, behavioral and physic. Hockenberry Wilson 2007 states that the interpretation of pain through physiological responses which are vital signs, variations increased heart rate, rapid and shallow respiration and oxygen saturation decreased. 402 Temperature deviations were key signs of illness. Variation temperature on newborn affected by external factors. Fransson, Karlsson dan Nilsson 2005 on they studi emphasises the importance of close physical contact with the mothers for temperature regulation during the first few postnatal days. According this research temperature on treatment group had an average higher than control group but still on normal range. The 4s‟s technique given more time to newborn contact with caregiver than 1s‟s technique. Normal temperature for infants and children is usually higher than the normal adult temperature. At birth, heat-regulating mechanisms are not complete developed, so a marked fluctuation in body temperature may occur during the infant‟s first year of life The Brookside Associates Medical Education Division, 2007. Beside that, when newborn got pain procedures, they are responses by behavioral, its also produced calor. The result of changed one only senses an the 4s‟s technique involving various senses. CONCLUSION There was an effect of the 4s‟s physiological responses supported by swaddling, side-stomach position, Harvey Karp research by recondition on shushing and swinging to physiological womb mother. Swaddling made responses heart rate with p newborn restrict room and stopped extreme movement, giving message that time to sleep. Side-stomach position, newborn after delivery have morro reflex and they felt almost fall when got surprising stimuly. Fast method to calm baby at stress condition by side-stomach position. Shushing with sound of mouth “ssssshhhhh” near ear baby as loud as their crying sound. This sound almost same with artery mother. Swinging is rocking movement at our arms, this movement not more than 1 until 2 inchi from side to side. Stimulation by used many of senses such as sight, hearing and touching more efective for decrease pain than used just one of senses. The effect of 4S’s technique to crying duration on newborn post venous value=0,004, respiratory rate with p value=0,000 and temperature with p value=0,000 and the 4s‟s technique effect on crying duration newborn post venous blood sampling procedures with p value=0,001. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The limitation of this research was on samples, we didn‟t control the first condition on newborn, newborn hungry or not, newborn felt cold or hot, felt comfortable or not and another factors influenced newborn prolonged to crying. REFERENCES Barr RG, et al. 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Acess at October 30,2015. 404 Insulation from Bedding and Clothing and its Effect Modifiers. International Journal of Epidemiology; 25, 366-75. THE EFFECT OF EARLY STIMULATION IN CHILDREN AGE 12-24 MONTH OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE CORNER INFANT HEALTH CARE 1 VILLAGE CORNER DISTRICT DISTRICT PONGGOK BLITAR Ika Agustina STIKes Patria Husada Blitar Abstract Growth and development is a process that occurs in life. Development stage in children is a series of regular growth from one stage of development to the stage of development of generally applicable. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development at IHC Corner 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar. The study design used is a pre- experimental with one group pre-post test design. The sample from this study were 20 infants in the IHC Corner Village Corner Ponggok District of Blitar. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The analysis in this study used paired samples t test and assisted by using SPSS program. The results showed an increase in the percentage of gross motor development of children before and after the early stimulation that motor development with the appropriate category of 7 respondents, or 35 to 16 respondents or 80. While the dubious category of 13 respondents or 65 after stimulation given to 4 respondents or 20. In addition, there were no children who have a distorted gross motor development. Based on statistical test sample paired t test showed p value = 0.024 = 0.05, indicating the effect of early stimulation on the development of gross motor toddlers. The results of this study were expected to be used as a reference for monitoring the implementation of the stimulation and early detection to toddlers KEYWORDS: Early stimulation, development of gross motor Toddlers Age 12-24 Months INTRODUCTION Growth and development is a process that occurs in living organisms. The process of growth and development of children have occurred since conception until the end of adolescence. Every organ and function have different growth rates. Development in children is a chain and orderly growth of one stage of development to the stage of development of generally applicable Fida and Maya, 2012. One of the factors that affect growth and development are stimulated. Stimulation is essential in growth and development. Children who are purposeful and regular stimulation will grow faster than 406 children who have little or no stimulationSoetjiningsih, 2008. In the process of gross motor development at age 12-24 months, namely walking, standing without holding, walking backward and kicking a ball, a child required special stimulation to encourage children to dare to do the stage of development in accordance with his age. An important role in stimulating the development of children is to train children especially gross motor development. Someone children must be trained to perform motor development in order to avoid delays Hurlock, 2008. Unknown approximately 80 of the number of children who have developmental disorders also have difficulty in setting the bodys balance. This body balance adjustment problems related to the vestibular system or systems that regulate the balance in the body. If not treated immediately, this difficulty will be taken continuously by the children to school and when they will cause problems in the gross motor Monks, 2004. Blitar town has about 3,817 children aged 0 to 1 year, about 1,840 children aged 1 to 2 years, approximately 4,687 children ages 3 to 5 years. This means that children aged 0 to 6 years as many as 15 939 have been growing and developing well or perhaps even risky. On 13 April 2008 the City Health Office Blitar cooperate with ties pediatrician Indonesia IDAI East Java and the division of child development and adolescent part of a community health center RSU Dr Sutomo Surabaya hold events early detection of child development mass DDTKA-mass in the City Blitar with a pre-screening questionnaire method development KPSP Based on the results of secondary data conducted in IHC Corner 1, were not in accordance with the toddler stage of its development doubtful in Infant Health Care Corner 1. Thus the phenomenon the authors wanted to examine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor developments in Infant Health Care Corner 1. developments in Infant Health Care Corner 1. The research problem were: How is the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development at Infant Health Care Corner 1 Corner Village District of Ponggok Blitar? The aim of the study was to find out the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development. While the specific objectives were 1Identify gross motor development in children aged 12-24 months before it was given early stimulation. 2 Analyze the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor development. The theoretical benefits of the research was expected to increase the understanding and ability in the growth and development of children by providing the fulfillment of love, grindstones and good parenting to children so that children can grow and develop in accordance with his age level. The practical benefit was it was expected to improve the implementation of the stimulation and early detection to infants through cadres to give an example of stimulating the development of the baby in the family. MATERIALS AND METHODS Design of this study was pre- experimental with one group pre-post Based on the results of secondary test design.The subjects were all data conducted in IHC Corner 1, were not in accordance with the toddler stage of its development doubtful in IHC children aged 12-24 months in Infant Health Care Corner 1. The Sampling technique used total sampling. The Corner 1. Thus the phenomenon the independent variable was early authors wanted to examine the effect of early stimulation of children aged 12-24 months against gross motor 407 stimulation. The dependent variable was gross motor development. The analysis