Research Knowledge About Exclusive breastfeeding mother

teenage boys being largely negative, while girls tend to be more positive.

3. Effect of respondents attitude before and after administration of

Health Education about Drugs Based on the results of the study showed the influence of knowledge before and after the administration of health education about drugs, it was found that before being given health education shows that the attitude of the 50 respondents, the majority of respondents ie 66 33 respondents being unfavorable - before being given health education about drug. After being given health education on the drug, nearly all of the respondents being favorable + ie 84 42 respondents. According Notoatmodjo 2004 one level attitude is responding responding, which means giving an answer when asked, do and accomplish a given task is an indication of the attitude due to an attempt to answer a question or perform a given task. Based on the results of research and theory suggests the influence. Attitude before being given health education about drug and after being given health education about the drug. This proves that the information obtained through the provision of health education on the drug are quite clear, communicative, and using media that attract one of which is a leaflet that allows students to absorb information for using the words shorter, colors, and images so that the brain more interested and it will be easy to memorize atupun recall the information, so that respondents who previously had negative attitudes unfavorable later after the drug is given health education about respondents attitudes into positive favorable. From Mc Nemar statistical test p value = 0.000 where p 0,05 so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means there is significant influence 1388 between the provision of education to change attitudes about drug class VIII SMPN 2 Campurdarat Tulungagung 2014. According Azwar.S 2003 attitude is influenced by several factors, including, personal experiences, the influence of others that are considered important, culture, mass media, educational institutions and religious institutions, as well as emotional factors. From the research and the existing theory, it is known that in addition to age and sex, the attitude is also influenced by other factors such as personal experiences, the influence of others that are considered important, culture, mass media, educational institutions and religious institutions, as well as emotional factors. So this cause most respondents to be negative - or unfavorable. In addition the results of research and theory suggests the influence. respondents attitudes about the drug before it is given health education about drug and after being given health education about the drug. This proves that the information obtained through the provision of health education are quite clear and communicative very acceptable and understood by respondents that of the majority of respondents who previously had negative attitudes unfavorable later after being given health education about drugs, can affect respondents attitudes into positive favorable about the knowledge of drugs. Means the provision of health education is no influence to change the attitude of the respondent.


Based on the results of research on the respondents in SMPN 2 Campurdarat Tulungagung, it can be concluded that: 1. Before given health education about drugs, the majority of respondents class VIII SMPN 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Campurdarat Tulungagung 2014 Ali, Zainidin. 2010. Dasar-Dasar has an unfavorable attitude - is 66 33 respondents. 2. When given health education about drugs, almost entirely class VIII Pendidikan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Promosi Kesehatan . Jakarta : Trans Info Media Arikunto, Suharmisi. 2006. Prosedur SMPN 2 Campurdarat Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik . Tulungagung 2014 has a favorable attitude + ie 84 42 respondents. 3. The provision of health education about drug has a significant influence on the change in the attitude of students of class VIII SMPN 2 Campurdarat Tulungagung 2014 by Mc Nemar test statistics p value = 0.00 where p 0,05 so that H0 rejected H1 accepted. The advice from the researchers: 1. For the Nursing Profession Should have to apply the knowledge learned during the lecture by providing health education through various media such as help provide counseling and anti-drug movement at every opportunity in order to reduce drug abuse among teenagers. 2. For Further Research Further research is needed to look for a more complete supporting data on drug abuse that occurs among teenagers so as to develop further research in order to be Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta. Azwar, Saifuddin. 2009. Sikap Manusia Teori dan Pengukurannya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Hermawanto, Hery. 2010. Biostatistika Dasar . Jakarta : Trans Info Media Hidayat, Aziz Alimul. 2008. Metode Penelitian Keperawatan dan Teknik Analisa Data . Jakarta : Salemba Medika Machfoedz, Ircham. Suryani, Eko. 2008. Pendidikan Kesehatan bagian dari Promosi Kesehatan . Yogyakarta : Fitramaya Notoatmojo, S. 2012. Promosi Kesehatan dan Perilaku Kesehatan . Jakarta : Rineka Cipta Notoatmojo, S. 2005. Promosi Kesehatan Teori dan Aplikasinya . Jakarta : Asdi Mahasatya Nursalam. 2008. Konsep dan Penerapan Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan . Jakarta : Salemba Medika Partodiharjo, Subagyo. 2009. Kenali Narkoba dan Musuhi Penyalahgunaannya . Jakarta : Erlangga better again. Purwanto, Heri. 1999. Pengantar 3. For Educational Institutions This thesis can be used as input and reading materials for educational institutions STIKes Abdi Hutama Husada Tulungagung. 4. For The Research It is hoped the research could be Perilaku Manusia Untuk Keperawatan . Jakarta : EGC Rozak, Abdul. Sayuti, Wahdi. 2006. Remaja dan Bahaya Narkoba. Jakarta : Prenada Media Grup Setiadi. 2007. Konsep dan Penulisan Riset Keperawatan Edisi pertama . Jakarta : Graha Ilmu used as a discourse to SMPN 2 Sugiyono. 2006. Metode Penelitian Campurdarat about student attitudes toward drugs, so that the school can provide more information related to drug and avoid the risk of drug abuse. 1389 Administrasi . Bandung : Alfabet Sumiati, S.Kp, M.Si, dkk. 2009. Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien Penyalahgunaan dan Ketergantungan NAPZA. Jakarta : Trans Info Media Susilo, Wilhelmus Hary. Limakrisna, Nandan. 2012. Cermat Menyusun