The results Head Pain Intensity Stimulus Before Giving cutaneous

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Jakarta 569 The Activity Test of Pandan Wangi Leaves Extract pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb forSolubility of Calsium Kidney Stones by in Vitro Method using atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometri AAS Ida Kristianingsih 1 , Dewi Resti Basuki 2 , Siti Mamluk Atul M 3 FAKULTAS FARMASI INSTITUT ILMU KESEHATAN BHAKTI WIYATA KEDIRI Email: Abstract Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb . folium has been used from generation to generation as kidney stones medicine. Mursito 2001 in his book said tha Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb folius has flavonoid as one of the constituents. In accordance with Pramono 1986, one of the kidney stones medicine mechanisme is by forming dissolvable calcium-flavonoid complex. The experiment was purposed to know whether water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb folium contains flavonoid and could dissolve calcium contained in kidney stones. Kidney stones as subject were homogenized its fitrated sefted using a mess 45, and then to test of qualitatively analized chemically. Pandanus amarylliflius extracted with water and get analized qualitatively with Wilstatter Test. The kidney stones divided into seven group, each of them soaked in aquadest, Calcusol 1,2, solution, Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb. Folium extract 0,625, 1,25, 2,5, 5 and 10,during ±5 hour with temperature ±37°C. Quantitative analize with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was done to the solution after soaking. Qualitative analysis of kidney stones calcium shows positive results. Flavonoid qualitatif analysis with Wilstatter Test shows possitive results of flavonoid with carmine colours. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer data analysis by One Way Anova shows significant differentiation the amount of dissolved kidney stones calcium in aquadest negative control and 1,2 Calcusol as positive control are 0,3812 ± 0,0027 ppm and 1,4053 ± 0,0051 ppm; The0,625, 1,25, 2,5, 5 and 10, Pandanus folium extract could dissolved kidney stones calcium 1,4590 ± 0,0065 ppm, 2,8419 ± 0,0078 ppm, 2,5909 ± 0,0176 ppm, 2,9439 ± ,00740 ppm, 5,4445 ± 0,02562 ppm. The experiment results shows that water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb. ,. Leaves contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones. The experiment results shows that water extract of Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb. , folium contains flavonoids and could dissolve calcium in kidney stones Keyword : Pandanus amarylliflius Roxb. , kidney stone, calcium, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer INTRODUCTION The people considers that the used of traditional medicine was safer than chemical medicine, so that they prefer to used traditional medicine to cure many diseases. They are usually consumed in the form of stew, steeping, or directly consuming that are considered nutritious Anonim, 2008. Kidney stones were one of the health problems in the urinary system, because the body is dehydrated, its 577 causing turbidity or urine becomes concentrated. The next result of blockage in the drain from the kidney to the bladder which can disrupt the smooth flow of urine. If the urine is obstructed exit of the kidney, there will be accumulated of urine in the kidney. In addition, it can also lead to infection due to the emergence of bacteria or viruses from the bladder. Accumulation of urine in the kidneys and infection that lasts a long time will lead to a decrease