School – Based Curriculum KTSP

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository BSNP 2006:1751 defines : Syllabus is learning plan on one or group of lesson certain theme which covers Competence Standard, Basic Competence, main material of learning, learning activities, indicator, assessment, time allocation and source material tool of learning. Syllabus is spelling out of the Competence Standard and the Basic Competence into main materiallearning, learning activities, and the indicator of competence achievement for assessment.

9. School – Based Curriculum KTSP

As mentioned in Chapter I , 2006 curriculum is called School- based curriculum which is in Bahasa Indonesia called Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP. It replaced the curriculum 2004 which was based on competence KBK . It is the main basis for every education institution in Indonesia to arrange their own syllabus for teaching and learning. It consists of socialization, Competence Standard and Basic Competence, syllabus, and also lesson plan. KTSP as a new curriculum is a new paradigm in education world in Indonesia. It gives place for democratization to determine the education curriculum which is appropriate to the community context where the schools take place, financial context, human resources and other things of the Schools, so that the potential of each school can be optimalized, and there is competition among schools. With KTSP, each school can make their own syllabus, curriculum and indicators. Although determining their own syllabus, the competence standard and the content has to be accordant with Education National Standard Board BSNP AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository KTSP is based on Law number 20, 2003 about National Education System and The Rules of Government of Republic of Indonesia number 19,2005 about The National Education Standard. It is applied in Primary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and also the Vocational School, arranged by unit of education based on the Content Standard Standard Isi and Passing Standard Competence SKL also according to the guidance arranged by The Education National Standard Board BSNP. It is based on The Rule of Minister of National Education number 24,2006. Its arrangement involves teachers, employees and also The School Committee, with the hope that KTSP will reflect the aspiration of people, environment situation and condition, and the people’s needs. The characteristics of this curriculum according to Sutrisno 2008 are : a. The learning result is realized through ability or competence that can be performed. b. All students have to achieve all the basic competencies c. The students’ speed of learning are not the same d. Assessment using criteria guidance : 1 There is remedial program, enrichment, and acceleration. 2 The teachers design the students’ learning experience. 3 Teachers are facilitators 4 Learning process covers affective aspects integrated into all fields of study. Sutrisno 2008 also states that as a concept and also as a program, KTSP has characteristics as follows : a. KTSP emphasized on the student’s competence achievement. In KTSP , the students are formed to develop knowledge, understanding, ability, value, attitude and wants to be skilled and independent person. b. KTSP is learning process and variety oriented. c. Learning process uses various approaches and methods AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository d. Teachers are not the only source, but the other educative sources are included e. Assessment emphasize the process and the result of study to achieve a competence. The Documents of The School-Based Curriculum KTSP There are 2 documents, they are Document I and Document II. Document I The Document I is KTSP which generally relates to the school. It consists of : Chapter I . Introduction Chapter II . Education goal 1 Education goal Based on the education level 2 School Vision 3 School mission 4 School Goal Chapter III. Structure and Curriculum content Chapter IV. Education Calendar Document II The Document II is KTSP that relates to certain subject, for example English, Mathematics, Geography etc. It is also called Content Standard Standard Isi which consists of : a. Syllabus and Lesson plan of the Competence Standard and the Basic Competence are developed by Central Government b. Syllabus and Lesson plan of the Competence Standard and the AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Basic Competence are developed by School Mulok, extra lesson In KTSP Document, there is The Government Regulation number 19, 2005 about Education National Standard that contains : a. Education National Standard is minimal criteria about education system in all over Indonesia b. Education National Standard domain covers : 1 Content Standard Standard Isi 2 Process Standard 3 Graduate Competence Standard SKL 4 Educator Standard 5 Standard of means and infrastructures 6 Management Standard 7 Finance Standard 8 Education Assessment Standard Some elements of KTSP that relate to the analysis of this study are :

a. Content Standard Standard Isi

The Content Standard is a guidance to develop school-based curriculum : 1 Content Standard covers material and competence level that are filled in the conditions of Graduate Competence, lesson material competence and syllabus that must be fulfilled by the students in particular kind and level of education.