Independent and Dependent Variable Operational definition of Variable

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository factually and accurately. Based on the definition of Content Analysis as mentioned in chapter 2, it is also Content Analysis because it takes the content of KTSP to be inherent in the texts of UAN.

B. Time and Place of the Research

This research started in April 2008 until December 2008. Firstly, the English UAN material of 20062007 were taken from SMP Maria Goretti Semarang in April 2008 as the main data. The English UAN material of 20072008 were taken in the end of May 2008 after the UAN was finished, and then the supporting data were taken from 24 Junior High Schools in Semarang in November until December 2008.

C. Research Variable

Variable is an attribute of a person or an object.

1. Independent and Dependent Variable

Tuckman 1978:58-59 defines “Independent variable is that factor which is measured, manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon. Dependent variable is the factor which is observed and measured to determine the effect of the Independent variable”. The Independent variable in this research is the English Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang. The dependent variable is the English UAN for Junior High School 20062007 and 20072008 AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository

2. Operational definition of Variable

An Operational definition is a definition based on the observable characteristics of that which is being defined Tuckman, 1978:79 The operational definition of the English Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang the Independent variable : Syllabus is learning plan on one or group of lesson certain theme which covers Competence Standard, Basic Competence, main material of learning, learning activities, indicator, assessment, time allocation and source material tool of learning. Syllabus is spelling out of the Competence Standard and the Basic Competence into main materiallearning, learning activities, and the indicator of competence achievement for assessment. BSNP 2006:1751 The operational definition of the English UAN for Junior High School 20062007 and 20072008 the dependent variable : It is one of the evaluation instruments to see the achievement of the student’s competencies held by Indonesian Government through The Education National Standard Board Badan National Standard Pendidikan or BSNP . It is also an instrument to measure the level of education’s aim achievement. The indicators of the achievement of the objective stated in KTSP can be seen from the result of The National Final Examination http:riyanafirly.wordpress.com20061125ktsp-terbuka-untuk-mulok

D. Population and Sample