It matches with the Items Writing Rules of the Test Making Technique

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository The material number 7 is Completing the dialogue by using the relevant gambit. It is based on the Basic Competence of Speaking for 7 th grade : Expressing meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal conversation, accurately, fluently and acceptable for interaction in daily context which involve speech act : asking and giving services, good and fact c. It matches with the indicator of Speaking competence in the English syllabus of KTSP: expressing attention

d. It does not match with the technique of assessment in the English

syllabus of KTSP which states that the Speaking competence test should be an oral test. In this case, the Speaking competence test is not oral test, but written test.

e. It contains the meaning should be tested : interpersonal meaning,

because for acting upon and with others. It expresses someone’s attitude, feeling, someone cares to someone else

f. It matches with the Items Writing Rules of the Test Making Technique

Based on the Content Standard which is mentioned on the page 46 The conclusion is : the item number 6 matches with the Competence Standard and the Basic Competence of Speaking of English Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang, and also matches with the Content Standard of KTSP. But it does not match with the technique of assessment in the syllabus. AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository The text is for question number 8 to 10 Animals are almost extinct if their number is getting smaller. It means more animals become rare. One of the rare animals is Rhinoceros Rhinoceros is a large heavy mammal with a thick skin. The word Rhinoceros is derived from Greek. Rhino means nose and Ceros means horns. Some rhinoceros have two horns, and others have one horn. These horns are not part of the body structure of the head. T hey don’t have any bony core. They are out growth of the skin. Rhinoceros are herbivorous. They eat plant. They live in grassy areas or in a jungle. Rhinoceros spend most of their time in water. They usually live alone, except during the breeding season. One of these rare Rhinoceros is the Java Rhinoceros. The Java Rhinoceros, the Sondaicus, is comparatively small and slender. It’s about 1,7 meters high. The males have a single horn up to 10 inches 25 feet length, and the females are usually hornless. Formerly the Java Rhinoceros live in Myanmar, Indochina, The Malay Peninsula, Java and Sumatera.They are now relatively scarce. People hunted them for their horns. We only find them in Ujung Kulon, West Java now. If we don’t want the Java Rhinoceros to be extinct, we must protect them: we must preserve their habitat. The law prohibits hunter to hunt them 8. The whole text tells us that……. e. Rhino’s horn is special f. We should protect the rhinoceros by breaking the law g. Rhinoceros with their specific horns are almost extinct h. People can find rhinoceros in any jungle in Indonesia 9. Where do rhinos like to spend their time better ? i. Both in the water and on land j. Mostly in water k. Neither in water or on land l. Mostly in land 10. “We must preserve their habitat.” paragraph 4 The word “preserve” in this sentence means……… m. destroy n. save o. reduce p. experience Discussions a. They match with the level of Literacy for Junior High School in the AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Content Standard. It is about read simple text. The text above is a Report, because it has the characteristics of a Report : 1. Communicative Purpose : Giving information about rhinoceros as reality, as the result of systematically observation or analysis. The description can encompass a nature phenomena, environment. The description of this Report Text can be a general conclusion about rhinoceros, by describing its features 2 Generic Structure : a General statement that explains reported Subject, Explanation, and the classification b Description 3 Linguistics Features : a General nouns, such as „Rhinoceros is a mammal‟‟. b Relating verbs to explain the feature for example Rhinoceros is a large heavy mammal with a thick skin c Action verbs in explaining attitude, for example They eat plant. d Present tense to state something for example They eat plant. They live in grassy areas or in a jungle e Technical term, for example. Rhinoceros are herbivorous f Paragraph with topic sentence to arrange some information.

b. They Match with the Competence Standard and Basic Competence of