AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository 2 Content Standard contains the basic frame and the structure of curriculum , learning burden, school-based curriculum, and education calendar

b. Graduate Competence Standard SKL

1 Qualification of graduate’s capability which covers attitude, knowledge,and skill. 2 It is used as an assessment guidance in deciding the student’s passing of unit education. 3 It encompasses competence for all subjects of learning, or group of subjects of learning 4 Graduate Competence Standard for Subject of Language emphasizes Reading and Writing Competence that appropriate with level of education

c. Education Assessment Standard

It is Education National Standard that relates to mechanism, procedure, and assessment instrument of result study of the students. National Final Exams UAN is one of the assessment instruments of the result study of the students to see the achievement of the student’s competencies

d. Syllabus Development

In School-based Curriculum KTSP , syllabus development can be created by AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository teachers, stand alone or in group, in one or in some schools , Lesson Teacher Board, and Education Office. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2006 . Several schools or schools in a foundation can join to arrange syllabus. It is possible if the school has not prepared yet to arrange its own syllabus. This group of schools can ask the technical guidance from university, and related institutions in arranging syllabus. This group of schools consists of teachers of particular lesson, English teachers arrange English syllabus, Mathematics teachers arrange mathematics syllabus. This group of lesson teachers is called MGMP or Lesson Teacher Board. The English Syllabus of Junior High Schools in Semarang is arranged by Lesson Teacher Board MGMP of Semarang in 2007, with the form as follows : SYLLABUS School : Class : Lesson : Semester : Competence Standard : 1 Basic Comptnc 2 Learnig matria l 3 Learnig activits 4 Indicatr 5 Assessment 6 Time allocatio n 7 Source Techniq instrum The Example of instrumnt AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository The Syllabus is arranged based on the Content Standard; it contains Lesson Identity, Competence Standard and Basic Competence, Learning Material, Learning Activities, Indicator, Assessment, Time Allocation and Sources. Therefore the Syllabus , basically answers problems as follows the explanation of each number of the columns in the syllabus : 1 What competencies should be achieved by students according to The Content Standard Competence Standard and Basic Competence 2 What Learning material should be discussed and learned by the students to achieve the Content Standard . 3 What learning activities should be created by the teacher to enable the students interact with learning sources 4 What indicators should be formulated to know the target achievement of the Competence Standard and the Basic Competence . 5 How to know the competence achievement based on the indicator ,which is as the guidance in determining kind and aspect that will be assessed 6 How long does it take to achieve the Content Standard 7 What sources can be used to achieve certain competence BSNP, 2006:923

e. Literacy Levels