The item number 44, 45, 46 match with the level of Literacy for They match with the Competence Standard and Basic Competence of KTSP They contain the meaning that should be tested : textual meaning

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Technique Based on the Content Standard which is mentioned on the page 46 The conclusion is : The items number 41, 42, 43 match with the Standard of Competence and the Basic Competence of Reading in the Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang, and also match with The Content Standard of KTSP Read the text and answer questions 44 to 46 This character’s name is Puck-Wudgle. 44……..has a fat head, big bulgy eyes with long eyelashes, a pig-like nose, and a wide mouth with a big silly grin. On its enormous ears it……..45 log dangling earrings with frills. Its hair and neck are long. It has a round stomach with a…….46 belly button, not the big one, four stubby arms and two stubby legs. It loves to dance all night to punk music 44. A. It B. Its C. They D. Their 45. A. having B. have C. had D. has 46. A. little B. large C. long D. huge Discussions

a. The item number 44, 45, 46 match with the level of Literacy for

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Junior High School in the Content Standard. It is about reading text. The text above is Descriptive because it has the characteristics of a Descriptive : 1 Communicative purpose Describing the features of Puck-Wudgle 2 Generic structure : a Introducing Puck-Wudgle will be described b Description : Describing Puck-Wudgle. This description only gives information about Puck-Wudgle which is different from other characters 3 Linguistics Features: a Certain nouns : four stubby arms and two stubby legs b Simple present tense. c Various describing adjectives : fat head, big bulgy eyes with long eyelashes, a pig-like nose, and a wide mouth

b. They match with the Competence Standard and Basic Competence of KTSP

According to the Level of Literacy for Junior High School, The student should achieve Discourse Competence in English Text types Genre , which covers Writing, that students are able to express the meaning of short functional text. It is explained in The Basic Competence number 1 for the 8 th class see the table 4 : Expressing meaning in simple and short functional written text accurately, fluently, and acceptably to be AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository able to interact in daily contexts. c. They match with the indicator : The items number 44, 45, 46 identifying the linguistics feature of the text d. They match with the technique of assessment in the syllabus : They are given in written form

e. They contain the meaning that should be tested : textual meaning

because they deal with the coherence of the text f. They match with the Items Writing Rules of the Test Making Technique Based on the Content Standard which is mentioned on the page 46 The conclusion is : The items number 44, 45, and 46 match with the Standard of Competencies and the Basic Competencies of Reading in the Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang, and also match with The Content Standard of KTSP 47. Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences below ? 1. His short bill could not reach the water 2. He looked everywhere to find some water, but there was not any. 3. Then, he found a tall jar with a very low water in it 4. At last, he drank the water as much as he liked 5. Soon, he filled the jar with stones so the water came up higher. 6. One day a crow was very tired and thirsty A. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 B. 6 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 C. 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 D. 6 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Discussions a. The item number 47 matches with the level of Literacy for Junior High School in the Content Standard. It is about reading text. The text above is A Recount text because it is the unfolding of a sequence of events in the past, which has characteristics : 1 Communicative purpose To tell retell past events with purpose to announce or to entertain 2 Generic Structure: a Introduction orientation, giving information about what, who, when, where b Report a set of events or activities, usually told in order. 3 Language Features: a nouns and pronouns as personal, animal or thing pronoun involved : a crow, a jar, water . b action verbs : could not reach, look, drank, filled c past tense d conjunctions and time connectives : and, but, then, at last e adverbs and adverb phrases to express time : one day f adjectives to explain nouns : short bill, tall jar, low water

b. It matches with the Competence Standard and Basic Competence of KTSP