They contain the meaning that should be tested : ideational meaning

AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository According to the Level of Literacy for Junior High School, The student should achieve Discourse Competence in English Text types Genre , which covers reading, that students are able to understand the meaning of short functional text. It is explained in The Basic Competence of Reading number 1 for the 7 th grade : Responding meaning in simple and short functional written text accurately, fluently, and acceptably to be able to interact in daily contexts with materials in form of advertisement table 2.3. c. They match with the indicator in the syllabus : The item number 18 : Determining the factual information of the text The item number 19 : Finding the meaning of a word of the text d. They match with the technique of assessment in the syllabus : They are given in written form

e. They contain the meaning that should be tested : ideational meaning

because it is about the content of the text f. They match with the Items Writing Rules of the Test Making Technique Based on the Content Standard which is mentioned on the page 46 The conclusion is : The items number 18 and 19 match with the Standard of Competence and the Basic Competence of Reading in the Syllabus for Junior High School in Semarang, and also match with The Content Standard of KTSP AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository Read the text and answer question 20 to 24 EARTHQUAKE I had just got into bed about half past eleven when I felt the tremor. The bed started to tremble and I noticed the electric light, which was hung on the ceiling, was swaying. Then I got out of bed quickly and went to look out of the windows. As I looked, I saw the house opposite began to fall sideways. Then I realized what was happening. I put on my dressing-gown hurriedly and rushed out into the garden. I was alone in the house. My wife and children had gone to visit my mother – in- law For three or four minutes, I heard a terrible noise of walls falling down, and people screaming, and I saw clouds of dust in the air. Then the trembling stopped. There were about fifty persons killed and more than two hundreds injured. The damage to property was considerable, and about three hundred houses would have to be completely rebuilt 20. What is the purpose of the text ? A. Entertaining the readers with a funny story B. Describing a particular and special thing C. Presenting points of view about an issue D. Informing a past event 21. When did the writer realize what was happening ? While he was…….. A. Feeling his bed started to tremble B. Noticing the electric light swaying C. Hearing a terrible noise of wall falling D. Watching the house began to fall sideways 22. How did the writer save his life ? A. By looking out of the window B. By rushing out into the garden C. By turning the electric light off D. By getting the bed out of the room AN ANALYSIS... Hastuti Handayani Mater’s Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University ©2009, UNDIP Institutional Repository 23. Paragraph 5 tells us about ……… A. Rebuilding houses B. The screaming people C. Considerable property D. The victims of the earthquake 24. “ The bed started to tremble and I noticed the electric light,…..” What does the world underlined mean ? A. Hung B. Saw C. Sway D. Turned on Discussions

a. The items number 20 – 24 above match with the level of Literacy for