Laporan Kinerja Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Permukiman Tahun 2014 BAB I PENDAHULUAN I - 26 Tabel 1.4. Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium TA. 2014 Jenis Alat Jumlah Satuan Biaya Lokasi Penempatan Alat Alat Uji Gedung dan Kualitas Air 1. Scaning Electron MikroskopeSEM 2. Focus 3D 120 Laser Scaner 3. GPS flint S-300 4. Thermohygrosat Kecil 5. Thermohygrosat Ruangan 6. Water analysis with Multiparameter Modules 7. Bench Top Centrifugewcapacity 28x15 andor4x100ml 8. PhmvISEConductivitysalinityRDODissolved 9. Thermal Imager

10. Pengolah data

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit unit unit unit unit unit Rp. 5.899.568.000 Balai TB Balai TB Balai TB Balai TB Balai TB Balai TB BAMPLP BAMPLP BAMPLP BPL BPL Alat Uji Struktur 1. Universal Testing Machine 2. Universal Testing Machine 3. High Performance Data Logger with high speed measurement 1000 channel at 0,1 sec 4. High Performance Portable Data Logger with high speed measurement 1000 channel at 0,4 sec 5. High speed Switch box 6. CompressionTension universal load cell 7. CompressionTension universal load cell 8. CompressionTension universal load cell 9. CompressionTension universal load cell 10. CompressionTension universal load cell 11. CompressionTension universal load cell 12. Displacement Transducer 13. Displacement Transducer 14. Displacement Transducer 15. Displacement Transducer 16. Displacement Transducer 17. Displacement Transducer 18. Acceleration Transducer 19. Magnet stand 20. External Display Unit 21. Manual Cutting Press 22. Endclosure 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 20 20 5 5 2 2 4 54 2 1 2 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Rp 12.735.250.000 BAMPLP BPTPT Denpasar BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BSKB BAMPLP Alat Uji Air Waterbatch 1 Paket Rp. 189.620.000 Balai AMPLP Alat Uji Sprinkler Head dan Heater Gun 1. Sprinkler Head 2. Heater Gun 5 10 Unit Unit Rp.160.011.500 Balai Tata Bangunan Alat Uji Kualitas udara 1. Wireless Industrial Temperature Sensor W Probe 2. Wireless Industrial Ambient Temperature Sensor 3. Wireless Weather Station + Gateway 4. Data Logger 5. Wireless Sensor Gateway 6. Hard Case Enclosure 7. Mounting Tripod 8. Moxa Wireless Serial 9. Software 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Rp.179.647.000 Balai PTPT Makassar Laporan Kinerja Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Permukiman Tahun 2014 BAB I PENDAHULUAN I - 27 Earth Resistance Resistyvity Tester Gambar 1.13. Pengadaan Peralatan Laboratorium 3D Laser Scanner berfungsi untuk melakukan foto scan secara detail terhadap struktur bangunan gedung Scanning Electrone Microscope SEM berfungsi untuk melihat struktur mikro komposisi struktur bahan Water bath untuk menguji ketahanan tekan pipa PVC Universal Testing Machine untuk menguji kuat tekan dan kuat tarik suatu bahan