On the outside of the index finger at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If you On the outside of the middle finger at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If On the outside of the little finger at the point where the nail unites wi

Robert Elias Najemy - 19 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional The points Refer to the accompanying diagram to see where the points are located. We are also mentioning, for those interested, the acupuncture meridians and the numbers of the points where we tap. It is not necessary to know or understand these. I personally am not proficient in this science. We usually tap in this sequence:

1. The corner of the eyebrow where it unites with the bridge of the nose. Referred to as EB

Eyebrow point. Bladder Meridian 2

2. The side of the eye on the temple. SE - side of eye. Gall Bladder 1

3. Under the eye at the lower part of the bone. UE - under eye. Stomach Meridian 2

4. Under the nose and above the lip. U N - under nose Governing Vessel Meridian 25 - 26

5. Under the lower lip and above the chin. Ch – chin Conception Vessel Meridian 24

6. Under the armpit on the side of the body approximately level with the nipples. UA - under

arm Spleen Meridian 21 This is a slight modification of Gary’s series remember according to Gary it does not matter in which series we tap. This will be explained later. 7. Under the collarbone and directly to the left or right of the sternum. This is in the soft spot just below the collarbone the highest horizontal bone on the front of the body and to the side of the sternum the vertical bone in the center of the chest CB - collarbone point. Kidney Meridian 27 This point is not to be confused with the sore spot where we rub in order to correct psychological reversal. The sore spot is further from the center and lower than the collarbone point.

8. On the outside of the thumb at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If you place

your palms on your abdomen, the part you tap on will be turned up towards your head. Th - Thumb point. Lung Meridian 11

9. On the outside of the index finger at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If you

place your palms on your abdomen, the part you tap on will be turned up towards your head. IF - index finger. Large Intestine Meridian 1

10. On the outside of the middle finger at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If

you place your palms on your abdomen, the part you tap on will be turned up towards your head. MF - middle finger. Circulation - sex Meridian 9

11. On the outside of the little finger at the point where the nail unites with the skin. If you

place your palms on your abdomen, the part you tap on will be turned up towards your head. BF - baby finger. Heart Meridian 9

12. On the side of the hand where you would hit a piece of wood if doing karate. KC - karate

chop point. Small Intestine Meridian 3-4 This is the same point we tapped on while correcting for psychological reversal. So, in step 2 we tap around seven times on each of the twelve points as we repeat the reminder phrase once at each point. Except for the Under the Nose and Chin points all of the rest are located on the right and left sides of the body. It does not matter whether you tap on the left or right. You could even change sides in the middle of a tapping sequence. Although there is theoretically no benefit in tapping in a balanced way on right and left, my many years of yoga, which demands balance, cause me to prefer it. There is no disadvantage and some people seem to find it more effective. Also if you do a lot of tapping with one hand, it might get tired. I personally choose to switch sides and hands. In general, however, EFT is done by tapping with the dominant hand on either side of the body. Step 3 - The Gamut Series This is the strangest part of the procedure. Some people feel silly when they first perform it. It, however, plays the role of balancing the energies and the activity of the right and left hemisphere of the brain between tapping sequences. It is made up nine movements which we do as we tap rapidly on the gamut point see diagram which is located on either hand in the groove Robert Elias Najemy - 20 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional created by the bones leading from the wrist to the knuckles of the smallest two fingers ring finger and little finger. The tapping is done in the groove towards the knuckles. Thyroid 3 As we tap around three to five times a second, we make the following movements and procedure.

1. We close our eyes. 2. We open them.