Try employing EFT at different times of the day. It may have something to do with our various Take a shower without soap or shampoo and do EFT naked. This will tell us if the toxin is If we still do not get satisfactory results, then we might want to do

Robert Elias Najemy - 24 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional b. Employed collarbone breathing for the stronger type of psychological reversal, Then we will likely need to examine the possibility of energy toxins. Some ways of dealing with energy toxins 1. Try doing EFT in different environments. Perhaps there is something in the environment we have been working in which is creating the problem.

2. Try employing EFT at different times of the day. It may have something to do with our various

environments or what we are wearing and or eating at a time of the day.

3. Take a shower without soap or shampoo and do EFT naked. This will tell us if the toxin is

in our soaps, shampoos or clothing.

4. If we still do not get satisfactory results, then we might want to do a three day fast of some

type or at least go without: nicotine, sugar, caffeine, perfumes, deodorants, soaps and detergents, wheat and its products, corn, milk and dairy products and aromatic herbs. Then we are sure to have results unless we are tapping on the wrong issue entirely and some hidden core issue, which we are not tapping on, is creating the problem. When we do get our desired freedom from this issue, then we can gradually add foods one by one watching how our bodies and emotions react until we discover the culprit. One important key is that we usually have an addiction to substances that are energy toxins for us. So keep that in mind. Collarbone Breathing This is a process developed by Dr. Callahan for correcting deep-seated problems, which are similar to psychological reversal. According to Gary, this exists in only about 5 of the population who seek help. When we have done more than five rounds without the SUD coming down, then we might want to consider employing this. We will, however, need to keep in mind that the problem might be other aspects, which we have not yet worked on or energy toxins. The procedure is the following: It actually does not matter which hand or on which side of the body we start.

1. Place the index and middle finger of the left hand into the collarbone point on the left side of

the sternum. Fold the thumb and other fingers under so that they are not touching the body. Also allow both arms to be away from and not touching the body so that the only point of contact is that of the two fingers on the left collarbone point. Now as you tap with the index and middle finger of the right hand on the gamut point of the left hand as if doing the gamut series the fingers of which are on the left collar bone point do the following breathing procedure. a. Inhale fully. b. Exhale half of the air. c. Exhale the remaining air

d. Inhale normally e. Exhale

Note: Now all of the above holds for the rest of the tapping positions: That the fingers and arms are placed so that the only point of contact is the finger on the collarbone point. We do the same breathing process at all of the remaining seven positions which we will describe. We tap vigorously but not so as to hurt ourselves in any way in each of the following configurations. So now we perform the above procedure in the following configurations:

2. With the knuckles of the index and middle fingers of the left hand in the left collarbone

point, we tap on the gamut point of the left hand with the right index and middle finger while performing the breathing procedure.

3. With the fingertips of the index and middle fingers of the left hand in the right collarbone