I will need to be happy - something which scares me. I will have to recognize my self-worth - which also scares me. Others you fill in

Robert Elias Najemy - 40 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Some emotions or beliefs which may cause us to not want to let go of a particular emotion. 1. I have felt this way a long time and do not know what it will be like to be without this emotion. It will be like losing an important part of myself or of my life. We have become attached or addicted to feeling this way. Possible emotions:

a. Fear of unknown. b. Fear of being different than I am.

c. Fear of not being acceptable to others if I am different.

d. Fear of loneliness.

2. I believe that I need this emotion in order to protect myself from others.

Possibly through anger, depression, injustice, pain Possible emotions: a. Fear that others want to hurt or use us.

b. Fear that I do not have any other way of protecting myself.

c. Fear of not getting what I want if I let go of this emotion.

d. Fear that others will not pay attention to me if I am not angry or crying.

3 . I will lose my power or control over o t h e r s . Perhaps with anger, depression or dissatisfaction. Possible emotions:

a. Fear that I won’t, in any other way, be able to get what I want from others.

b. Fear that if I do not control them, they will control me.

c. Fear that I will lose my self-worth or something else important to me if I do not control others.

4. I will lose others’ attention if I do not have this emotion.

Possible emotions: a. Fear that others will not pay attention to me in any other way. b. Fear that I do not have anything worthwhile about myself for others to be interested in. c. Fear that if I do not have others attention, then I will have no self-worth. d. Fear of loneliness. 5. I will lose my self-worth if I do not feel this way. Especially if we are used to feeling the victim or angry in order to get our feelings of goodness, righteousness or self-worth Possible emotions:

a. Fear that I have no self-worth except when I am angry.

b. Fear that I have no self-worth except when I am done injustice to.

c. Fear that I will not be right if I am not angry or crying.

d. Fear of loneliness.

6. I will allow others to be free from feeling guilty or responsible about me. I will lose control

over them. a. Anger towards others for what they have done to me. b. Guilt if the others are not guilty “someone has to be guilty - if it is not them, then I must be.” c. Fear of losing control over others.

d. Fear of loneliness.

7. I will need to take responsibility for my life. Possible emotions:

a. Fear that I am not capable to handling life on my own.

b. Fear of loneliness.

8. In order to be good, I must feel guilty for what I have done. Thus I cannot accept feeling

okay. A good person must feel guilty. a. Fear that I will not be a good person, unless I feel guilty and unhappy. b. Feeling that I must punish myself for mistakes I have made.

9. I will need to be happy - something which scares me.

Possible emotions: a. Fear that if I am happy, something bad will then happen. b. Fear that I do not deserve I am not good enough to be happy. c. Fear that if I do not need others and am happy, I will lose their attention. d. Fear that if I am not a victim, I have no self- worth.

10. I will have to recognize my self-worth - which also scares me.

Possible emotions: a. Fear that if I believe in my self-worth, I will be egotistical and not good or pure. b. Fear that I do not deserve to believe in my self- worth. c. Fear of the power, which comes from believing in myself.

11. Others you fill in

Robert Elias Najemy - 41 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional These lists of beliefs and emotions are not in any way complete and we welcome your suggested additions to: infoHolisticHarmony.com Alternative Set Up Phrases For the phraseology for the Set Up for these various aspects and forms of resistance, refer to the chapter on dealing with aspects when working with emotions It is sometimes useful to repeat alternative positive affirmations using the basic Even though” phrase while we rub the sore spot or karate point. The standard corrective phrase for psychological reversal is, “Even though I have this problem ______, I deeply and profoundly love myself. We might however try some of the following: “Even though I have this problem ______ a. I want to be free from this… b. I choose to be free from this… c. I deserve to be free from this… d. I deserve to be without pain… e. I am a good person… f. I am becoming free from this… g. I realize that it is in my benefit to be free from this… Feel free to create any other phrase, which suits you and works for you. Verifying a Change in Perception - Cognitive Change Asking ourselves or clients why we or they are not bothered anymore by this stimulus after reduction of disturbance can help integrate this new emotional and energy reality into our life perspective. So when we arrive to the state where we feel no emotion anymore about this issue, we can ask ourselves or the other why we do not feel that feeling anymore, to check for any change of cognitive perception of that issue. In 90 of the cases there will be a very simple and logical answer for why this does not upset us anymore. In other words there has also been a cognitive change. Experience or Flow? I am repeating a message here from the introduction because I feel it is important to bring it up again. In this book you will find a number of lists and suggestions which are the result of over 3 decades of experience in working with peoples’ emotions, beliefs and reactions. They can be helpful for those with less experience as they might contain possibilities, which you may not have thought of or experienced. The flow of EFT is magical and often very different from what we expect. This flow of emotional and physical aspects is incredibly healing and should never be interrupted or obstructed because of our personal perceptions or ideas. Thus, we suggest that you just employ EFT and follow your own or the other’s flow which is brought about by the tapping. If however, you get stuck or feel there may be aspects which are not being dealt with and thus you not getting the results you would like, these lists and suggestion can be extremely helpful. I would even suggest making photocopies of the pages having to do with that particular problem and asking them to look at some of the possible emotions or obstacles they might be experiencing and work on any which might “ring a bell.” Priority, however, must always be given to the flow that comes forth from within us or others. In the next chapters I am sharing a number of case histories which demonstrate the above mentioned aspects. Robert Elias Najemy - 42 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Chapter Seven Case Histories and a Study in Aspects in EFT Part one EFT seminars and personal appointments in Cyprus and Lebanon I will be referring to some of my experiences from seminars and personal appointments in Lebanon and Cyprus. The names have been altered, except in cases where indicated. All of these people were freed from their specific problems at the time of the appointment. I have not been able to contact them for follow up. Clarifications Here I will be supplying you at times just with the first phrase A, “Even though I have this ________, I deeply and profoundly love myself. or “Even though I have this ________, I accept and love myself as I am.” In all of the cases mentioned, we worked on the other side of the body with the phrase B, “ I choose want, deserve, allow, realize that it is in m benefit to be free from this _______.” That would complete the set up and then we would continue with the reminder phrase. In all of the cases people tapped for themselves at first so that they would learn and integrate the process. In some of the cases I then continued to tap for them for greater efficiency and economy of time, using at times Dr. Roger Callahan’s TFT algorithms. 1. Fear of an accelerating car, bus or plane: One interesting case was Barno who experienced intense fear every time he was in a car, bus, airplane or any vehicle someone else was operating. One major aspect was the vibration and sound of the vehicle accelerating. This prevented him from being able to get around by car, bus or plane. This fear would create a negative feeling in his genitals, which would then flow up into the abdomen and into the legs. This was the physical center of his fear experience. We started out with the phrase: a. “Even though I fear acceleration when others are driving...” This brought up the specific aspect of the sound and vibration, which is created. So we moved on to, b. When I hear this sound and feel this vibration... This brought up two memories simultaneously. c. One was an experience he had at the age of 13 when he experienced ejaculation while lying on his abdomen, without knowing exactly what was happening to him and experienced great fear, feeling that maybe he was ill. d. The second was at the same age running from his home to a bomb shelter while hearing the sounds of bombs whistling through the air. These happened at the same time in his life and it was after this, that he began to have this fear and reaction in his genitals. e. We worked separately on Even though I feared when I ejaculated...” and then f. “Even thought I was afraid of the sound vibration of these bombs...” There seemed to have been an association made between the vibration of the accelerating vehicles, the bombs and his fear when he ejaculated without understanding what was happening. Another common factor in these three seemingly independent stimuli is that in all of these cases, he was not in control. Outside forces seemed to be prevailing in: 1. The accelerating vehicle, driven by another. 2. The bombs falling. 3. The unexpected ejaculation. I do not know if our theory - with which he agreed - is true but he did go from a SUD of 10 to 0, while imagining himself in an accelerating vehicle Robert Elias Najemy - 43 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional driven by someone else, focusing especially on the sound. He was fine for the few remaining days I was there. I have had no communication with him after that.

2. Guilt, anger, pain, rejection and hate because of husband’s suicide.