Forgiving others b. Loving others more steadily More harmonious relationships d. Greater self-esteem Overcoming the pain of romantic rejection f. Coping with the departure of loved ones Greater concentration in meditation and prayer Freeing ourselves from

Robert Elias Najemy - 37 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Chapter Six Uses of EFT and Dealing with Aspects Flowing Through the Labyrinth of the Mind with EFT There are almost unlimited possibilities concerning the purposes for which we can employ EFT. Below we present you with a partial list of possibilities. You may want to mark those you would like to work with at this time or in the near future. Most of these issues are dealt with as separate chapters in this book.

1. For fears and phobias of all types. 2. For any unpleasant emotions. Consider

some of the following emotions which you might want to work with: fear, anxiety, hurt, worry, anger, hate, loneliness, bitterness, jealousy, envy, self-rejection, worthlessness, s e l f - d o u b t , g u i l t , s h a m e , i n j u s t i c e , abandonment, rage, discouragement, rejection towards others, rejection from others, belittlement, disillusionment, insecurity, abuse, frustration and or depression.

3. For any physical disturbances including most types of pain. Here is a list

of physical problems which according to Gary Craig EFT has proven effective: headaches, back pain, stiff neck and shoulders, joint pains, cancer, chronic fatigue, syndrome, lupus, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, asthma, allergies, itching eyes, body sores, rashes, insomnia, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, eyesight, muscle tightness, bee stings, urination problems, morning sickness, PMS, sexual dysfunctions, sweating, poor coordination, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, numbness in the fingers, stomachaches, toothaches, trembling, multiple sclerosis. Note: This, of course, does not mean that every person will be healed of such problems and also it does not mean that you should give up any medicines without your doctor’s or health professional’s advice.

4. For freeing ourselves from addictions to substances such as nicotine, caffeine, sugar,

chocolate, tranquilizers etc.

5. For healing childhood experiences and emotions, especially traumatic ones.

6. For healing traumatic experiences in general.

7. For learning life’s lessons 8. For removing any possible obstacles

towards chosen goals such as:

a. Forgiving others b. Loving others more steadily

c. More harmonious relationships d. Greater self-esteem

e. Overcoming the pain of romantic rejection f. Coping with the departure of loved ones

g. Greater concentration in meditation and prayer

h. Freeing ourselves from codependency i. Reconciling inner conflicts

j. Finding our life purpose k. Dealing with victims

l. Dealing with aloofs m. Dealing with interrogators

n. Dealing with intimidators o. More effective communication

Robert Elias Najemy - 38 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional

p. Facing our own death when that is eminent q. Creating a life of happiness and peace.

I even know a woman who uses it for remembering where she has left things. Aspects in EFT When employing EFT on myself and with clients, I feel that with each round we are peeling off layers of emotions and beliefs based on incorrect childhood or from the past in general programming and conclusions about ourselves, life and others. With the effective removal of the disturbed or distorted energy fields associated with each problem, we discover the intricate and often strange and surprising associations, which have developed through our past experiences creating our present physical and emotional problems. I would like to share my personal experience and resulting viewpoint on some of the discoveries we have made together with patients as we did this work and also point out some common aspects to look for - especially when the SUD is not going down. We use the word “aspects” to describe other factors emotions, beliefs, thoughts, past experiences, physical problems, and types of resistance towards improvement which may contribute to the issue we are working with. Actually the main quality of an experienced psychologist or EFT practitioner is his or her ability to intuitively tune into not-so-apparent aspects which may be inhibiting the healing process. The beauty of EFT is, however, that in many cases these aspects become self-evident as we work on the issue. As we stimulate the energy field associated with that particular problem, the obstructing factors are removed and the underlying core issues or parallel aspects come to the surface and we become aware of them. For example, we might be working on anger, and perform a round on that emotion. As the tapping removes the anger energy field, we might suddenly realize that we feel jealous, hurt, fear or guilt and that we have other emotions about this particular issue, or even that there are other issues connected to this one. This will become more evident as you read the chapter with the case histories and follow the “flow of aspects”, which appear as we employ EFT. In such cases, we can chose to switch and work on the new aspects, which have surfaced or continue with the original emotion or issue. When working with others, I usually ask them to evaluate which emotion or phenomenon has the highest SUD and work with that until it comes down. I always keep in mind what we have left unfinished and come back to it in order to check the present SUD of the original issue and any other aspects which may have appeared during the process. When working on myself, I do the same. It is also common for our emotions to embody themselves as pains or physical discomfort either in general or during the EFT process. Then again we need to make a decision whether to work on the emotional disturbance or the physical pain. The physical problem is usually created by the emotional disturbance and thus logically we would continue with the emotional problem. There are cases, however, where the physical pain or discomfort is so intense, that we need to address that with EFT and then move back to emotions to check what their SUD is and continue working on them. Often it takes only one round to bring down the physical phenomena enough to work on the emotion again – if it still exists – because it often disappears after bringing down the physical problem. The opposite is also obviously true. We can be working on a physical problem, and as we begin to correct the energy field, the emotion behind that problem comes to the surface. This can also happen when working on getting free from addictions. As we tap for the addictions, the emotions we have been sedating with that particular substance come to the surface and we can then work on them. Another possible aspect would be past experiences and emotions especially from the childhood years, which might in some way be contributing factors to the particular issue Robert Elias Najemy - 39 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional which is sensitive for us. It is not unusual during an EFT session on a particular disturbing emotion, desire or physical problem for images and memories to surface, which in many cases, might be the actual core issue causing the problem. For example, feeling hurt by someone’s behavior today may hold the intensity it does because of unresolved feelings of hurt, abuse, rejection or abandonment as a child. In such a case we might chose to switch and employ EFT on that childhood memory until its SUD is zero or at least very low and then return to our original issue. In most cases, correcting and healing the disturbance of the past will eliminate the present issue. As you can see, when employing EFT on ourselves or others, we need to be able to flow with what is appearing in the mind. But we also need to remember all of the previous issues and aspects, which have been left unfinished. Also, in the end, we might want to check even those emotions, which have come to zero, after having brought up and worked on other aspects, because there is the possibility that some other aspect of that emotion might surface. This is rare but not impossible. Thus, in summary, some of the various aspects that need to be addressed, are the following: 1. Parallel Aspects: Sometimes it is useful to switch to other emotions in order to remove obstacles to the aspects we are presently working with. This may require, at times, asking if there are other emotions present and which are most predominant at the time. An example would be that we simultaneously feel fear, injustice and hurt. 2. Underlying Aspects: When dealing with emotions such as anger, hate or rage, we sometimes need to deal with the fear, hurt or guilt underlying them. 3. Secondary Emotions: These are emotions we might have when we become aware that we have other emotions or beliefs. For example we might feeling angry with ourselves because we fear, or feel ashamed because we are angry. These secondary emotions often need to be removed before we can free ourselves from the originally targeted emotion. 4. Physical Embodiment: At times the emotional energy field will be felt more physically than emotionally and thus we will need to work the pain or other physical phenomena and then return to the emotion which is the issue. 5. Childhood Experiences: Frequently while working on a specific emotion, a related childhood experience will flash to mind. We may need to switch to those, and, after having collapsed the various emotions associated with the various aspects of that experience, come back to our primary present issue. 6. Resistance to Change: We may have beliefs and needs that conflict with our need to free ourselves. Thus, we have a type of psychological reversal which needs to be addressed perhaps not only by rubbing the sore spot or tapping on the side of the hand, but also by doing complete rounds for the emotions or beliefs which are resisting our progress. In such cases, although the belief may be more obvious and accessible, it is better to discover the emotion created by that belief in order to employ EFT on. For this reason, after each belief we have placed a few possible emotions. Robert Elias Najemy - 40 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Some emotions or beliefs which may cause us to not want to let go of a particular emotion. 1. I have felt this way a long time and do not know what it will be like to be without this emotion. It will be like losing an important part of myself or of my life. We have become attached or addicted to feeling this way. Possible emotions:

a. Fear of unknown. b. Fear of being different than I am.