The Good, Righteous, Spiritual Person a. I am worthy and safe if I am or appear to be The Perfect, Capable, Strong Person a. I am worthy and safe if I am or appear to be The Victim, Abused, Unjustly Persecuted a. Others create my reality; they are to blam

Robert Elias Najemy - 131 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Frustration because of lack of intimate physical contact. Injustice because we are alone. Unhappy without the pleasure of a love partner. Alienated from the others, because they are together. Jealousy towards those who have happy relationships. The part that prefers not to be committed to a love relationship may feel the following when that need is intimidated. a. Fear of losing our freedom b. Fear of being hurt. c. Fear of being abandoned. d. Fear that the other knows us well, shehe will not want to be with us. Fear of being vulnerable. Stay in My Present Job or Change It 1. The part which wants to stay in our present job might feel the following emotions when it thinks about leaving a. Insecurity whether we will make it financially. b. Fear that we will not find what we want. c. Fear that we might regret doing this. d. Fear of how others will perceive us if we do not succeed in our new effort. e. Fear of making a mistake

2. The part which would like to move on to another job might feel some of the following

emotions when it thinks about staying indefinitely at our present job. a. Boredom and lack of interest. b. Suppression that we have to do something which does not fulfill us anymore. c. Injustice that we cannot do what we really want to do with out lives. d. Self-rejection because we do not have the “guts” to leave. e. Jealousy towards those who have jobs which they love. f. Anger with those who in some way are “preventing” us from leaving. When we work with inner conflicts in this way, we free each part of ourselves from our conflicting emotions and natural healthy solutions will flow effortlessly to the surface. The information below might be useful. An Abbreviated List of Some Basic Personas Here we supply you with a short list of roles or personas and their core beliefs. We have grouped the personas under various names. Perhaps, in some cases, only one or two of the names might be applicable.

1. The Good, Righteous, Spiritual Person a. I am worthy and safe if I am or appear to be

good, righteous or spiritual.

2. The Perfect, Capable, Strong Person a. I am worthy and safe if I am or appear to be

perfect, strong or capable.

3. The Victim, Abused, Unjustly Persecuted a. Others create my reality; they are to blame for

my situation. b. The wronged person is right and worthy because the wrongdoer is wrong and evil. c. I am not worthy of something better than this.

4. The Weak, Incapable, Fearful, Dependent, Child

a. I am not capable of coping with life by myself. b. Life is difficult.

5. The Guilty, Sinner, Bad, Unworthy a. I am guilty, unworthy, evil, a sinner.

b. I do not deserve love, acceptance or help from others or God.

c. I am in danger without protection, vulnerable to punishment

6. Th e Pa re nt, Te a ch e r, Sa v i o r, Responsible for others and everything

a. I am responsible for others’ reality, including their happiness, health, security, success, well being. b. Others cannot proceed or take care of themselves without me. c. If others are not well, I am to blame and have failed.

7. The Rebel, Reactionary, Challenger, Competitor

a. My freedom is in danger. b. I must fight for my freedom, safety or self- worth. c. I actually need others.

8. The Intelligent, Informed, Superior, Counselor

a. He who knows more is superior. b. If I show them that I know more than they do, they will love me and I will be worthy and safe. Robert Elias Najemy - 132 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional

9. The Indifferent, Irresponsible, Free- Moving, Disruptive, Insensitive, Lazy

a. Whoever has responsibilities and or does not fulfill them is in danger.

b. I will suffer or fail if I take on responsibilities.

10. The Intimidator, General, Dictator, Aggressor, Abuser

a. My safety and or self worth are in danger. b. I must protect myself and others in the battle of life. c. Power and aggression are the solutions.

11. The Interrogator, Critic, Mr. Right a. I am worthy when others are wrong.