When we started her guilt was 10. b. She also felt sorrow for her son. Pain and abandonment from God for not helping her to discover this earlier. We worked on the guilt of having thrown a child in the river When this also came down, I asked her what sh

Robert Elias Najemy - 48 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional

3. The panic attacks which were much less but still occasionally there.

As we were working on these three issues, which seemed all related to that one suicide attempt experience, her symptoms of coldness and weakness appeared in her body. We worked directly on these symptoms until her feelings about them dropped to zero and then the symptoms disappeared. This is very common. We actually feed our symptoms when we fear and do not accept them. When we accept them, they recede. We worked a little more bringing all the aspects down to zero as she focused her son in front of her as she made the suicide attempt and the physical symptoms, which she had then. She left ten emotional pounds lighter, but still had issues to work with.

11. Guilt about son’s cancer

Gina, a pediatrician, felt guilt about her son’s serious skin cancer because she felt that, as a doctor, she should have seen it coming and taken corrective actions much earlier.

a. When we started her guilt was 10. b. She also felt sorrow for her son.

We tapped for the guilt and when it came down to about a 5 and then I asked if there was any other feeling. She answered, pain and sorrow for her son. We worked on this, which then brought up:

c. Pain and abandonment from God for not helping her to discover this earlier.

She then had a memory, which she believes is from a past life in which she threw a child into a river causing its death. And now she believes she deserves what is happening for this reason.

d. We worked on the guilt of having thrown a child in the river

So now we have EFT for past life emotions. Even if it is not true, it exists in her mind and needs to be dealt with

e. When this also came down, I asked her what she was feeling and she answered, I feel like I am

trying to get into a circle but cannot. I intuitively asked her, Do you miss feeling guilty? She answered, Yes This guilt had been a part of her life and now she was looking for it.

f. So we tapped for the “need to feel guilty.” Comment:

This is an important form of resistance towards freeing ourselves from emotions and it needs to be addressed. We become addicted to emotions such as fear, guilt, anger, injustice and pain. I actually hypothesize that each of these emotions creates a specific hormonal – chemical - energy state, which becomes a habit or addiction and when we do not get our dose, we seek to create the circumstances to feel that familiar feeling. We all know people who seem to be looking to be rejected or hurt and will find any reason to be so. Others may need their weekly, weekend or monthly “dose” of conflict, anger or suffering. We describe how to work with these forms of resistance in other chapters. The next time I saw Gina, although she was still sad about her son, she was free from the guilt. I usually ask people to support their new state by asking, why do you not feeling guilty any more?, just to check to see if an insight or realization has been made. Her answer was, This was my state of evolution. It was all that I could do. She had realized and accepted this simple truth which we all logically know, but cannot experience because of our disturbed energy fields.

11. Fear of public speaking Lena had an intense fear of public