They tend to gossip. 8. They also engage in extramarital relationships. They are not home often enough which for some men means – “always”. They are not taking enough care of the home. Emotions which might obstruct our love Fear of being alone in life. No

Robert Elias Najemy - 118 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional observations have been made in a Mediterranean society and may, of course, differ from yours.

1. They are not understanding enough. 2. They are not sensitive to feelings and needs.

3. They are not affectionate enough. 4. They tend to ignore sexual foreplay and are

quick to ejaculate and lose their sexual interest before the woman is satisfied.

5. They do not communicate enough. They do not express their feelings and thoughts.

6. They do not pay enough attention to their wives.

7. They do not spend enough time at home with the children.

8. They do not help with order and cleanliness of the home.

9. They do not appreciate the work involved in keeping up the home or in bearing and bringing

up children, and do not compensate this contribution to family life .

10. They make decisions about work and life without regarding the woman’s or the family’s


11. They are not monogamous and engage in extramarital relationships.

Men’s Complaints About Women 1. Women complain, criticize and nag too much.

2. They try to control and suppress men. 3. They are seldom happy.

4. They tend to withhold sex as a punishment or a form of blackmail.

5. They do not think logically, but emotionally. 6. Their emotions are not predictable and change

quickly, especially due to hormones during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

7. They tend to gossip. 8. They also engage in extramarital relationships.

9. They are not home often enough which for some men means – “always”.

10. They are not taking enough care of the home. Emotions which might obstruct our love

relationships These differences and resulting confusion and conflicts are created by our childhood programming about men, women and the relationships between them. Those messages were received through statements we had heard or, in many cases, through observing our parents and other role models. Some of our negative emotions, needs and beliefs about relationships might be:

1. Fear of being alone in life. Not a good reason to be in a relationship

2. Fear that my life has no purpose if I am not in a love relationship.

3. Self-doubt and fear of what others will think if I am not in a relationship.

4. Fear of losing my freedom. 5. Need to compete for power and who is right.

6 . Need to control others or fear of being controlled.

7. Fear of being ourselves because we may not be loved.

8. Fear that the other might cheat on us. 9. Fear of abandonment.

10. Insecure without the other. 11. Socially unacceptable without the other.

12. Need to prove I am right and the other is wrong.

13. Fear that I am not worthy of love. 14. Fear that I am not enough to keep the other.