Was there someone, who got angry with you, scolded you, rejected you or accused you? Who Were there people who fought among themselves or rejected or hurt one another? Have you ever experienced the feeling of abandonment Perhaps because of the death or

Robert Elias Najemy - 120 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Chapter Twenty -Five Healing Childhood Experiences with EFT EFT is an extremely powerful way to free ourselves from the emotional charge of childhood events and situations, whether traumatic or not. Such “energy psychology” techniques are a revolution and a blessing, allowing us to defuse childhood experiences quickly and painlessly. Often when working on present issues, we are likely to be linked to childhood experiences, which need to be resolved before our present sensitivities can be healed. Thus we need to be proficient at this process. Note: Please refer to the message at the end of this chapter about precautions necessary when dealing with suppressed intensely charged childhood emotions. The first step is to make a list of the emotions, beliefs or experiences, which need to be dealt with. In order to help you with that, we have listed some of the more common disturbing childhood experiences. Possible Childhood Experiences Following you will find a list of possible childhood experiences. Perhaps they may not have occurred exactly as described here, but they may have been similar. Also, they may remind you of something else. These childhood experiences may have created a mistaken, inferior image of ourselves, others and life in general. Wherever the questions refer to your parents or other persons in your childhood, think not only of your parents, but also of grandparents, stepmothers, stepfathers, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, cousins, teachers and other people who existed in your life as a child and up to the age of 18. Chose from these and any other experiences, which you believe may have caused you, as a child, to develop false beliefs or emotions around some issues. Make a mark next to those you would like to work with. For each experience, you will want to discover: What emotions did you feel then as a child? What beliefs about yourself, others and life were created in your mind then as a child? What were your unfulfilled needs at that time? 1. Was there someone, who got angry with you, scolded you, rejected you or accused you? Who and when? 2. Were there people who fought among themselves or rejected or hurt one another? Who and when?

3. Have you ever experienced the feeling of abandonment Perhaps because of the death or

separation of parents? Were you ever left alone, or felt that others didn’t understand you or were distant – aloof, or that there was no support? When? By whom? How? 4 . Did you ever feel the need for more affection, tenderness or expression of love? From whom and when during which periods? 5. Were there persons in your environment who were often ill or who spoke often of illness? Who and when? 6 . Did you ever experience the feeling of humiliation in the presence of others or in connection with others? In which cases? 7. Were you ever compared to others as to whether you were less or more capable or worthy? To whom, in which instances and in connection with which abilities or character traits? 8. Have you ever lost a loved one? Who and when? 9. Did anyone ever approach you sexually without your consent? Robert Elias Najemy - 121 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional 10. Were you ever aware of your parents or anyone else making love? Who and when? How did you feel and what did you think?

11. Did your parents ever state that you were the only reason they continued staying together and

that that had been a big sacrifice on their part? Or, did they ever tell you they have sacrificed a great deal for your sake, and that you are indebted to them? Who? When? About what matters? What exactly do you owe them? 12. Did they ever accuse you of being the cause for their unhappiness or illness or problems?