As human beings we are basically c o n s c i o u s n e s s that is comprised of ever These fields are continuously interacting and affecting each other. Our beliefs create our thoughts that are actually energy fields, which create our emotions. Our th

Robert Elias Najemy - 144 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional The Miracle of TFT On the other hand, now we see that by simply tapping on certain acupuncture points while focusing on the disturbing thought-field and without making any attempt to change our beliefs, we are freed from long lasting extremely intense emotions such a phobias and the pain of the loss of loved ones. As the freedom from the emotion takes place immediately, simply by tapping on certain acupuncture points, we are forced to conclude that, the energy field related to this emotion which is affected by the tapping on these points must be the direct or at least intervening cause of the emotional reaction. I chose the word intervening cause here, because without the original thought, there would be no disturbance. In some cases, without actually being consciously aware of the thought-field, we may experience a continual subconscious disturbance in the body’s energy field, which often leads to psychosomatic or even psychological illness. A Unifying Theory In order to explain my perception of these basic systems of psychotherapy I would like to make a number of hypotheses, which you are free to accept or reject. I welcome comments for and against my evolving perception of what is happening. Basic Premises The basic premises presented here are not discussed and explained in full. If you are interested in a more detailed analysis you can contact me.

1. As human beings we are basically c o n s c i o u s n e s s that is comprised of ever

changing and interacting mental, emotional, energy and physical fields.

2. These fields are continuously interacting and affecting each other.

Thoughts are Energy Fields 3. Each thought itself is in reality an energy field, which, when charged in a certain way, becomes what we experience as an emotional field. This emotional field also affects our energy field, thought field and our physical body psychosomatic illnesses.

4. Our beliefs create our thoughts that are actually energy fields, which create our emotions.

5. Our thoughts are energy fields which, when charged with intensity, create an emotional

reaction and resulting physical phenomena. When the charge is removed, then the same thought has no emotional dimension. This charge is a result of the beliefs that create our thoughts. We will return to this. Consciousness-Mind-Energy-Body Continuum

6. Our consciousness, mind, energy and body are a continuum where any intervention or

disturbance at any level will create a corresponding change on the other levels of this continuum. Imagine a trough with water with various barriers made from mesh separating the trough into compartments, but there is still a wave communication between them through the common medium of the water. Wherever we make a disturbance, its effect is felt throughout all compartments in the trough. And, if at any point in this continuum of water we intervene with some type settling effect, this creates peace in all the other compartments. In the continuum of our being, we tend to think of the body, energy, thoughts and beliefs as separate, but in fact they are all “compartments” of consciousness. Any intervention on any level affects all the other levels.

7. We can change our thought-field by tapping on the acupuncture points, thus changing the energy