We focus on the thought stimulus, emotion or physical phenomenon which brings forth the We measure how intense our feeling or pain is from 0 - 10. This is called the SUD Then we tap on certain acupuncture points on the face, chest and hands. There are T

Robert Elias Najemy - 12 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional discovery because he actually cured his patients in one or two sessions and did not have to see them over and over. Neither would people say, “look this is something which previously would have taken 20 visits, so please let me pay you accordingly.” Additionally, it is probable that many of those problems would not have been cured at all with other methods. This indicates the effectiveness of this system. How does it work ? For a more detailed analysis of how this discovery was made you can refer to Dr. Callahan’s site http:www.tftrx.com or Gary Craig’s site http:www.emofree.com where you can order their books and videos. I will give my own interpretation or “unifying theory” of why this works in a later chapter. In 1980, Dr. Callahan had a patient, Mary, they have both appeared on national TV a number of times to tell this story who had an extreme fear of water. She could not even watch it on TV and was afraid when it rained. They had been working on this problem for a year and had come to the point of getting Mary to Dr. Callahan΄s home to sit far from the pool and analyze what she was feeling and how she could overcome this. According to Dr. Callahan, their only accomplishment was that Mary discovered that she could withstand much more pain than she knew. She never stopped feeling intense fear. One day she was suffering intensely because of her presence near the water and she also mentioned that her abdominal area was hurting her. A natural reaction when we feel fear. That was a crucial moment in history, because Dr. Callahan remembered that there was an acupuncture point for the stomach meridian just on the cheekbone and he asked her to tap there. She tapped only a few times and looked up and said, “it’s gone”. Dr. Callahan had no idea what she meant and what was happening. Not only was her stomach pain gone but also her fear. She got up and approached the pool with no fear whatsoever. Today her fear is still gone What could not be accomplished by a year of weekly psychotherapy meetings with one of the most accomplished psychologists in the country was achieved in less that 30 seconds by tapping on the cheek bone. Dr. Callahan did not know how to interpret and integrate what had happened. It took him a number of years and dedicated research to gradually create the most powerful therapeutic tool known. For details of that process you can refer to his books, cassettes, videos and courses. S0 what is this system? It is simple.

1. We focus on the thought stimulus, emotion or physical phenomenon which brings forth the

unpleasant emotional or physical problem such as fear, hurt, anger, guilt or some physical pain.

2. We measure how intense our feeling or pain is from 0 - 10. This is called the SUD

Subjective Units of Disturbance. Zero means no disturbance at all. Ten means we are feeling the maximum intensity we can imagine. Considering our present frame of reference.

3. Then we tap on certain acupuncture points on the face, chest and hands. There are

also other aspects to this procedure we will explain later. Tapping on the acupuncture points initiates the flow of energy through the energy channels or meridians, thus correcting the disturbance in the energy field associated with that problem.

4. Then we again check our SUD or intensity of feeling. If it has not gone to 1 or zero then we tap

on these points again.

5. We keep doing this tapping, checking how we feel, until the problem disappears.

That is basically all there is to it. Employing it, however, requires more detailed knowledge of what to do. This will be covered in this book. The concept is that when we are focused on the particular thought which bothers us, then the p a r t i c u l a r d i s t u r b e d e n e r g y p a t t e r n “perturbation” according to Dr Callahan or “disruption in the body’s energy system” according to Gary Graig associated with this thought is present and predominant in our body’s Robert Elias Najemy - 13 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional energy system. This creates our emotional and physical state. Gary’s explanation is: “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” When we tap on these acupuncture points, we are affecting and releasing the flow in that field and thus removing the blockages and disturbances which were creating the emotion andor physical problem. Sometimes this correction is only temporary, but usually it is permanent. EFT or TFT ? If Dr. Callahan is the founder, why are we studying his student’s, Gary Craig’s, system and not Dr. Callahan’s? They are basically the same system. The differences are slight. Sequence: 1. Dr. Callahan believes that it is essential to tap on certain points in a specific order that is determined by his diagnostic testing approach using arm strength testing or “Voice Technology” Both are beyond the scope of this book.

2. Gary Craig has found that he can get the same results by tapping on 12 specific points while