We began with guilt for saying she was pregnant, when she was actually not. That went Melancholy - slight depression. Eight to zero. Something else, which she was unable to explain what it was, other than it was centered in

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19. Knot in throat, anger, guilt and pain. Donna had an annoying blockage in her

throat. She was unsure about remaining with her husband who had left her and now wanted to return. She was also angry with herself, because she had made a decision to leave him, but did not.

a. We tapped first for her anger at her husband. This brought up other issues, which we

then worked on. b. Anger with her husband who because of his ramblings had brought into their bed an aphrodisiacal illnesses, which their two-year- old daughter, who sometimes slept with them, contracted.

c. Anger at her husband because he wasn’t working and bringing any money into the home.

This brought up: d. Guilt for exposing her child to this horrible disease. e. Shame because the doctors were wondering how the child could contract such a disease. She had quite a crisis and cried for about ten minutes. While working on each of these, we went back and forth between her emotions and the pain in the throat as a basic frame of reference for the disturbance. It came down and disappeared. She felt much better. But I have the feeling that there is more work to be done on other related issues.

20. Knot in throat, fear of death and guilt about drinking.

Susan also came with a knot in her throat. She also had a fear of death after her father’s death and considerable anxiety. We went through the following aspects in this series: a. Knot in the throat. b. Tightness in jaws. c. Sadness d. Anger e. Guilt f. Pain in the head g. Difficulty in Breathing h. At this point even though she was feeling much better, she noticed a voice in the back of her mind - the doubt, “This cannot work for me, I cannot get better.” We worked on this feeling and that brought us to: i. Guilt about drinking three glasses of wine a day j. Fear of dying, because of drinking Then, we worked on her “addiction” to drinking and asked her to do EFT at home both for the need to drink and also for the guilt about drinking.

21. Anger and guilt for having “trapped” her husband with a lie.

Paula had simultaneous feelings of anger and guilt towards her husband. She had been suppressing a secret for 35 years. She had told him she was pregnant so that he would marry her when in fact she was not pregnant. Now she had very confused feelings. She had a depression and was taking pills for that and also to help her sleep for the last three years.

a. We began with guilt for saying she was pregnant, when she was actually not. That went

from five to zero in a few rounds. b. Disappointment in him and the way he deals with life. From five to zero. c. Anger with him. Five to zero.

d. Melancholy - slight depression. Eight to zero.

e. Something else, which she was unable to explain what it was, other than it was centered in

her chest area went from ten to three. Our time ran out. I saw her a month later. She was totally free from the depression and had not taken her pills since the day of our meeting. She said that she simply forgot to taken them. She was feeling much better about her husband. All this was the result of one hour’s work. Comment: We do not suggest that you stop taking any medication without permission from your doctor, psychologist or psychotherapist. Robert Elias Najemy - 53 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Chapter Nine EFT and Overcoming Fear in Order to Experience Total Freedom We Have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself Franklin Theodore Roosevelt Indeed fear is our greatest obstacle to happiness, peace and fulfillment on a personal, social and international level. All anger, hatred, prejudice, aggression, violence, and war can be ultimately attributed to fear. For this reason, we are dedicating a separate chapter to fear. If we want to be free, loving and happy beings or if we want to grow spiritually we will need to overcome all fears. Now, with EFT we can do this quite easily. Fear is the Mother of All Negative Emotions The various expressions of fear have different names such as insecurity, anxiety, concern, weakness, worry, inability, confusion, fear itself, depression, denial, shock, hysteria, panic, paralysis, anger, hate, rage, aggressiveness, violence and jealously, etc. From the moment we relinquished the security of our mother’s womb and had our umbilical cord cut, we experienced separation, isolation, insecurity and fear. We fear for our bodies and personalities, because we know they are vulnerable and mortal. Out of fear, we seek to create some sense of security by ensuring that we have “sufficient” people, money, and objects, as well as a professional and social position, etc. in our lives. Then we experience a second level of fear: the fear that we might not be able to hold onto everything we have acquired. We might lose them to death, decay or change. We fear not having what we need in order to feel secure and happy. We fear losing these things when we do have them. We fear others who might take these things from us. We fear change that might make them disappear. We fear death, which means losing all this. Some Types of Fears There are literally thousands of various manifestations of fear. We can fear just about anything our imagination allows. Let us list just a few, while remembering that they all stem from the basic fear of pain, rejection or extinction of the ego or its various attachments. Our most common fears are:

1. Rejection 2. Failure