She needed his acceptance because without it She would have to work more to gain the acceptance of the community. They will not forgive me. h. I feel like I will be losing my self-worth if I Are afraid that the other will not respond. b. Still need some

Robert Elias Najemy - 44 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional e. They are using me and abusing me. Then, when we brought all of the above to 2 or less, I asked her to imagine giving the money, avoiding the bankruptcy and tell me what she felt. She answered, f. I feel that I am stupid - a fool to pay this and that I will lose my self-worth if I pay them. We then worked with, “Even though I feel that I lose my self-worth if I pay them..” When that came down to zero, I then asked her how she felt and what she wanted to do. She answered, simply The easiest thing to do is to pay them and relax.” This is so indicative of EFT. She was sleepless, in agony and even vomited with the idea of working on it, and, she is now telling me, “the easiest thing to do is to pay what I owe” This option was there all the time She had the money. It was no big deal. She simply didn’t want to be the fool and let them get what they wanted. When she overcame that, she was free. Although she had the money all the time, she was obstructed by her fear of losing her self-worth. The next day she came in beaming and expressed her gratitude that she had become free from this emotional and physical ordeal. She had slept deeply and was beaming all day long.

4. Anger at brother in law

Suzan’s husband had died four months earlier from cancer. She was very angry with his brother because he was behaving in a way which caused her and her husband and children to experience pain and injustice during and after her husband’s painful illness and death. We started with her a. Anger and then b. Hate This surprisingly became c. Jealousy because he and his wife were living a fine life and were accepted and respected by the community. This lead to the: d. Need to expose him to the community so that everyone could see who he really was. This then lead us to the realization that:

e. She needed his acceptance because without it

f. She would have to work more to gain the acceptance of the community.

She feared losing the village’s acceptance because of her negative relationship with him and his wife who used to a be very good friend of hers. After working on these, when I asked her about how she felt about forgiving them, the answer was,

g. They will not forgive me. h. I feel like I will be losing my self-worth if I

forgive them and they do not accept. We worked on these until she felt okay regardless of the community’s beliefs and her brother in law’s behavior. Suzan came down to a zero on all aspects of this issue. Comment: What comes up here is that we often find forgiveness difficult when we:

a. Are afraid that the other will not respond. b. Still need something from the other, which we

fear we will not get. c. Believe that such forgiveness would make the other think that he or she is right and thus we are wrong.

d. When we do not want to confront our feelings of fear.

I received an email from Suzan about a month later with the following message. The brackets are mine for clarification. Dear Robert, I want you to know how grateful I am to you for teaching me a treasure EFT that has been doing miracles to me. It is such a quick and easy remedy, such an easy way of relieving oneself from any unwanted feeling. To be specific, on the day I saw you, and later in the evening, my elder daughter noticed a change in me. She noticed I was calmer than usual and more relaxed. The fear I had from meeting brother in law and his wife or popping into the village, has diminished. They were around on Saturday, but I was very relaxed and free from the very negative feelings I had before. Five days later, I knew that they were going to be at a certain party with me along with around 25 people from the same circle. Robert Elias Najemy - 45 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional The group is small, and this irritated me and made me a bit worried. So, I thought of the exercise and the tapping. I did that around four times moving from one feeling to the other, just the same way you did with me. I had such a nice evening, lots of self-confidence, and lots of thinking of you. Thank you. I do believe in your way EFT. I believe it can change lives. It has started changing mine already.

5. Fear of riding in an elevator