If I am feeling used, then I am not giving from my heart but I am seeking something in return. There are times when the greatest help we can offer is to allow the other to stand on hisher own Others will continue to love me even if I cannot at times respo

Robert Elias Najemy - 101 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional

i. If I am feeling used, then I am not giving from my heart but I am seeking something in return.

j. There are times when the greatest help we can offer is to allow the other to stand on hisher own

two feet.

k. Others will continue to love me even if I cannot at times respond to their requests.

l. Life gives me exactly what I need at every moment, so that I can learn my next lesson in my

growth process. A possible I-message to a Victim “Dear, I want you to know that I love and care for you and want very much for you to be happy, healthy and satisfied in your life. I want that very much. However, I am beginning to realize that I cannot create that for you. I realize now that I have been feeling responsible for your reality and sometimes guilty because you are not as happy and satisfied, as both you and I would like you to be.” “I now realize that I do not help you by feeling responsible or guilty. These feelings just make me angry with you when you do not do what you could be doing to create a happier life for yourself, or do not see how wonderful your life really is. This happens especially when you focus on what you do not have, rather than all the wonderful things you do have.” “Thus I am no longer going to try to create your happiness or get your approval through your expression of satisfaction. I am going to love you and offer you whatever I can, without doing more than I believe I should and without getting angry with you because you are not satisfied.” “Is there something you would like to share with me concerning this?” Making the Change This epilogue is for this and the next three chapters about the roles we play. Parallel with our employment of EFT on all negative emotions, which are provoked by the other’s behavior, we can also include the following.

1. One very good way to start is to share with the others in a loving and non-critical way, what we