You have the same worth, wisdom, strength, and rights as the two eternal souls who played the Whatever others did to harm you was out of ignorance or fear. Your parents were once children who were programmed by their parents.

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10. There is a Divine Power, which guides you from within.

11. There is within you an all-wise voice that leads you correctly in your life. Follow it.

12. You have the right and the responsibility to express your inner strength and beauty creatively.

13. You deserve love and respect from everyone, regardless of your appearance, social position,

profession, knowledge, achievements and what others think of you.

14. Your self-worth is the same as that of every other soul, no more no less.

15. No one else can create or be responsible for your happiness, health or success.

16. You can help others, but you cannot create or assume responsibility for their happiness, health

or success.

17. You are an eternal, divine consciousness in the process of developing the ability to express the

beauty that exists within you.

18. Everything is Divine. Every single thing on this planet is an expression of the one universal

consciousness - you are no exception 19. It is not necessary to live your life according to the convictions or expectations of your parents or others. Love, respect and help them, but live according to your principles, needs and convictions.

20. Your parents are two eternal souls in a process of evolution who you selected to play

these roles in this incarnation. Your only real parent is God.

21. You have the same worth, wisdom, strength, and rights as the two eternal souls who played the

role of your parents.

22. Whatever others did to harm you was out of ignorance or fear.

23. Your parents were once children who were programmed by their parents.

Important Note: Some of us may have emotionally charged memories stored in our subconscious. We need to release these from our energy system in order to create health, happiness, peace, clarity, evolution and harmonious relationships. Working with them, in some cases, may temporarily bring to the surface some unpleasant or disturbing feelings. We are, of course, experiencing these negative energies subconsciously and psychosomatically anyway. Not dealing with them would be like knowing there is a fire in our cellar and refusing to go down and put it out because that would be unpleasant and we would get temporarily dirty. But that unattended fire will soon find its way to our bedroom and living room and our whole house. So denial and avoidance are not the solution. Some guidelines for proceeding would be: 1. If you are going to work with your childhood experiences or any other intense emotions and especially depression, you should have an experienced guide for this work. Someone whom you trust and have access to if you need help. Do not do such work immediately before sleeping, driving or important meetings. Thanks to Gary Craig’s work with this, you can work “Hypothetically” and then directly with the charged experience. First without closing your eyes or in any way trying to relive your negative experience, ask yourself, “ IF I were to come into experiential and emotional contact with this memory, how disturbed would I feel?” So here you take an “Hypothetical SUD”. Then employ as many rounds of Hypothetical EFT as you need to get the Hypothetical SUD to 3 or less. Now actually close your eyes and seek to remember the event as vividly as you can and see where your real SUD is and continue to employ EFT on the emotions you have when in direct emotional contact with the event. Continue to work with any other aspects, which might come up. Our experience is that having worked with the Hypothetical SUD for a number of rounds we have actually corrected to a great degree the actual energy field. Thus we have an almost painless way of getting from these inner obstacles to health, peace, happiness and success. Robert Elias Najemy - 126 - Remove Pain – Physical and Emotional Working with Childhood experiences with EFT 1. Make a list of the events, situations, beliefs or emotions which you would like to free yourself from. 2. Now, for each experience, seek to understand the emotions you had then. 3. Now for each aspect of each experience we will need to determine, to the best of our ability, what emotions we were or are feeling and what the SUD emotional charge is. 4. Chose an aspect and specific emotion that you would like to begin with. 4. Now we are ready to employ EFT on this emotion or aspect. As we remove this, it is likely that other emotions and aspects will come to the surface to be discharged.

1. We start with the primary emotion that we are feeling.